Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1223: The same helpless!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

This surnamed Xie really deserves to be the killer of the blood skeleton. The actual combat experience is far more than the middle level of the ordinary Shinto realm. Avoiding reality is false, defending the middle with an attack, and recruiting Dinglong ’s counterscale, and not as Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang imagined, when Dinglong fights together, the surnamed Xie will lose the battle. Come. According to this situation, Dinglong wanted to clean up the surname Xie, it was really not easy.

However, as soon as Ding Long came out, Wan Dong, Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang were completely idle. Ling Wushuang approached curiously and whispered to Wan Dong, "This white dragon is the one that made alchemy for you in the ordinary world of small folks?"

Wan Dong nodded gently, and Ling Wushuang asked enviously, "Isn't it only alchemy? Why is it so powerful now?"

Wan Dong smiled and shook his head, Dinglong's ability, but only the tip of the iceberg was revealed at this time, as it continued to grow, it will definitely show stronger capabilities! Speaking of which, he really found the treasure.

"Yao Ting, you ... you are so ridiculous!" Ding Long entangled the surname Xie, leaving Wei Shaoqing dumb as a wooden chicken, the desperate situation that was mortal, suddenly turned into danger, which made Ling Tianhua's tight heart After a lot of slack, I also got up at this time and said to Wan Dong with a trace of admiration in his expression.

No wonder Ling Wanshuang was so excited when Wan Dong appeared before; no wonder Ling Gang, who refused to leave with a breath, would die with a smile when he saw Wan Dong, now Wan Dong understands that the name Wandong is simply synonymous with safety. As long as he is there, even if there is no hopeless desperation, he can regain his vitality. Being with Wandong always makes people feel at ease!

Wan Dong smiled, did not answer, excessive humility and boastfulness, not in line with Wan Dong's character. What's more, he was not in that mood at this time. Whether it's the surname Xie, or Ping Marriott, it's just an appetizer, the real hard dish is still in Tiansha Valley. Not so much time is wasted, here must be quick and quick. But looking at the battle between Ding Long and Xie Xie, it takes a lot of time to be afraid of winning or losing.

"We have to help Dinglong!" Wan Dong narrowed his eyes and said with a condensed voice.

"How to help?" Ling Tianhua is eager to try and can fight side by side with a giant dragon. This is a capital to show off no matter where he goes.

There was a tough battle between Dinglong and the surname Xie, and they could get in their hands before they really saw it. But it doesn't matter, Wei Shaoqing can make some articles.

Wei Shaoqing was completely stunned by Dinglong's huge momentum at this time, and he could hardly tell the difference. At this time, he was awake in his dream, until a cold chill suddenly fell on him.

Wei Shaoqing could not help but twitched his head and turned his head subconsciously, just in line with Wan Dong's somewhat evil eyes. Wei Shaoqing's head banged, and then he realized that his own situation was much more dangerous than the strong man who was fighting with Dinglong.

Although he was extremely reluctant to accept it, Wei Shaoqing had to admit that his greedy wolf, who had eaten by others, became a little sheep surrounded by encirclement.

"You ... what do you want to do?" Wei Shaoqing exclaimed subconsciously, and he stepped back three steps in a self-sufficient way, looking shocked.

Seeing this scene, Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang were astonishing, and they sighed again and again. Before Wan Dong didn't show up, what kind of madness Wei Shaoqing was, it looked like a king who stepped on the whole world. But looking at Wandong now, it's almost like a different person, pitiful, full of weak people!

"What? Last time when I couldn't clean you up at the Lin's, you should find a place to hide and steal music! But you're fine, your teeth and claws jumped to my eyes again, and I really answered that sentence-Heaven has a way, you don't Go, **** nowhere, you can vote! "

To Wei Shaoqing, Wan Dong didn't have any good words at all, he was murderous, and his voice was sensational, giving Wei Shaoqing a feeling like falling into an ice cellar, and he could hardly feel the slightest warmth from inside to outside.

"Yao Ting, you don't need to talk nonsense with this kind of person, just scrap him first!" Thinking of Ling Gang and Ling Cheng's death, Ling Tianhua hated Wei Shaoqing.

"Ling's surname, what do you count, you ..."

Wei Shaoqing disdains Ling Tianhua, and is swearing with his mouth open, Wan Dong's face suddenly sinks, and his body looks like a crossbow arrow that has been shot, and he has already forced Wei Shaoqing's eyes. Wei Shaoqing couldn't help but scolded again, closed his mouth and retreated backward.

Wei Shaoqing's retreat was fast, but Wan Dong's pursuit was more like a storm. After a few breaths, Wei Shaoqing not only escaped Wan Dong's offensive, but instead was posted by Wan Dong, without retreat, Wei Shaoqing had to rejuvenate and greeted Wandong.

At this time, Wei Shaoqing had completely conquered the original enthusiasm. Between the shots, almost all of them were defensive and did not seek meritorious service. Wei Shaoqing, the famous blood boy, would be subdued by a uniform of the same age. This record alone is enough to make Wan Dong famous!

"Shrink your hands, Wei Shaoqing, are you a girl?"

Wan Dong burst into tears, his body suddenly accelerated, and the offensive was instantly violent by at least 30%. Wave after wave of strength, such as continuous rivers and rivers, layer upon layer, go forward and succeed, without giving Wei Shaoqing a breathing opportunity.

Wei Shaoqing's situation was already difficult, and it was even worse at this time. With an empty mind, Wan Dong's palms immediately found the flaw, and it fell suddenly on Wei Shaoqing's chest. Wei Shaoqing couldn't help but groan, and the whole person flew out a few feet away.

The strong man in the fierce battle with Dinglong suddenly heard this snorting, and his heart shook immediately, hurriedly twisting his body, avoiding Dinglong's blow to Deng Yue's sweep, and looked back hurriedly, only to see Wei Shaoqing's mouth The old blood spewed out, and there was a lot of pain on the face.

"Son!" This scene is like a powerful invisible hammer slamming into the heart of the strong man. With a scream, there was a lot of chaos.

Just when he was subconsciously going to assist Shaoqing, a sudden bang came from behind him, and at the same time a fatal threat came to him like a collapse of Mount Tai. Facing a strong enemy like Dinglong, where can he get distracted?

Fortunately, the strong man with rich practical experience is extremely rich, but under the pressure, he has not lost his mind, and his body flew sideways to avoid. Although he escaped Dinglong's offensive, Yu Guang saw Wan Dong rushing to Wei Shaoqing like a hungry wolf. As a result, the strong man's heart did not relax, but stretched tighter.

"Little bastard, you are kind to me!"

The strong clothing man has been confused for a lifetime, why can't he guess Wan Dong's thoughts? On the surface, Wan Dong was beating Wei Shaoqing fiercely, but in fact, he wanted to disturb his heart. Even though he knew everything about Wan Dong's methods, he had no way to deal with them. Fang Caiping Marriott faced the situation, a blink of an eye came to him. The two middle-ranking strongmen of Shinto Realm were actually played by Wandong, a weakly crowned young man, with almost the same means between applause, not to mention the strong clothes, even Ling Tianhua was secretly shocked, learn more A lot has arrived.

"Okay, when you beat my Dinglong, I will have fun with you!"

Wan Dong's mouth responded in such a way, but Wei Shaoqing's figure did not stop at all!

ridicule! ** Naked taunt! No matter how good the clothing of the strong man is, he can't hold back at this time. A soaring anger rose in my heart, and all his qi was lifted up. The whole person turned into a sun-like color group, and slammed into Dinglong.

Okay, the enraged strong man, this is to be desperate, ready to face Dinglong hard.

The strong man does not slip in autumn, just like a fish, Ding Long has no way to beat him a few times. His heart is just irritable, and the strong man suddenly "thinks". To confront him with him, Ding Long is really happy It's too late.

There was a trembling voice from the mouth, Dinglong's huge tailless dragon tail swept away, and even happily slammed into the strong man.

So, in a loud bang, the body of Dinglong was tens of thousands of feet, and it was a heavy meal. The colorful dragon scales that covered a small half of the dragon god, burst a dozen pieces on the spot. It's really not easy for a strong attack of the strong man to bring such great damage to Dinglong.

In comparison, Dinglong is just a ‘skin wound’, and the strong man in the suit is injured. He was slammed into the air by dozens of feet alive, spitting out blood, squirting in succession, and it was almost a blood rain in the air.

Dragon is a violent fairy beast with thick skin and flesh. Although Dinglong is a magic weapon made by immortal ancestor, it is also the same. The hard confrontation with the dragon, I have to say that this strong man is very heroic!


The strong man had not yet eased from the impact, but another scream from Wei Shaoqing passed over. The strong man looked like he was turned around with electricity, only to see that Wei Shaoqing's body was mottled and bloody, and his eyes were almost empty.

It's hard to imagine that Wei Shaoqing is also a leader among the younger generation, but in such a short period of time, he has been abused into this ghost look. If it is not seen with his own eyes, the strong man is really not Believe it.

Wei Shaoqing has been thoroughly planted, but Wan Dong hasn't even let go of his meaning. Before Wei Shaoqing stands up from the ground, Wan Dong's body will attack again. The strong man's heart must jump out of his throat, this is clearly to put Wei Shaoqing to the rhythm of death.

"Stop it!" If Wei Shaoqing died, everything would be over! Strongly enduring the severe pain like a heartbreak, the strong man gritted his teeth, pulled out his body, and rushed towards Wandong.

In the end is the strong man of Shinto Realm, even if he is seriously injured, the speed of the strong man is still amazingly fast, and in the blink of an eye, he has reached a place less than three feet from Wandong ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 16797271->

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