Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1231: The situation began to reverse!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Mu Tiannan, who was in a rage, did not completely lose his mind. The tightly-wrinkled white eyebrows were loosened slightly, and the majestic pressure of the collapse of Mount Tai disappeared. . Suddenly relaxed, Wan Dongzhi couldn't help but fell down on one knee. The whole person seemed to be collapsed. The soft clothes made no effort at all. The whole body was soaked, as if it had just been pulled out of the water.

The strong man of the Holy Soul Realm, the legendary existence, really is not the ordinary strong! In front of them, Wan Dong can say that there is not even a chance.

Wan Dong was somewhat frustrated with his performance, but he did not know that his performance not only caused Ling Feiqiu to shake, even Mu Tiannan looked a little surprised. If you change to other young people, after this heavy pressure, I am afraid that even if you do not collapse, you will leave a deep shadow in your mind. But Wan Dong didn't, although he was exhausted, but the radiance from Wan Dong's eyes seemed to be even more burning.

Others may find it difficult to understand the mystery, but Mu Tiannan clearly understands that the reason why Wan Dong can do this is because he has an uncompromising strong heart! Such a strong heart that cannot be crushed, not cooked, hammered or broken, is even more precious than talent. Although it was only a first acquaintance with Wan Dong, Mu Tiannan no longer doubted that if it were to take time, Wan Dong would definitely become another powerful power of the Holy Soul Realm in Taoism!

In the realm of Mu Tiannan, this young age will have an inexplicable affection for the talented and promising young people. Because only in such young people, they will find their shadow when they were young. It is a kind of familiar feeling, although not from the blood, but from instinct and heart!

Although Mu Tiannan's face is still harsh, his heart has softened a lot. If it were not because of Mu Tong, he might immediately show great enthusiasm to Wan Dong, wishing to put him under his command and pass it on!

"Yao Ting, are you okay?" Ling Wushuang hurried forward and wanted to help Wan Dong from the ground.

Wan Dong waved her hand gently, blocking her back, and then suddenly got a body, staggered at any time, but stood up suddenly. His eyes did not have any cowardice to dodge, but there was no anger or hatred, and he looked at Mu Tiannan calmly and watery.

Mu Tiannan's temper was indeed hotter, and he was really merciless to Wan Dong just now, but no matter what, Mu Tiannan did so because of his concern for Mu Tong, which was justifiable. Pushing oneself and others, any grandfather who lost his baby granddaughter can hardly keep calm when facing precious clues. What's more, Mu Tiannan is the elder relative of Mu Lian, and that is his elder relative in the future. Even if it was beaten up, Wandong couldn't beat it back with a tooth?

Of course, Wan Dong thought more. His relationship with Mu Lian was already hindered and difficult, and Wan Dong never wanted to add obstacles to their relationship!

"Seniors are assured that Miss Mu Tong has returned to Mus House under the **** of Xiao Zhenwei and Ping Wuniang seniors. The news of her safety will be heard in a short time." Wan Dongchang took a breath and will Calm down, Chong Mu Tiannan bowed slightly and said.

"What you said is true?" Mu Tiannan was first happy, and then a suspicious expression appeared on his face.

Wan Dong hurriedly said, "Even if the juniors have great courage, they will not dare to deceive you!"

"Old Mu, I think the 80% that this kid said will not be fake! That day, he was taken away from the Lin family together with Miss Mu Tong. Speaking of that, he is also a victim, and there is no reason to harm Miss Mu Tong." See Mu Tiannan hesitated, and Ling Fei Qiu Zhangkou said.

Ling Feiqiu also thought of it at this time. Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang escaped several times. That was all thanks to Wandong, and their impression of Wandong was naturally better.

Mu Tiannan also has his own brain and can judge, and also has rich experience and ability to recognize people who ca n’t even reach Ling Fei and Qiu. Is Wan Dong lying, he can see it naturally, the harshness of his face The color is finally reduced.

"The one who grabbed you and Mu Tong was really a blood skeleton assassin?" Mu Tiannan asked with a slight cough.

Wan Dong yelled, "Exactly!"

"Humph! Blood Skulls are really good dog galls, and their paws are all on my Mu's head. What the **** do they want to do?" Mu Tiannan snorted angrily, and his body burst into a murderous voice.

"Mr. Senior, uncle, the blood skeleton is really too much! This time, my father was used as a bait to lay a trap in the valley of Tiansha to lure our Lingjia master to be the blood skeleton!"

Ling Wushuang said indignantly.

Listening to her, Ling Tianhua and Mu Tiannan changed their faces at the same time. Although they had suspected that all this was done by blood skeletons, there was no evidence after all.

"No frost, how do you know this?" Ling Tianhua asked anxiously.

Ling Wushuang's voice revealed a little bit of palpitation, "Uncle San, you and Senior Mu drove us away at Tianshagukou soon, and we met the blood boy Wei Shaoqing. All of this is him Personally speaking, the master of the Holy Soul Realm who is now sitting in the Valley of the Heavens is one of the major offerings of the blood skeleton! "

"It's Shen Lian !?" Ling Wushuang's words hadn't landed, and Mu Tiannan couldn't help but yell out angrily, "How come I never thought that Shen Lian's old man's research on the law , Stronger than me! "

At the end of the speech, Mu Tiannan held his breath straight, and roared up in the sky. "Shen Lian, you squeaky-headed tortoise, get out of here and fight with the old man for 300 rounds!"

Mutiannan's angry roar, like a shock wave after a nuclear explosion, spread out in all directions. Within a moment, the entire Tiansha Valley was filled. There are endless roars everywhere, shocking!

Shen Lian, who was sitting on the high platform, was startled by the roar of Mu Tiannan. Huo turned his head and looked at Lu Xiong beside him. Ning Sheng asked, "How does Mu Tiannan know that I am here? Who is leaking?" News? "

Lu Xiong was also a misty face, and his figure floated to the sky. After a closer look, he faced Shen Lian with an amazed look. "Shen Gong, Ling Tianhou's children and another kid, and Mu Tiannan They will be together. "

"What !? These three little cubs are not dead yet?" Hearing this news, even Shen Lian was surprised.

Not to mention Ling Tianhou, his face was full of surprises and excitement that could not be concealed, and at the same time it was mixed with confusion and incredible. In fact, from the moment Wan Dong entered the battle, Ling Tianhou had the worst plan.

"Not long ago, the three little cubs clearly touched the situation. The west wind has passed. How could the three of them still be alive?" Although they have seen the three lively Wandong three people, Lu Xiong still can't believe it. Seeing Ling Tianhou's exciting look, he was even more annoyed.

When Lu Xiong was in doubt, a blood-skeletal killer rushed in like a wind. Before the person landed, he could not wait to say "Shen Gong, Master Lu, the west wind was killed by someone!"

As soon as the news arrived, Shen Lian couldn't sit still, and Teng stood up with a loud voice. Lu Xiong was even more shocked, his eyes were about to jump out, and he suddenly reached out, lifting the blood-skeletal killer who had come to report from the ground, and screamed, "What kind of **** do you put? Just because those three milky stinks are still dry. How could he kill Westwind?

The blood-skeletal killer level is a bit lower than that of Lu Xiong. In the face of the violent Lu Xiong, it seems a bit trembling, and the words are not very conspicuous. "Lord Lu, small ... The small one is very true, you If you do n’t believe it, the younger one ... send you Xifeng ’s body. "

Lu Xiong didn't really doubt the blood skeleton killer, but was too shocked to accept it for a while. Seeing that the blood skeleton killer's face was horrified, he yelled and rolled away, and threw him out like a sack.

"Shen Gong, this ..." Lu Xiong's mind was a little confused, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Shen Lianhuo turned his head to look at Ling Tianhou, and saw that Ling Tianhou was also frowning, his face thinking hard, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes from time to time. Obviously he was like Shen Lian and Lu Xiong, and he was also surprised by this sudden news Confused.

Ling Tianhou is indeed very proud of his children, but no matter how proud he is, he does not believe that the two have the ability to kill a strong man who stepped into the pinnacle of the Shinto peak. In his view, this is indeed a fantasy, and even secretly doubted whether this was Shen Lian Lu Xiong set him for a certain purpose!

Shen Lian thought that perhaps something could be discovered from Ling Tianhou, but now it seems that it is impossible. White eyebrow shuddered, condensed and said, "Are there masters again, sneaking into the silence quietly?"

"Shen Gong, I will take someone to search him out!"

Shen Lian nodded his head lightly and said, "Be careful! This person can quietly sneak into the formation without being noticed by me. It is also a strong man in the Holy Soul Realm!"

"Powerful in the Holy Soul Realm?" Lu Xiong shuddered involuntarily, obviously also a bit stunned.

Mu Tiannan is also a strong man in the Holy Soul Realm, but he is not very afraid because Mu Tiannan has been trapped. No matter how powerful the tiger is, if it is caught in the mud, it will be nothing more than a cat to be slaughtered. But this one is different. To be able to do this silently, it is impossible to rely on cultivation alone, and you have to know the Eight Desolation Soul Formation well. This means that Tiansha Valley is no longer a quagmire for this tiger, but a jungle where the tiger can really come and go!

Just speaking out, the water splashed out, in the face of refining, of course, Lu Xiong can't go back on his feet, no matter how big the risk is, he has to go.

"Humph ... Lu Xiong, you must be careful. I'm still waiting for you to stab you!" Ling Tianhou said with a few sneers when he saw Lu Xiong's confusion. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 16927480->

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