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Until now, Xiao Feifei doesn't want to hide anymore, just about to open her mouth and tell her that she has fallen in love with Lu Youlong, Lu Youlong suddenly interjected, "Don't misunderstand, Feifei is a very kind girl She just sympathized with me, so she ... "

"No! Not like this!" Xiao Feifei shouted very excitedly before Lu Youlong's words were finished. Please add the classics | code | Book Friends New Group 9494-7767

Lu Youlong looked sad, looking at Xiao Feifei and said with pain, "Fifi, I am like this, why do you have to ..."

Xiao Feifei and Lu Youlong fall in love so deeply, how can they not understand what he is thinking? He just saw that he was dying, and Xiao Feifei had a good future. He didn't want her to be affected by her reputation, which hurt her family and hurt her life. What Xiao Feifei thought was the opposite. When Lu Youlong was alive, the two could only sneak in. She did n’t want Lu Youlong to be dead. The love between the two still could n’t see the light. This was too unfair to Lu Youlong, and she did n’t even want Lu Youlong. Take this great regret to end this life.

She hoped that she could be a monument to Lu Youlongshu, and she hoped that her name could be carved on that monument as her wife.

"Second Uncle, until now, I don't want to hide you anymore! I have fallen in love with Brother Long five years ago, and I hope you can fulfill us!"

Xiao Feifei said that Xiao Zhenwei's whole body was as if struck by lightning. His body shook, and he could not help but take a step back, and his face was slightly pale.

"Fifi, do you ... do you know what you are talking about? How can you be a woman of my Xiao family? How can you be mixed with such murderous devil heads as Lu Youlong? I think you are crazy!"

Xiao Feifei looked back at the landing Youlong, with tears in his eyes, "Yeah, maybe, but I never regret it! With Brother Long, I have never been happy!"

"Shut up!" Xiao Zhenwei couldn't hear it anymore, burst into a thud, and slapped heavily on Xiao Feifei's face. A line of dazzling blood immediately ran down Xiao Feifei's cracked mouth.

"Aunt Xiao!" Mu Tong was shocked and angry when he saw Xiao Feifei beaten. He stepped forward and pinched Xiaoman's waist with his right hand. He pointed at Xiao Zhenwei with his left hand and scolded angrily. "You old man, why beat someone! ? "

"Where's the wild girl, roll away!" Xiao Zhenwei was on his head at this moment, whether Mu Tong was cute or not, he burst into a thud, and Mu Tong's ears buzzed.

Mu Tong is small, but she is the real Miss Qianjin. From childhood to age, she has never been afraid of anyone. Do n’t look at Xiao Zhenwei ’s beard and stare, it seems very scary, but in the little girl, it ’s not at all. So easy.

"Let me go? I'm afraid you don't have that ability yet!"

"Find a fight!"

Xiao Zhenwei raised his hand to fight, and Ping Wu Niang, who was on the side, hurried forward to stop him, and looked at Mu Tong in amazement, saying, "Little girl, are you Miss Mu's Mu Tong?"

Mu Tong snorted coldly and said: "You still have a little eyesight, unlike this old man, it's just a blind eye!"

As soon as he heard Mu Tong's identity, Xiao Zhenwei's heart froze, and the rising anger in his heart weakened involuntarily.

However, Mu Tong came to the arrogance and was about to get angry, to get justice for Xiao Feifei, but Xiao Feifei pulled her, and shook her head with a sad face, "Tonger, if you really recognize me as an aunt, just Stop talking, this is my second uncle anyway! "

"Aunt Xiao, you are his second uncle, but is he your nephew? See how ruthless he slapped just now ... It's a cold-blooded animal with no heart and no lungs!"

Although Xiao Zhenwei listened to Mu Tong's words, he touched his heartstrings a little bit. Looking at Xiao Feifei's cracked lips and slightly swollen cheeks, Xiao Zhenwei couldn't help it.

In his life, he has devoted most of his energy to alchemy and cultivation. Until now, there is no heir under his knees. He always regarded Xiao Yuanshan's three children as his own, and among Xiao Gutao, Xiao Linhu and Xiao Feifei, Xiao Zhenwei's biggest pain was Xiao Feifei. If it wasn't because he was so angry, he would definitely not beat Xiao Feifei.

"That's the old guy, I think Miss Mu is right. No matter what you do, you shouldn't fight Feifei. Let me say that all these mistakes must be blamed on Lu Youlong. He must have used something mean. Means, confusing Feifei, he is really abominable! "

Xiao Zhenwei was disdainful to Lu Youlong. Hearing Ping Wuniang said, he felt extremely angry with Lu Youlong, and shot out of his way to kill in his eyes.

"Long, how do you want to die?"

"Second Uncle, if you must kill Brother Long, please kill me first!"

"Fei Fei, this surnamed Lu is murderous, how can you fall in love with him? You must have been blinded by his means and fell into his evil deeds!" Ping Wu Niang said as she approached Xiao Feifei, Taking advantage of Xiao Feifei's inattention, she slammed her pulse and forced Xiao Feifei to the side. At the same time, she screamed to Xiao Zhenwei, "Do not do it at this time, when will you wait?"

"Second Uncle, are you trying to force me to commit suicide on the spot?" Xiao Feifei was shocked and hurriedly struggling, but with her practice, where could she break free from the palm of Ping Wu Niang? Shouted in a hurry.

Xiao Zhenwei couldn't help but hesitate, Xiao Feifei's character was strong and stubborn from an early age. Once he had made up his mind, even the nine cows and two tigers wouldn't let her turn around.

Ping Wu Niang'e frowned, raised her hand violently, and chopped heavily on Xiao Feifei's back neck. Xiao Feifei's neck was crooked and she passed out.

"Slaughter Lu, Feifei will change his mind sooner or later."

Xiao Zhenwei nodded heavily, and then drove towards the landing with a pale face. Lu Youlong had already looked at life and death at this time, and seemed to feel Xiao Zhenwei's murderous indifference. He didn't care. Even his eyes did not fall on Xiao Zhenwei, but on the two giant dragons in the distance.

One black, one white and two dragons are still entangled in the air at this time, but with Lu Youlong's eyes, it can be seen that the white dragon is vaguely occupying the upper hand. No surprise, it must be the final winner. Although Lu Youlong did not know the origin of this white fire dragon, he could not feel the slightest evil and fierceness from this white fire dragon, which made his tight heartstrings slightly relax. If the white fire dragon finally wins, in his view, Xiao Feifei they are safe.

Moreover, with the support of Ping Wu Niang and Xiao Zhenwei, Lu Youlong can rest assured.

"Last name, are you going to be put to death?"

Seeing Lu Youlong ignoring himself completely, Xiao Zhenwei frowned and said with a deep voice.

"You bad old man, if you dare to hurt Senior Lu's hair, Ms. Swears that even if you are chasing the world, you will have no place to die!" Mu Tong, the girl, was really ruthless enough. It's so cruel, it makes people chill.

"Huh! Don't think you are Miss Mu Family, the old man will be afraid of you! The ninety-five family that my Xiao family is loyal to is not worse than your Mu family! Give me back!" , An invisible strong wind, immediately lifted Mu Tong, forcibly sent to more than ten feet away.

Thanks to the battle between Dinglong and Yinglong, they are now in a stalemate phase, not as shocking and majestic as before, otherwise Xiao Zhenwei's sending, must have Mu Tong's life.

"Senior Lu, you run away!"

In front of Xiao Zhenwei, the only thing Mu Tong can rely on is her identity, but Xiao Zhenwei is determined not to eat this set, and Mu Tong has no choice but to shout anxiously.

But now Lu Youlong is almost a living dead person. Even if he wants to escape, where can he escape?

"I have been murderous in my life, and I have expected it to be today. Being able to die in the hands of Xiao's family is a gift from heaven to me." Lu Youlong smiled slightly, his expression calm, but his eyes swept Xiao Feifei At that time, involuntarily glanced through a thick sorrow and pity.

This sight just fell into the eyes of Ping Wu Niang, and suddenly shocked his heart, secretly "Does this murderous devil really fall in love with Feifei?"

But when he changed his thoughts and thought of his brother again, Ping Wuniang shook her head and forcibly dispelled the thought from her heart.

"You're free and easy. Since that's the case, I will fulfill you!"

"Slow!" Xiao Zhen threatened to shoot, Wan Dong suddenly drank and slowly stood up.

A long breath suffocated, Wan Dong's heart was a little shocked. Just before he had a disordered breath and frequent dangers, he could still hear clearly what was happening beside him. It's just that I can't get up and want to stop it, but there is no way. Fortunately, at the last moment, Wan Dong straightened out everything, and it was Lu Youlong's destiny.

"Boy, do you have something to say?" Xiao Zhenwei turned to Wan Dong, Shen Mei said.

"Brother-in-law! If you want to kill Senior Lu, this bad old man, you must stop him!" Seeing Wan Dong getting up, Mu Tong was overjoyed, as if he saw hope again.

Wan Dong nodded his head and turned to Xiao Zhenwei, condensing, "You are the predecessor of the Xiao family, so I should call you grandpa. But after reading what you did, I think you are not worthy!"

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Zhenwei was furious and his face changed wildly.

Ping Wuniang couldn't help but say, "Young man, don't forget, we saved you just now."

"Joke! I'm afraid I should have saved you? Without my partner, you are already in the belly of Ying Long!"

"Your partner? That white dragon !?" Xiao Zhenwei reacted suddenly, and his face was immediately covered by an unbelievable shock.

The same is true for Ping Wuniang. The whole person seems to be stabbed and stiff.

Wan Dong laughed softly, and looked up at the Dinglong, who took the initiative a little bit. The excitement in his heart was beyond words. Dinglong is a well-deserved magic weapon that Xianzu personally refined. Before it has grown completely, it already has such a terrible combat power. When it reaches its peak, that kind of strength may be enough to sweep the door! -by: dad856 | 55634 | 16370399->

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