Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1144: What is the crime of hitting the elders?

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"Toast without eating fines is simply a boneless bone!" Seeing Lin Cai finally served, Chen Erli sneered. Free Novel Portal ||

"Chen Er! You pigs and dogs are inferior, don't you forget how miserable our family owners were at that time? If you didn't have Chen Yi's family owners, your stinky skin sac had already fed the stray dogs!" Chen Xiong's heart was extremely fool Then, listening to Chen Er's remark, it was even more filled with indignation, and pointedly scolded at Chen Er on the spot.

"Bah! You don't tell me that these are useless! I only know that Chen Yi and you guys are all traitors of my Chen family. They are sinful things that deserve to die!" Chen Er scolded for a while, I did n’t feel relieved enough. I looked back at Lin Caidao and said, "Grandpa, these guys are all stubborn and stubborn. Only after you ran this trip, did he hand him over the Jingtian store and spare him? I think so It's too cheap for him! "

Lin Cai looked cold and his voice was cold and cold, "Then remove his arm!"

"I think any of you dare!"

Seeing that Chen Er and Lin Cai were embarrassed and committed the murder of Chen Xiong, could Zhang Yongyan just ignore it? With a loud slam, he straightened his arms and stood in front of Chen Xiong.

Chen Er's eyes squinted and said coldly, "You are not a good thing either. There is no uncle in your eyes and you have committed a crime of great disrespect! Even if you do not stand up, the uncle will not spare you! This son, The two will be left to you to dispose of! "

Chen Er also knew that he was not Zhang Yong's opponent. As for Lin Cai, it was a fancy thing. Even Wan Dong could simply rely on Wan Dong as a follower.

"Then you come! My Zhang Yong can't beat you, but even if I can't beat you, I have to splash your blood before I die!" Zhang Yong was really out at this time, no matter how many, he directly confronted Wandong.

"Hey ... things that are out of reach, obviously not opponents of others, but they still want ..."


Before Chen Er's words were finished, Wan Dong couldn't help it anymore and suddenly kicked. Not to mention that Chen Er is only the first stage of Xuan marks, even if he is the first stage of Tiange, in the face of Wan Dong's unexpected foot, there is no possibility of avoiding it.

If he hadn't spoken yet, all his brains were turned into screams. His whole person, even at Wandong's foot, flew more than twenty or thirty feet, just like the football that was shot hard.

Chen Cai's body is sturdy, but he can't stand Wan Dong's strong foot. Before the figure had fallen to the ground, a blood arrow spurted several feet high. When the figure hit the ground heavily, the blood flowed from his mouth like a river. 77nt.Com Qianqian Novel Network (updated by 92Ks.Com in this chapter), the whole person lay there and rolled his eyes. After a long time, the first cry was made, which is more than the sound of killing pigs It's also miserable.

This sudden scene directly caused the whole world to fall into a silent silence of falling birds and needles. The people present, Chen Xiong, Zhang Yong, Lin Cai, and those who watched, were counted as one, all stunned, stunned and shocked.

Especially for Zhang Yong, the whole person was stunned as if he had been acupunctured, and would not move. He had just been prepared to be knocked down to the ground, and even faced death. He never expected that Chen Er was lying on the ground in this blink of an eye.

Chen Xiong was also stupid at this time, staring blankly at Wan Dong, and doubted Wan Dong was a neuropathy. Help Chen Er for a while, and help him in turn for a while, this ... this is simply to play to his rhythm.

Lin Cai ’s expression was even more exciting. I just wished that my eyes could penetrate into Wan Dong ’s brain to see what he was thinking.

"Anyway, you are the last name Chen and the family of Chen! I will spare your life on this Chen word, but from then on, you can no longer stand up, lest you harm others and throw them away. The Chen family is embarrassed! "

Just as everyone's mind was shaking, Wan Dong said coldly.

As soon as Wan Dong's words came out, all the people came to understand that Wan Dong was standing on the Chen family, no, to be precise, he was on Chen Yi's side. Zhang Yong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, secretly feeling lucky, and also feel a bit wrong for his injury.

Chen Xiong is also full of joy, but at the same time he also has doubts in his heart. Wan Dong looked up and down n times, but still felt very strange. In the impression, the Chen family did not seem to have the character of Wan Dong.

"Your kid is also a member of the Chen family?" This is, Lin Cai also reacted, burst into a scream, and looked directly at Wandong.

Although Wan Dong kicked Chen Er out with a single shot, Lin did not believe that Wan Dong had the courage to boldly deal with him. Although he doesn't often stay at the Lin family, he can work for Lin Rulong all year round. Who doesn't know that he is Lin Rulong? Furthermore, this time Lin Rulong was able to get on line with the Chen family, and finally convinced the Chen family to rebel against Gui Lin, he can be said to have made a great contribution! Even if Lin dare not dare to say that he is the great celebrity of Lin Rulong and his predecessors, this time he will definitely be rewarded by Lin Rulong and even reused. In the future, his status in the Lin family will only be higher!

Therefore, Lin Cai has this confidence to face Wan Dong.

"Lin Cai, who is your kid?" Wan Dong suddenly smiled, and locked Lin Cai quietly.

Chen Er is the Chen family, Lin Cai is not, he has no scruples about Lin Cai! It's ridiculous that Lin didn't realize it, but he still wanted to use the strength of Lin Rulong to suppress Wandong.

"How about calling you !?" In the face of so many people, Lin Cai was even more reluctant to admonish him. When he stopped drinking, he couldn't let it go.


Lin Caizheng was ridiculed and waited to see what Wan Dong dared to say about himself. Unexpectedly, Wan Dong's slap, with no signs, suddenly fell on his face. Lin Cai only felt a burning sensation in his face that seemed to have been burned by a soldering iron. The whole person rose straight into the air, and after three laps in the air, he fell heavily on the ground.

Although Lin Cai is not as miserable as Chen Er, his mouth full of teeth has loosened at least two thirds. More importantly, Lin Cai was thrown into grandma's house.

Wan Dong dare to treat Lin Cai so rudely, but it really scared Chen Xiong and Zhang Yong. The two of them almost backstepped three steps back and forth. You look at me, I look at you, and you can hear each other's heartbeat like a drum.

Freedom, excitement, tension, worry ... All kinds of emotions, like a tide, flowed into my heart, and the two completely lost their calm on the spot.

"You ... how dare you ... how dare ..." Pointing to Wan Dong, Lin was so painful and angry, and every inch of skin, no bone was trembling.

"Stand up for me!" Wan Dong ignored Lin Cai's anger and said lightly. Although his voice was light, the majesty filled with it made Lin Cai tremble in his heart and almost stood up involuntarily. stand up.

"I ask you, what is your identity in Lin Fu?"

"I am ... wait, you really don't know who I am, I really don't know who I am doing for?"

"Where is so much nonsense !?"

"Okay, you're ruthless! I'm a disciple of the Lin family, what is your identity?" Seeing Wan Dong raised his palm again, Lin was suddenly stagnation, and there was a feeling that he had met the soldiers, even though he was angry. The root of the tooth is itchy, but it has to be soft.

"Outdoor disciple? Hahaha ..."

Wan Dong was stunned for a while, and then he couldn't help laughing out loud. He thought Lin Cai had to be a second-tier disciple anymore, otherwise he would be so arrogant. He didn't expect that he was just an outside disciple. Lin Cai ’s acting is not so good.

Suddenly laughed, Wan Dong's expression suddenly sharpened, and Shen Sheng asked, "I ask you, at the Lin's house, the disciples of the outer door collided with the elders, why do you think it was a crime?"

"Waimen disciples collided with the elders? Of course it was a death sentence! But what did you ask me?" Lin Cai froze for a moment before he answered.

"What? Hum ... Open your dog's eyes to see clearly, what is this !?" Then, Wan Dong's fiercely took out the elder token and held it up to Lin Cai's eyes.

Before Xi Lin responded, Chen Xiong and Zhang Yong on the side couldn't help but screamed "Elder Token !?"

"Ah !?" The exclamation of the two reached Lin Cai's ears, causing him to tremble like an electric shock, rubbing his eyes hurriedly and hard, and almost rubbing his eyes, almost dumb. With a trembling look up.

In terms of insights, working for Lin Rulong all year round, Lin Cai will naturally far outperform Zhang Yong and Chen Xiong. Even if they all recognize the Lin parents ’old token, will Lin not know it?

"This ... this elder token is fake, it must be fake!"

Lin Cai didn't believe that Wan Dong would be one of the Lin's elders, shouting like a rattle.

"Wait ... Isn't your Excellency Xu Yaoting who was recently promoted to elder by Lin's family? Elder Xu?"

Zhang Yong's eyes were bright at this moment, his eyes were shining, and his face was full of excitement and asked Wan Dong bowed down.

Wan Dong nodded with a smile, not to mention that he had misunderstood others, even for the sake of Sister Zhang Xueru, Wan Dong could not help but give him a face. Moreover, it is rare that Zhang Yong is so arrogant and desperate to protect the Chen family. Wan Dong is very kind to him.

"Sure enough! Hahaha ... That wouldn't be wrong! Lin Cai, you just returned to Linyang City. Of course, I do n’t know. Elder Xu is now the youngest elder of the Lin family, and it is also the grandfather of Lin. Linyangcheng people know everything, don't believe it, you can just ask someone to ask! "

In fact, there is no need to ask someone at all. As soon as Wan Dong showed his identity, the onlookers on the sidelines were already excited, praised and praised Wan Dong ’s words, and formed a big wave, and Lin had completely drowned it. Posture ... -by: dad856 | 55634 | 15005349->

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