Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1191: Chalcedony and Yinglong!

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"No ... Don't go! Come back!" Just when Mu Tong was annoyed, Lu Youlong stumbled over with Xiao Feifei's help, his face full of anxiety. [The current situation of Lu Youlong downloading free ferry search, I am afraid it is already a look back to the light.

"Senior Lu!" Mu Tong exclaimed in a hurry, and hurried forward to hug him with Xiao Feifei.

Lu Youlong asked anxiously, "Tong'er, Yaoting? Is he looking for the colorful divine light?"

Mu Tong said with a smile: "Senior Lu, my brother-in-law said that the colorful Shenguang is a sign that a rare fairy grass was born. He also said that if you get that fairy grass, you will be saved."

Unexpectedly, after listening to her, Lu Youlong's face not only did not have a little bit of joy, but it became more and more anxious, and even said, "It's bad, I know it, but it's still a step late." . "

Lu Youlong's expression made Mu Tong somewhat worried, and asked, "Senior Lu, it's a good thing that you saved it. How could it be bad?"

Lu Youlong shook his head again and again, "Tong'er, you don't know. On my mountain, there is indeed a very rare and precious fairy grass called chalcedony ..."

Is it from a Yipin family? Mu Tong has some knowledge. Before Lu Youlong finished his speech, he shouted with full of surprise. "I heard my father mentioned chalcedony. It took only one thousand years to germinate, only three thousand years to grow, and it only survived where the jade veins in the heavens, mountains and rivers gathered. It was full of aura and could live to death! I see your injury, a chalcedony can be completely cured . "

Mu Tong said more and more excited, but Lu Youlong's expression was more and more dignified, and finally he was bitter. "You only know one thing but not the other! I certainly know that this chalcedony can cure my injury, However, such a precious treasure as chalcedony must be guarded by extremely powerful fairy beasts. It is true that, where you grow chalcedony, such an extremely powerful fairy beast lurks. "

"Ah !? What kind of fairy beast?" Mu Tong really didn't know this, and was also surprised at the moment.

Lu Youlong shook, "For several years, I also wanted to find out what fairy beast was guarding chalcedony, but that fairy beast never came out easily. But the breath it radiated was enough to cover dozens of miles. And it ’s so powerful, I can conclude that I am by no means his opponent! "

"What !? You are not even the opponent of that fairy beast even Senior Lu?" Lu Youlong said, not only Mu Tong, but also Xiao Feifei, a little flustered.

"Good! And not only that, even if you defeated the fairy beast and got chalcedony, you must first make it into a pill before you can take it. Otherwise, with my current injury, there is simply no way to resist its fierce and fast. In other words, even if Yao Ting risked all the hardships and got the chalcedony, it did n’t make any sense. I did n’t have so much time to wait for the moment when chalcedony was made into pill. "

"Then ... what should we do, we have to stop my brother-in-law!" Mu Tong finally realized the seriousness of the matter, and his anxious voice shuddered.

"It's not too late, Feifei, we will rush over immediately, maybe it's too late!" Lu Youlong frowned.

"But your injury ..." Lu Youlong is now back to the light, Xiao Feifei does not know how long he can persist, his face is full of worry and sadness.

Lu Youlong was open-minded, waved his hand, and took a step. Although Xiao Feifei was heartbroken, he could only keep up in a hurry.

The location of chalcedony is outside the Great Mountain Formation and close to the mountainside. Lu Youlong knew that the fairy beast was so powerful, he didn't dare to encircle it. Once he launched his madness, Fengshan Great Array would be greatly destroyed.

Lu Youlong returned to the light, although his spirit was much better, but his energy could not be compared with usual after all, and he did not walk very quickly. A group of three people, who had not completely walked out of the Fengshan Formation, suddenly heard an unusually powerful and domineering dragon-yin, soaring into the sky, Shino shook with it.

"Does that ... that fairy beast is actually a dragon !?" This sound of the dragon stunned Lu Youlong, and his face changed wildly.

Mu Tong and Xiao Feifei's faces were immediately filled with horror and anxiety. But there is nothing that is not strong about the dragon beasts. Before waiting for the three men to come back from this Dragon Yin, a series of thunderous bursts of gas burst.

Lu Youlong could not help but whispered, "No! Yaoting is in danger, hurry!"

It's hard to imagine that only Wandong, the pinnacle of the earth wheel, can sustain for a long time under the might of the dragon beast, without Lu Youlong greeting, Mu Tong and Xiao Feifei have already accelerated their pace.

However, in fact, the three people are more worried. It wasn't Wandong who started with the Dragon Seed, but someone else.

"Xiao's surname, my wife was mistreated by you this time!" Ping Wu Niang waved again and again, blocking the dragon spirit that was approaching herself, and said fiercely at Xiao Zhenwei.

Xiao Zhenwei's situation was no better than Ping Wu Niang at this time, and even more embarrassed. The hundred-foot-long Ying Long poured 80% of his anger on his head. This is definitely a huge challenge for Xiao Zhenwei's old bones.

Xiao Zhenwei is already very hard, but also has to endure the complaints of Ping Wu Niang, a anger rises in his heart, shouting loudly, "It's nothing about me, I didn't let you follow me? Obviously you don't want to see me enjoy it alone Chalcedony, it's hard to follow, why did I hurt you? "


Seeing that Xiao Zhenwei even dare to talk back, Ping Wu Niang's anger was more intense, and her hands were pinched, so she had to be scolded. Unexpectedly, the dragon's incomparably thick tail suddenly swept over from behind her. Quickly, if it is compacted, Ping Wu Niang's well-maintained graceful figure will be scrapped on the spot.

Surprised, where can Ping Wu Niang still care about scolding? Quickly concentrating and raising his breath, the whole body is cultivated to the extreme, and the imperial court avoids it. At the same time, Xiao Zhenwei also sensed her danger, and her palms burst like a cramp, bursting into the air, slamming her palms together, like emptying the turbid waves, and slashing towards Ying Long's tail.

In a series of roaring sounds, Ying Long's tail was finally slowed down, and Ping Wuniang had just avoided it.

Before waiting for Wu Niang's breath to relax, Xiao Zhenwei scolded angrily, "When is the dead wife, when are you still spitting? I don't think you want to die!"

Of Xiao Zhenwei's words, of course, Ping Wu Niang didn't like to listen to it, but thinking of Xiao Zhenwei's desperate rescue of him, he pouted, and finally returned without scolding.

"What should I do now?" Ping Wu Niang stood up side by side, standing side by side with Xiao Zhenwei, looking at the slender figure, the whole body of Ying Ying, his expression dignified.

Xiao Zhenwei's white-browed eyebrows said, "Although I have thought that there must be a strong fairy guard next to the chalcedony grass, I did not expect it to be a dragon, but it should also be a powerful attacking dragon. With the cultivation of the two of us I ’m afraid I ca n’t help it. ”

Ping Wu Niang was unwilling to look at Ying Long who was under the firm protection of a tree about the size of the palm of his hand, white and flawless, as if carved from beautiful jade, which was constantly exuding the hazy grass. ? This is chalcedony, and it may not be able to meet one tree for thousands of years. "

"You, you, I don't know what to say about you. The life is important or the chalcedony is important, you can't tell the difference?"

"Okay, you old man's temper is really good, call me addicted, right?" After being robbed by Xiao Zhenwei one after another, Ping Wu Niang was a little uncomfortable, her eyes glared, showing a bit of fierceness.

Upon seeing Xiao Zhenwei, he was a little bit stunned and wanted to say something. At this time, he closed his mouth very wisely.

"What should I do now?" Xiao Zhenwei convinced Ruan'er, and Ping Wuniang's anger disappeared, asking.

Xiao Zhenwei glanced at Ying Long and said, "This animal doesn't care about our lives at all. It wants chalcedony. As long as we don't play chalcedony, it should not embarrass us. I Look, let ’s just go away! Once this animal is promoted to be a **** beast with the power of chalcedony, then the two of us were afraid that we could n’t go. ”

Although Ping Wuniang was extremely reluctant to give her chalcedony, she knew Xiao Zhenwei was right. It is never a good thing to delay melancholy. Can only stomped his feet in annoyance, bit his teeth, turned to leave.

Worried about Ying Long's unexpected behavior, Xiao Zhenwei did not dare to be as direct as Ping Wuniang. A pair of eyes stared at Ying Long, stepping back carefully. When he was sure, Ying Long would really not catch up, and then turned around.

However, just as Xiao Zhenwei and Ping Wu Niang were about to retreat at full speed, a windy figure suddenly rushed by.

"Who is it !?" Ping Wu Niang, who was walking in front of her, noticed and reacted earlier.

Wan Dong did not expect that there would be anyone here, and for a moment, he slowed down a little.

"Who are you?" Wan Dong knew that Lu Youlong would not be able to support it for a long time, and he only wanted to get the chalcedony grass as quickly as possible, and did not want to be entangled with Xiao Zhenwei and the Peaceful Wu Niang. And Wan Dong also can see that Xiao Zhenwei and Wu Niang's cultivation practices are not inferior to Que Wudao and Jin Feiyu, and they are very alert.

"What a rude boy!" Xiao Zhenwei rushed up with a deep look, his eyes widened, and he had a force of force that fell on Wandong's shoulder.

Wan Dong couldn't help but let out a wry smile. When did the strong man of the Shinto Peak Realm become so everywhere?

Wandong never wanted to anger the two, and Xiao Zhenwei's words were also reasonable, but what Wandong couldn't stand was Xiao Zhenwei's overwhelming style, a slight hum in his nose, a figure, and a sudden move forward One step out.

Don't look at Wan Dong's action is not very eye-catching, but it surprised Xiao Zhenwei and Wu Niang at the same time. Being able to withstand Xiao Zhenwei's coercion and take a step forward alone is enough to make Wan Dong stand out among his peers.

Xiao Zhenwei frowned, and was about to increase pressure on Wandong, but unexpectedly Wandong bowed down to them both, and at the same time said loudly, "The junior saw two seniors!" -by: dad856 | 55634 | 16356199->

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