Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1216: Bloody thunder!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

If at ordinary times, with Ling Tianhua's cleverness, you can see through Ling Wushuang's trick at a glance, but in this near desperate situation, Ling Tianhua's heart has already been messed up.

"Tianhua, walk with no frost!"

Just when Ling Tianhua was almost completely desperate, Ling Gang suddenly gave a loud drink, and the drink was filled with a kind of decisiveness. Under this situation, it even showed a bit of domineering.

Ling Tianhua looked back with some surprise. I saw Ling Gang at this time, Tie Qing's face was full of a fearless and unstoppable momentum. He looked into the eyes of the strong man in purple clothes, even revealing a disdain, even ignoring it. Ling Tianhua didn't understand at all. At this moment, why did Ling Gang explode such a strong momentum, but deep inside his heart, there was an extremely ominous feeling flowing out.

"Huh! It's this time, are you still talking about dreams?" The strong man in purple clothes sneered, his face full of contempt.

"My Ling family has stood upright for hundreds of years, is it a bully? Today, I will die with you little fellows!"

Ling Gang screamed, his expression changed suddenly, the determination on his face turned into a terrifying murderousness, the golden light flashed in his eyes, and the sturdy blue tendons, like the dragon snake swimming away, were exposed and highlighted on his body. At the same time, the momentum exuded from Ling Gang was as if he were sitting on a rocket, suddenly surging upwards and violently, wanting to compete with the strong man in purple clothes.

"This is ..." The disdain and contempt on the face of the strong man in purple clothes immediately turned into a horror. At this time, he clearly felt a great threat from Ling Gang.

"No! Just elder, stop now!"

When the strong man in purple clothes was shocked, Ling Tianhua could not help but shouted in shock. Others don't know, but he is very clear. At this time, Ling Gang is performing a secret technique of the Ling family, called "Blood Thunder"! It is a kind of suicidal mystery that forcibly improves cultivation practice at the cost of life. It is like a self-defeating mysterious technique that is the same as the enemy whose cultivation practice is much higher than itself!

Hearing Ling Tianhua's exclamation, Ling Gang turned to look at him, condensing, "Tianhua, you and Wushuang must find a way to return to Ling's house, and plot the blood skeleton's conspiracy ***, then, I'm worthless my old life! "

"Just elder, you ... don't do anything stupid, stop and stop!" Ling Wushuang was even more grieved at this time, a pair of apricot eyes flushed.

Ling Gang shook his hair with a wry smile. If it weren't for such a desperate situation, he would certainly not cast this "blood thunder". At this time this was their only chance. All three died here, it is better to sacrifice him alone.

"Pretend to be a ghost, what mystery?"

The strong man in purple clothes felt more and more wrong, burst into a scream, and suddenly waved towards Ling Gang. A hill-like palm shadow volleyed in the sky, constantly flashing Daomang, looking dangerous and abnormal. Obviously, in order to prevent Ling Gang from continuing, the strong man in purple clothing has almost exerted all his strength.

"Vicious Thief! Let you taste the power of my Ling Family's" Blood Thunder "!"

Seeing the strong man in the purple clothing split, Ling Gang's eyes narrowed sharply, his palms split at the same time, and all the green muscles burst all over his body, as if bursting out, a large blood mist, straight through Guo Linggang's skin erupted into a cloud of blood, and he hit the huge palm shadow released by the strong man in purple clothes.


A thunderous thunder and a crazy masterpiece, blood fluttered, palms collapsed, and the strong purple clothing couldn't bear the overbearing strength condensed in this blood cloud, as if a pulley was installed under his feet. Took a few steps.

"There is such a secret technique in the world !?"

The strong man in purple clothing was obviously taken aback, and there was a look of horror on his face. Obviously, only Ling Gang, the first stage of the Shinto realm, showed the power at this time, which had already surpassed his middle level of the Shinto realm, and what made the strong man in the purple clothing even more disturbed was that Ling Gang ’s "Blood Thunder" technique seemed He hasn't fully exhibited it yet, his power is still rising.

The strong man in purple clothes scorned Ling Gang and disappeared instantly. The whole person was very nervous and swept to Wei Shaoqing. Ling Gang, who exhibited the secret technique, could not resist him, let alone Wei Shaoqing.

"Hahaha ... Are you scared of the blood skulls? Come on, let me see how rampant your fierce flames are!" Ling Gang's **** mist is getting thicker and thicker, straightening his entire silhouette Covered.

At this time, he was laughing loudly, and at the same time, he stepped towards the strong man in purple clothes and Wei Shaoqing, and immediately caused great pressure to the two.

Seeing that the strong man in purple clothes and Wei Shaoqing kept going back backwards, it was clear that Ling Gang was completely deterred, but Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang's heart never even had a trace of excitement. , On the contrary, there is a sorrow, fuller.

Once the power of blood thunder and thunder spell is exerted to the extreme, Ling Gang's life will also come to an end. So although Ling Gang is getting stronger and stronger, in the eyes of his brothers and sisters, Ling Gang is getting closer and closer to the **** of death. How can their brothers and sisters get excited?

In fact, if there is a one in 10,000 chance at this time, they all hope to prevent Ling Gang from continuing!

"Son, this old boy is crazy. Let's retreat, let's avoid it first!"

Feeling Ling Gang's rising momentum, the face of the strong purple clothing became more and more ugly. Knowing that he could not continue any longer, he no longer cares about his face, and pulls Wei Shaoqing's arm, so he wants to retreat.

It's just how Ling Gang will let them get away easily like this? A blood shadow flew, and the blood mist filled, and the strong man in purple clothes was covered with Wei Shaoqing.

At this time, Ling Gang's speed is almost to the extreme. With the eyesight of Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang, in addition to the layers of blood mist, and the looming body of the purple clothing strongman and Wei Shaoqing, look again Not clear about other things.

A few moments later, there were several mumbles in the blood mist. Obviously, the strong man in purple clothing had already suffered under such terrible offensive.

"Ah!" After a while, Wei Shaoqing also cried out, staggering, and even spurting a blood arrow. It's no wonder that the strong purple clothes have been busy since ancient times, how can they take care of Wei Shaoqing?


The strong man in purple clothes was shocked and angry, knowing that if he went on like this, he had to be shot to death by Ling Gang alive. In the screams, his palms were like crazy dances, and he did not sting of the madness of the body's qi. His strength roared and surged immediately, rising in the blood mist.

The strong players in the middle ranks of Shinto realm are strikingly powerful under full exertion. The raging blood mist actually stopped. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the strong man in purple clothes pulled Wei Shaoqing hard, and the scared rabbit jumped out of the blood mist.

But these two men are really embarrassed. Her hair was disheveled and her clothes were not uniform. Especially the blood stains on the body, obviously it did not suffer less.

"Xie Lao, this ... what the **** is this, how is it so overbearing !?" Wei Shaoqing gasped, his face covered with heavy palpitation.

Just before he was in the blood mist, he was like a piece of wood, and he had no counterattack at all. It's not that he didn't want to fight back, it was because the opponent's offensive was too fierce and too strong, and he had no chance to fight back at all, nor did he have the power to fight back. If it weren't for the strong man in purple clothes protecting him tightly, he might have lost his bones at this time.

The strong man in purple clothes squinted his eyes, his face full of resentment, condensed and said, "No matter what secret method, he can't support it for too long. Once we get through, we don't need our shot, the old guy is finished!"

In the end, it is a strong player in the middle rank of Shinto Realm. Sure enough, he has some knowledge, and he has seen through the secret of thunder and thunder!

"You are right!" Ling Gang said in a loud voice, with a straight face, no meaning to hide. But then the words changed again, and the voice was quiet, "Just ... can you survive it?"

After all, Ling Gang's body took a slight pause. At this time, not only his body, but also his face and forehead, there were bursts of green muscles like earthworms, which made Ling Gang look horrible!

Seeing this situation, Ling Tianhua couldn't help but sink down, which was a sign that the **** thunder was about to be fully displayed. In other words, after the next shot, Ling Gang's life will also end. Unable to help, the tears seemed to run out of control, rushing out of the eyes of the brothers and sisters of the Ling family.

The **** thunder that is about to explode completely makes Ling Gang's momentum soar again. At this time, he has already approached the peak of Shinto Realm. It can be said that the strong man in purple clothes is far behind. If the imposing eruption of Ling Gang before, the strong man in purple clothing was only shocked and shocked, then at this time, it was full of panic.

The strong man in purple clothes realizes more and more that Ling Gang is not bad at all, even though he can't persevere for a long time, they still don't want to survive.

A heart seems to have fallen into the ice cellar, almost frozen into a lump. It is undeniable that the blood thunder and thunder spell of the Ling family is definitely ten times more terrifying than self-detonation.

"Xie Lao, we ..." Even the strong man in purple clothes was frightened, let alone Wei Shaoqing, his face and eyes were all filled with a word-escape!

Not Wei Shaoqing, the strong man in purple clothing also wanted to escape! Can you escape? The strong men in purple clothes know very well that they must escape faster at this time, and they can only make them die faster!

"Brother Ling, be slow!" The strong man in purple suddenly shouted to Ling Gang, "I know that you are for the children of the Ling family, so you will make a decision. It doesn't matter, I promise you, I can let them go I ’ve never encountered it before, everyone is happy ... "

"Hahaha ... You're still scared! Blood Skull Killer, but that's it!" Ling Gang laughed loudly, and his voice was not happy!

Although the face of the strong man in purple clothes was ugly, he dared not refute it. He just nodded and rubbed the cold sweat from his forehead from time to time.

"Yes, yes, I just think that everyone has no complaints in the past and no hatred in recent days. There is no need to go to this step. Ha ha ... everything is expensive!"

"Shut up! Do you think my Ling Gang is an idiot, and will believe your **** words! Today is your death time!"

With a loud roar, Ling Gang suddenly raised his palms, palms up to the sky, and slowly lifted up, the green bars exposed on his forehead face immediately started an irregular rhythm, as if it would burst at any time ...

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