Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1243: Extraordinary!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Cultivation together, self-cultivation is the end, self-cultivation is the root! Only when the heart is strong enough to practice together can we go further!

Every perception is the growth of the heart, and every wandering between life and death is the growth of the heart! It is not difficult to see from Ling Tianhou's vigorous and ambitious expression. After the slaughter of Lu Xiong, the hardships and humiliations he suffered in these days have become his kind of rare wealth. The world of Holy Soul Realm, because of his experience, opened a gap for him!

At this point, Mu Tiannan clearly saw clearly. Although he didn't say anything, he could look into Ling Tianhou's eyes, but it was full of relief and smile.

"Yao Ting brothers, although they all said great grace and no thanks, but Ling Tianhou is going to put the words here in the face of Mu Lao today. Ling Tianhou owes you a great relationship, if you have any future use Wherever I get my words, I will never say half a word, even if the sky catches the moon and catches the dragon into the sea! "

Ling Tianhou turned his head to look at Wandong, and made a sound of his chest shot. He could see that he really missed Wandong's feelings. For a brave man like Ling Tianhou, who is ignorant and pretending to be a guest, it would make him unhappy, Wan Dong nodded with a smile.

Seeing Wan Dong nodding, Ling Tianhou's face was a little more joyful, and he became more and more happy with Wan Dong.

In the time between the speeches, Ling Tianhua's Qing Yue long roar suddenly came from the sky. Ling Tianhou and Wan Dong's heart shook at the same time. Listening to the endless joy in this roar, Ling Tianhua's attempt to impact the peak of Tiange , Mostly successful.

"Dad!" Ling Tianhua and Ling Wushuang flew side by side for a while.

As expected, Ling Tianhua, who was full of joy, had already reached the peak of Tiange. Ling Wushuang's progress is also not small, with the help of the abundant Dao Qi in the absorbing spirit stone, he entered the celestial realm in one fell swoop. Moreover, Ling Wushuang's Tiange roots are very stable and solid, which will lay a good foundation for her to hit the middle level of Tiange in the future.

Shen Lian and Lu Xiong tried every possible means to use the Lingshui Stone to smash the Lingjia masters all over the net. I'm afraid they didn't expect it in their dreams. The Lingshui Stone actually made the Lings father and son three. This is destiny, unpredictable!

"Okay! Okay!" Looking at his children, Ling Tianhou was not happy to know what to say, but just kept awe-inspiring.

Only those who have become fathers will understand that watching their children reach the top is far more successful than themselves, and it is more exciting and glorious!

At such an age, Ling Tianhua has already reached the peak of Tiange Realm. For a disciple of a second-grade family, it is simply unimaginable. No wonder Ling Tianhou will be so excited.

Ling Tianhou wanted to tell the brothers and sisters a few more words, hoping that they would stop being arrogant and irritable, and that they would not be complacent, and there was no one in their eyes. This makes Ling Tianhou a bit strange. He knows the morals of his father and his brother and sister, and he is naturally clear. This seems to him to be quite abnormal. He didn't realize it until Ling Tianhou noticed that the eyes of his brothers and sisters would always glance at Wan Dong from time to time.

Wan Dong's help to his brothers and sisters is not only their entry into cultivation and all kinds of encounters on the way of cultivation, but also has a significant and very positive impact on the mind and soul of the brothers and sisters. In a way, this is even more rare and precious for brothers and sisters! For a time, Ling Tianhou's gratitude to Wan Dong climbed to the point that a kind of speech could not express!

The killers with blood skeletons lurking in the valley of Tiansha were all trapped by the reversal of the situation. Shen Lian and Lu Xiong died again. These people became headless flies, and their defeat was a foregone conclusion. Although Wan Donglai is still in time, but the damage caused by the blood skeleton to the Ling family is already not small, Ling Feiqiu will naturally not be willing to retain the benevolence of the woman. Those blood skeleton killers who are struggling in the battle, The Ling masters led by Ling Fei Qiu were all exterminated, and none escaped.

After sweeping Tiansha Valley, Mu Tiannan and his party did not dare to delay, and rushed to Lingjia headquarters all the way.

Learning from Ling Feiqiu the whole conspiracy of the blood skeleton, Ling Tianhou can be said to be anxious. If the actions of Tiansha Valley and the Ling Family Headquarters were really carried out at the same time, then the Ling Family at this time might have been bloodshed. Just thinking about it is enough to make Ling Tianhou cold and sweating.

Mu Tiannan also realized the urgency of the situation. In order to prevent Xiu Shuang, the weakest person, from delaying his trip, he even picked up Ling Wushuang and hurried off. The pedestrian, with almost no delay, came to Ling as quickly as possible. Home headquarters.

The location of the Lingjia Headquarters is somewhat similar to the Pingjia Du'e Mountain. The same beautiful scenery is like a paradise. It was only at this time that Mu Tiannan, Ling Tianhou and others had no time to ignore it, and glanced around eagerly.

It was expected that the blood would flow into the river, and the scene of the corpse running across the field did not appear. Everything around them seemed exactly the same as when they left, and there was no change.

"Isn't the blood skull killer yet?" Ling Fei Qiu asked suspiciously.

Ling Tianhou shook his head and said, "We are all aware of the blood skull's style of action. We are resolute and vigorous, and we will never procrastinate. It is impossible for us all to come back, they haven't arrived yet."

"Since this is the Ling Family Headquarters, why don't you see a Ling Family disciple?"

Wan Dong said casually, but it was a wake-up dreamer! Ling Feiqiu involuntarily took a breath of air, full of vigilance and said, "Yeah, usually, this time, the disciples of Guang Xunshan have had five or six waves. How could a Ling family disciple disappear? 2nd Brother, it's probably an accident! "

"Who is coming?"

As soon as Ling Feiqiu's words fell, he heard a loud drink and came from a distance. Judging from the shouting, the other party's cultivation is not too high, but the power carried in this shouting is not to be underestimated.

As soon as the applause fell, the crowd saw that a team of men and women flew from the Lingjia headquarters in a murderous way. The distance between the two parties is a little far away, and people's appearance can't be seen as real, but as soon as this team of people jumped into the sight of everyone, everyone's heart was shaken, even Mu Tiannan was no exception.

"Second Brother, do you think these people are my Ling family disciples?" Ling Feiqiu turned to Ling Tianhou and asked.

Ling Tianhou frowned, just about to speak, but unexpectedly Mu Tiannan shook his head first and said, "It's not that I look down on your Ling family, and your Ling family can't cultivate such a disciple!"

Of all people, Mu Tiannan's cultivation is undoubtedly the highest, and his eyes are naturally the most keen. As soon as he said this, the eyes of Ling Feiqiu and others immediately fell on him, waiting for his following.

Mu Tiannan frowned slightly, his expression looked very serious, and slowly said, "Although these people's cultivation is generally not high, the strongest is only the pinnacle of the earth wheel, but their foundation is very solid. "

Seeing that Ling Feiqiu frowned, his face was faintly disdainful, Mu Tiannan knew that he had only listened to his words in the first half of the sentence, and immediately sneered. Make a bet with me? If these people do n’t die halfway through, each of them will be better than you, and it will never take too long! "

"What?" As soon as Mu Tiannan's voice fell, Ling Feiqiu couldn't help shouting.

Ling Feiqiu is already the pinnacle of Shinto at this time. If he surpasses him, wouldn't he want to reach the Holy Soul Realm? Good fellow, there are twenty or thirty people in front of you. If you can reach the Holy Soul Realm, the powerful one in the Holy Soul Realm is too valuable. From the perspective of Ling Feiqiu, Mu Tiannan was simply humiliating him. Although he dared not say anything, his eyes were filled with dissatisfaction.

Although Ling Feiqiu's cultivation base is not low, he does not look at people's eyes. Mu Tiannan ignored Ling Feiqiu's dissatisfaction and snorted softly, sighing, "Such disciples, let alone your Ling family, even our Mu family can't cultivate it!"

To be honest, Mu Tiannan's words made Ling Tianhou somewhat unacceptable. Although he also felt that the team was not ordinary, it was only unusual. Worried about Ling Feiqiu's dissatisfaction, he argued with Mu Tiannan, Ling Tianhou hurriedly said, "According to Mu Mu, do you mean, these people are blood skeletons?"

Mutian South Road "I didn't say that! And I'm sure that these people can never be blood skeletons!"

"Why?" Ling Feiqiu and Ling Tianhou asked in unison.

"Blood skeleton killers are best at latent assassination. They have always been acting alone. When have you heard that blood skeleton killers have been in groups? And, you take a closer look at this team of horses and each other. The cooperation between them can be said to be seamless! Such a group of people, although the cultivation is not high, can be put together, hum, I am afraid that even the peak of Shinto like you will have to spend some effort! "

Mu Tiannan didn't say that Ling Feiqiu and Ling Tianhou hadn't realized it. After listening to him, they looked at it again and they immediately noticed the extraordinary, and their faces were surprised.

This team of people, even in the process of flying, concealed their stats, horned each other, both offensive and defensive, and the needles could not be inserted. It was like a big battle!

"Now the enemy and the enemy are unknown, don't let them come up, but it is best not to hurt them, second and third, you suppress them with might!"

Ling Tianhou raised his eyebrows, looked at Mu Tiannan with a smile, and said, "Senior man, wouldn't you have moved the heart of love?"

Looking at the figure of the rabbit falling and quickly approaching, Mu Tiannan smiled and said unabashedly: "How is it? If you can really bring these people into my Mu family, then I will visit Mu Tiannan, Even if you do n’t run in vain, you ’ll earn a lot! ”

Ling Feiqiu was dissatisfied that Mu Tiannan borrowed the other party to "humiliate" himself, and while Ling Tianhou was in dialogue with Mu Tiannan, the people had already swept out first ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 17207005->

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