Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1245: The potential is unfathomable!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Why, Mu Lao, are you surprised?" As a vulgar person, Mu Tiannan can show such a surprised expression like a Taoist door, and if he is someone else, he will be very proud and proud, but Wan Dong tastes it. A bit of bitterness came out, feeling unfair to the people of the ordinary small world.

They are also people, and they are labeled as inferior only because of their different origins. Even if the world is inherently unfair, it is too cruel.

Are the people in the vulgar small world really inferior to the Taoist people? Through Wandong, through Luo Xiao, and Wang Yangde, these people are enough to prove that the talents and qualities of ordinary people are not inferior to those in the Daomen. The only thing that is worse is the environment, which is the objective existence of the starting line, and people are unable to solve it. In the factor.

The common customs are the same with the Daomen, but what about the Daomen to the higher level fairy court? Perhaps the same! Wan Dong entered Daomen from the commonplace, like carp skipping the Dragon Gate, the world in front of him changed a look, but in fact it was just another cage. A cage was buckled with a cage, and a layer of barrier was superposed with another layer of barrier. No one could guarantee that the one he broke was the last cage. Against the sky and become a saint, and how many people know, how big is this 'heaven' and how heavy is it?

Wan Dong shook his head, unwilling to let himself think about it, but a vague wish, but gradually formed in his mind-May the world be the same!

Of course, Mu Tiannan was surprised. Looking at Wandong, he didn't know what to say. Wandong came out of the small world of ordinary people, which surprised him a lot. Now Wandong tells him that he is optimistic about these, and he has hopes to set foot on the holy soul realm. Yes, Mu Tiannan only felt that his world view must be subverted.

Why did the world that he looked down upon could actually get out of so many talents? For a time, Mu Tiannan had an unprecedented curiosity about the ordinary world!

"Cough ... Uncle, Brother Luo, they are very powerful. If you look down upon them, you will probably suffer."

Wan Dong and Mu Tiannan's thoughts are a little messy, but Ling Wushuang's mood is better. Seeing Luo Xiao at this time is undoubtedly a proof that Ling Family Headquarters did not encounter anything unexpected. When I saw Ling Feiqiu's shocked expression, I couldn't help but laughed.

"Shortfall?" Ling Feiqiu was a little surprised, but he didn't think he would be planted in the hands of a group of juniors.

Just when Ling Fei Qiu Ningning was quiet and fighting with Luo Xiao, suddenly, dozens of strands might not be powerful in his eyes, but they showed a sharp power that can be pierced by the sky. At the same time, it broke out and intertwined in the air, turning it into an invisible eye, but everyone can feel its sharp spear and greeted the coercion released by Ling Feiqiu.

If you compare Ling Feiqiu's coercion to a Luotian big net, then this big net is now undergoing a fierce attack beyond Ling Feiqiu's expectations. The spear, which is invisible to the naked eye, has a sharp power that seems to pierce the coercion of Ling Feiqiu at any time, spurt out thinly, and gallop between heaven and earth.

"This ... this is impossible!" Ling Feiqiu took a small step back involuntarily. Although it was only a small step, the shock to Ling Feiqiu and the people present was indescribable.

This can never be the power that a group of juniors who only have the earth wheel can unleash! Not only did Ling Feiqiu think this way, Ling Tianhou and Mu Tiannan were equally shocked. The power of these dozens of people was taken out alone, and they were not very strong, but they could be brought together, but they skyrocketed in geometric multiples. Is this also the magic of the formation? Mu Tiannan had this doubt in his heart, but he didn't dare to sit down. In his impression, it seems that there is no one in front of him. It can be so wonderful!

In addition, the power released by Luo Xiao and others is not only a result of Dao Qi cultivation, but also includes the life and death experience of blood and fire! This kind of life-and-death training can't be obtained naturally by the promotion of morality. It was Luo Xiao who threw away life and death in a hostile army of enemies, and in the mountains and tsunami-like beasts. This is a real murderous force, and it is the power that only the strong standing on countless bones can possess. Those second-tier disciples and even first-tier disciples of Daomen, their cultivation behavior may be stronger than those of Luo Xiao and others, but their momentum and their hearts are undoubtedly far inferior, and this is precisely the key to achieving the Holy Spirit !

The dozens of mights, coming through the sky, and the coercion of Ling Feiqiu, entangled fiercely in the air, actually brought a gust of wind, blowing sand and stone roaring, that scene, from a distance, it was not A Shinto Peak Realm's crushing on a group of earth wheel juniors, but two equally powerful strong, competing against each other!

For a time, Ling Feiqiu was somewhat fortunate, and he used his full strength as soon as he came up, otherwise he would be overwhelmed and afraid of having to eat a big hold! The moment of concentration, gathered the might and coped with it.

Luo Xiao and others have already traveled less than a hundred feet away from Ling Feiqiu, and this seems to be the limit they can bear. The crowd surrounded by a group finally settled down, without having to see their faces, even if it was just guessing, they could guess that their expressions at this time would not be easy.

"Give me back!" They just fixed Luo Xiao and couldn't move forward anymore, but it wasn't what Ling Feiqiu wanted, but it was just not enough to restore his lost face. Ling Feiqiu had to blow them away Forced to return to the place.

Suddenly, Ling Fei Qiu took a step forward. The right foot has a heavy meal on the ground, and the mountain is shaken immediately, just like an earthquake, and it is really powerful. It is really jaw-dropping.

Mu Tiannan's white eyebrows frowned, and wanted to stop, but thought about it, but held back. At this time, he had been thoroughly aroused by Luo Xiao and others, and he also wanted to know to what extent they could reach Luo Xiao.

The performance of Luo Xiao and others has now exceeded Wan Dong's expectations. During the period of entering Daomen, the performance of Luo Xiao and others really did not disappoint him. The progress they have made is even more surprising and inspiring for Wan Dong!

A group of people were divided into three echelons. Liu Keer, Ye Qingyu, Duan Lengyan and Hu Xueqing of the first echelon were all the pinnacles of the earth wheel at this time. The second echelon had the most people, led by Luo Xiao and Tang Xinyi. Yue, Ye Qingxue, Balinger, Wuyue, and others followed, all of them were already in the mid-level of the earth wheel, and they were almost perfect. Zongyang, Wuyang, and Xiaoqi were originally the weakest. They are still the third echelon, but their progress seems to be even greater compared to it. It should have just broken through the middle round of the earth wheel at this time.

Practicing in the treasure of trial is certainly more effective, but if you do n’t work hard, they will definitely not reach the current level. During this period, Wan Dong has not been easy, and it seems that they are also very uneasy.

Wan Dong thought that after entering the Daomen World, Luo Xiao might have to dormant for several years before they could occupy a place with him in the Daomen World. Now it seems that he underestimated the energy of Luo Xiao and others! It seems that the days when we are running side by side with our brothers, fighting everywhere, and laughing proudly are not far away!

However, in the crowd, Wan Dong exhausted his eyes and found no figures of Wang Yangde and Xiao Lang, which made Wan Dong's heart add a little worry.

If Luo Xiao is handsome, then Wang Yangde is the first general under his command. With Wang Yangde, the Dingshan Guard led by Luo Xiao can explode 12% of its fighting power. At this time, unless there is an accident, Luo Xiao will never let him leave the team. In addition, there was Xiao Lang. Wan Dong entrusted Luo Xiao and others to him personally, and Xiao Lang was most devoted to his promises. How could he not be with Luo Xiao and others?

Wan Dong had a lot of doubts in his heart, and Ling Feiqiu and Luo Xiao had entered a fierce battle.

Faced with the further intimidation of Ling Feiqiu, Luo Xiao and others still insisted on not taking a step back, but at this time they added another thing to the power they released, that is will! Will like a steel man!

Mu Tiannan was shocked once again. The young people from the ordinary small world years ago broke through his estimates again and again in a short period of time. The potential is like Wang Yang, unfathomable. !

Mu Tiannan felt a bit lucky at this time. Thanks to these young people who were born in a small world of ordinary people, if they were born in the Daomen World, they would have the same rich resources as them. They have stepped into the Holy Soul Realm and are regarded as the powerful of God. Can they still be so popular? Mu Tiannan thought about it, just a word-hanging!


Luo Xiao's tongue burst into spring, and Huo pulled out his waist long sword. At the next moment, from behind him, dozens of blood-red sword blades were erected at the same time, and a trembling forest was suddenly spreading like a storm.

Ling Fei Qiu is too strong. Continue to continue. Luo Xiao and others only have the practice of the earth wheel realm. Sooner or later, they will be exhausted alive. There is no other way, only to fight hard! Retreat? Sorry, Dingshanwei does not have this tradition!

"These guys dare to move the sword? What really makes sense!" Upon seeing Luo Xiao and others pulling out the sword, Ling Feiqiu's face was immediately cold, and his eyes were very angry.

He has almost used all his might. Not only did he not deter Luo Xiao and others, but in the end, they even pulled out their swords, trying to fight with himself. What does that mean? This undoubtedly shows that he, a strong man in the pinnacle of Shinto, has completely failed!

Ling Fei Qiu felt that he had lost his face, so he had to teach Luo Xiao and others a lesson. Now it ’s better. The lost face has not only been recovered, but it has lost points. ? And once a strong man from God to the pinnacle is annoyed, the consequences do not need to be known and must be extremely terrible ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 17498393->

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