Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

It was just that Wan Dong scolded, but it shocked the people present, even Shen Lian and Mu Tiannan were no exception.

What is a beast? Not only is the fighting power enough for God, this spirituality is also the same God, but it will be vengeful! Although the newly born Emperor Kunpeng may only reach the mid-level of the Shinto realm, the room for its future growth is very huge, and the growth rate is enough to shame the human monks to death. It will never be a fun thing to let such a thing remember.

However, after being taken aback, Mu Tiannan reacted quickly. Only then did he take a quick glance and saw Di Kunpeng flying out of Wandong's storage ring. what does this mean? It means that this Emperor Kunpeng may have just hatched, and the Kunpeng egg was originally placed in Wandong's storage ring. Although the storage ring is very magical, with the ordinary storage ring in Wandong's hand, of course, it can't trap the god-level beast of Di Kunpeng. In other words, this Emperor Kunpeng clearly sensed that Wandong was in danger, so he hatched ahead of time ... but no matter what kind of situation, it only shows a little, this Emperor Kunpeng is Wandong's pet!

A pet of supernatural beast level! If you just say this, you will be scared to death! From ancient times to the present, in the Daomen World, there are only a few people who can surrender the mythical beasts as pets, and these few people, without exception, all soared to Xianting and became the Taomen legend! Does this mean that Wandong will also become a party hegemon in Xianting? Mutiannan, who was extremely optimistic about Wandong, was totally unable to predict Wandong's future at this time. But there is one thing he can be sure that Wan Dong will go farther and stand taller than him, and believe that this day will never be too far away.

Just as Mu Tiannan had complicated thoughts, Di Kunpeng, who was scolded by Wan Dong, whistled, his huge body turned straight, his wings were like two giant blades, and at the same time, when he was cut off in the air, he was about to blow Wan Dong out Shen Shen, who had been put to death, even had no chance of reacting, so he made a snorting sound, and looked like a sharp arrow off the string, and exploded backwards.

After all, the old guy responded quickly, otherwise it would have to be beaten alive by Di Kunpeng's giant wings!

As soon as Shen Lian was forced to retreat, the energy he had attacked Dinglong was naturally destroyed. Dinglong Yangtian sent out a dragon chant, a huge figure, and returned to Wandong.

It's just that Emperor Kunpeng was obviously not very happy with Dinglong. He showed feathers of red gold all over his body. At the beginning, a pair of ruby-like eyes locked Dinglong very badly. If it was not Di Kunpeng who smelled Wandong's breath on Dinglong, it might have already pounced.

Although Dinglong is also somewhat spiritual, it is only a magic weapon after all. In the strict sense, it is not a living creature, and naturally there is no thought of Emperor Kunpeng. At this time, it was very safe, not opposed to Di Kunpeng. Slowly, Di Kunpeng also converged his hostility, and Dinglong left and right, sandwiching Wandong in the middle.

Zuo Dinglong and You Kunpeng, both of which are generally huge and indistinguishable, are separated beside Wandong and directly set Wandong like a **** in the sky, giving people an invincible heroic and powerful.

Shen Lian's complexion instantly turned blue to the extreme, and her brows were even more wrinkled. Dinglong and Di Kunpeng teamed up to escort. Perhaps when Shen Lian was in full prosperity, he could try it. However, with him now, basically there is no possibility of killing Wandong, and he is even more annoyed. Yes, Wandong itself is not a soft persimmon, so far, his abacus can be said to have completely failed.

Shen Lian is still the case, let alone Lu Xiong. At this time, even the thought of fighting is gone, and there is only one word left in the brain-escape!

"This ... is this kid a god's **** !?" Ling Feiqiu muttered involuntarily.

It is no wonder that he will come up with such an idea, whether it is Dinglong or Di Kunpeng, anyone has one of them, it is the ancestral grave that has smoked in blue, but Wandong is good, but he is hugging his left and right. Wan Dong's own people couldn't help being jealous at this time.

"Surnamed Shen, come, the battle has just begun!" Just when Shen Lian's depressed words could not be spoken, Wan Dong grinned and showed a bad smile on his face.

Without waiting for Shen Lian's answer, Wan Dong shook his hands suddenly, okay, Dinglong and Di Kunpeng seemed to have been ordered, and ran out at the same time, one left and one right, pressing Shen Lian.

With Shen Lian's current cultivation practice, he can still work with Dinglong and Di Kunpeng, but when he thinks that Mu Tiannan will come out at any time, his heart is cold. Whether he wants to admit it or not, he must admit that he is completely in Wan Dong's hands today.

"Shen Gong, let's go!" Lu Xiong is much simpler than Shen Lian. With a strange cry, the whole person rose into the air and fled.

"Want to escape? It's not that easy!" Of course Ling Feiqiu refused to let him escape, snorted coldly, and chased his body.

Lu Xiong didn't want to die, and Shen Lian didn't even want to die. Is it easy for him to practice hard to live to the Holy Soul Realm? He died even in Wandong's younger generation, who seemed to him that Mao'er had just grown up. The moment Lu Xiong jumped, Shen Lian also moved, the speed was as fast as a streamer, and he was more than ten feet away in the blink of an eye.

"Shen Lian !?" Once this man is unlucky, he must stop his teeth even when drinking cold water. Shen Lian escaped from the joint pursuit of Dinglong and Di Kunpeng just now, but confronted Ling Tianhou who was running.

Ling Tianhou had seen someone flying away with all his strength, but did not expect it to be Shen Lian. In surprise, he hurriedly raised his body and took a slap in the air.

Shen Lian was anxious to escape, naturally entangled with Ling Tianhou, slammed "Go away!", And swept out the right palm, and the one was not very strong, but not very weak. .

In order to escape, Shen Lianyi will inevitably have some carelessness, and will never think that with the help of the absorbing spirit stone, Ling Tianhou's cultivation practice has been restored as before. In this palm, not only did he fail to retreat Ling Tianhou, but he was backed by Ling Tianhou's vigorous palm, and he retreated three steps in a row.

"How could this be ?!" The matter surpassed the expectation of Shen Lian, and he exclaimed.

As everyone knows, Ling Tianhou was also taken aback. Ling Tianhou could n’t even dare to think of a strong man who retreated from the Holy Soul Realm.

"Is Shen Lian being injured by Mu Lao, so he is so weak?" Ling Tianhou thought of this possibility, and his heart was suddenly shaken, Lu Xiong was hateful, but Shen Lian was more than that! Being able to kill Shen Lian personally is undoubtedly a quick thing for Ling Tianhou!

"Surnamed Shen, give me your life!" Ling Tianhou, whose confidence has soared, is even more compelling. The palms were filled with qi, and they blasted towards Shen Lian like a hammer.

Seeing that Ling Tianhou's palm front was about to slash Shen Lian, unexpectedly, Dinglong and Di Kunpeng suddenly caught up at this time, and the goal was also aimed at Shen Lian. Ling Tianhou suddenly saw these two behemoths, and his mind jumped for a while, and when he recognized Di Kunpeng's figure, his face suddenly changed wildly, and he subconsciously took hold of his palm, and his mouth was called to burst backwards. .

"The second elder brother is not afraid! Long and Di Kunpeng are pets of Yaoting's little brother, and they will soon stop Lu Xiong!"

When Ling Tianhou was confused by Emperor Kunpeng, the roar of Ling Feiqiu spread from afar. At first Ling Tianhou was shocked and couldn't believe it at all. He didn't have to believe it until he saw Dinglong and Di Kunpeng rushing towards Shen Lian. At the same time, Lu Xiong was also rushed over by Ling Feiqiu. As the so-called enemies met, he was very jealous. Ling Tianhou was too lazy to care about that much. With a loud roar, he slashed to Lu Xiong.

Lu Xiong was forced by Ling Feiqiu again and again. In desperation, he could only change the escape route. Unexpectedly, he collided with Ling Tianhou and he was unlucky!

Ling Tianhou stunned and retreated with his majestic attitude. Lu Xiong looked at him. Where would he dare to confront him? The figure is as far away as possible. However, Ling Tianhou was determined to kill him, and the offensive wave was more intense than wave after wave, which caused more pressure on Lu Xiong than Ling Feiqiu.

What's even more terrible is that Ling Feiqiu arrived later, and refused to just watch, and actually came to a brother with Ling Tianhou to concentrically, so that Lu Xiong, who was inadvertent and unable to parry, was stretched and was in danger.

In comparison, Shen Lian's situation is not the worst, only worse!

Dinglong and Emperor Kunpeng, which body has a hundred feet, so two behemoths at the same time launched a pinch attack, I am afraid that no one can stand it. The range of Shen Lian's activities was compressed to the limit.

Just when Shen Lian had almost racked his brain in order to get out, he could n’t think of it. A scream of anger was suddenly exploded like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. Finally, the few remaining **** shadows were finally under Mu Tiannan ’s palm, Collapsed. As soon as he got out of trouble, Mu Tiannan went directly to Shen Lian and killed him. Although speaking, he was not trapped for too long, but it was almost that, Wan Dong died in Shen Lian's hands. Whenever I think of it, Mu Tiannan will always feel a lot of fear!

Mu Tiannan's martial arts have always been about opening and closing, and showing great passion, especially at this time under the anger. The palms spread out, like the rainstorm of the pear blossoms, which is difficult to distinguish. With all the palms of your hands, you are always anxious like wind and fire. You can always see the attack of the needle.

With Mu Tiannan's joining, Shen Lian's situation immediately became dangerous many times. Accidentally, Mu Tiannan's sharp palm slammed directly into Shen Lian's chest, and Shen Lian's entire body was like a baseball pumped by the volley, and flew backwards.

Shen Lian didn't even have time to wipe the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, and he was shocked to find that Dinglong, Di Kunpeng, and Mu Tiannan were like three wild horses that ran wildly towards him. Although the three are different, but the body of Ling Ling's killing machine is exactly the same. Shen Lian even wondered whether there was a match between the three. Whoever killed him first and Shen Lian would get a generous reward ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 17207003->

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