Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1249: Weird black gas!

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The two of Mu Tiannan are not confident, and the second one is especially troubling him! If you recruit talents, you can't make good use of them. Instead, you will be dominated by others instead of customers, and this person will lose your weight. According to Mu Tiannan's judgment on Wandong, this possibility exists not only, but also great!

Not to mention the Mu family ’s younger generation, there is no one who can match Wan Dong at all. Even the previous generation and his older generation are only temporarily suppressed now. I am afraid that if you live in another family, it will not be long before it will be surpassed ruthlessly. At that time, the entire Mu family simply changed their surnames, not to mention Wan Dong's side and Luo Xiao, a large group of almost equally evil brothers!

Thinking of this, Mu Tiannan's cold sweat almost shed. When I look at Luo Xiao and others, good guys, this is clearly a group of ‘jackals, tigers and leopards’!

But having said that, although Mu Tiannan had such and all kinds of worries, but he was so missed with Wan Dong, but he was also unwilling in his heart. So neither left nor right, Mu Tiannan's heart is almost tangled into a twist.

"If Yaoting could be my son-in-law of Mu Family, how beautiful would it be?"

There was a flash of light suddenly in Mu Tiannan's mind, and his mind couldn't help but rejuvenate, but after a second thought, his brow furrowed again. Mu Family has two golden flowers, but one is too small, and one has a heart ... Mutiannan is even more tangled!

It stands to reason that the marriage of this wealthy child must be subordinated to the interests of the family, and rarely can he make his own decision. However, Mu Tiannan loved Mulian Mutong in her heart, and she couldn't bear to force her sisters. For several years, Mulian was placed under house arrest and washed her face with tears all the time. Yu Cheng was noisy.

But this time, Mu Tiannan especially hoped that Mulian could form a relationship with Wandong, not only for the future of Mu Family, but also for Mulian's lifelong happiness. Until now, Mu Tiannan really likes him, and believes that Wan Dong is so good and can bring happiness to Mulian.

"Hey! Isn't I thinking a little bit more? And let's say Lianer can't agree. What does Yao Yaoting mean?" The mind was full of thoughts, and the brain turned a lot, Mu Tiannan suddenly grew. With a long sigh, he shook his head bitterly.

"Mu Lao, are you worried?" Mu Tiannan's sigh attracted Wan Dong's attention, and Wan Dong asked with concern.

At this time, Mu Tiannan was in a state of confusion, and I didn't know how to follow it. He smiled bitterly at Wan Dong.

Wan Dong became more and more puzzled, and when he was about to ask, a beast roar suddenly came from not far away. Wan Dong smiled and said, "Where is this explosive tiger, so bold, dare to come here to spread the wild?"

This place is where the Ling Family Headquarters is located, and the guards are naturally strong, and the Explosive Flame Tiger is not a high-level fairy beast. It appears here and is definitely dead. Although Wan Dong felt strange in his heart, he never went to it. Fairy beasts, after all, are still beasts, with limited intelligence. For a while, their brains can't turn around, and it's normal to be confused.

Mu Tiannan, Ling Tianhou and others apparently had the same idea, and did not care. But no one thought that Wan Dong's voice had just fallen, and Xiao Jin suddenly fluttered his wings, with a series of clear and high-pitched cries, and went straight in the direction of the roar. It seemed very excited!

Wan Dong couldn't figure out the situation for a while, and subconsciously wanted to chase it. Mu Tiannan smiled and pulled him away, saying, "Xiao Jin is like a newborn child now. It ’s normal, you do n’t have to care too much. ”

Wan Dong thought too, Di Kunpeng was a mythical beast, and his spirituality was almost the same as that of man. Although he is used to the Explosive Tiger, for Xiaojin, it is strangely tight. It is expected that this is the headquarters of the Ling family, there will be no danger, and Wan Dong will no longer be in charge, and will go with Xiao Jin.

"Oh no, is it Yangde?"

Who would have expected Wandong to relax his heart just now, and Luo Xiao suddenly exclaimed there, nervous in his expression.

Wan Dongzheng wondered why the children did not see Wang Yangde and Luo Xiao, and now they set their sights on Luo Xiao.

No need to ask Wan Dong, Luo Xiao said with a mouthful, "Boss, in case the explosive flame tiger really went towards Yang De, then things would be bad!"

Listening to Luo Xiao's words, Wan Dong couldn't help but laugh and said, "What are you talking about? With Yang De's cultivation practice, can't he deal with a flaming tiger?"

Luo Xiao's face suddenly dimmed, and then he sighed heavily, and then said, "Boss, you don't know, Yang Deta ..."

Luo Xiao's words were only halfway through, and Xiao Jin's sharp and excited cry came again. Wandong looked up and saw Xiao Jin's huge body, just like a giant bomber straight from Baizhang, dive down. Wandong's mighty heart was unhappy. According to Di Kunpeng's growth process, Xiaojin is just a newborn baby, but he is already so powerful, and when he grows up completely, what kind of situation should it be? Presumably can be alone!

In an instant, the roar of the Explosive Flame Tiger passed along, but compared with the previous Zhang Kuang, this time was full of a tragic taste. Under the claws of Emperor Kunpeng, the little flaming tiger might not even be able to resist.

"Huh? It seems to be a person!" When Wan Dong was crazy about Xiaojin's mighty heart, Mu Tiannan's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Wan Dong's heart shook inexplicably, staring at him hurriedly. Sure enough, Xiaojin's pair of claws grabbed a person and fluttered back.

"Is it a disciple of the Ling family?" Wan Dong's Xiuwei is not as good as Mu Tiannan, and his eyesight is far from being clear.

Mu Tiannan shook his head and said, "Look at his clothes, it seems not."

"That must be Yang De's no doubt! Yang De ah Yang De, you must be fine." Luo Xiao suddenly panicked and prayed again and again.

"How could it be Yangde?" Wan Dong was surprised with a sense of extreme ominousness.

Xiao Jin's speed is extremely fast, and his eyes are almost there. When he releases his claws and puts the person on the ground, Wan Dong's heart almost stops in shock. It's just that Wang Yangde at this time no longer looks like the heroic impression in Wan Dong's impression, but is covered in blood, almost dying.

"Yangde! Yangde!" Luo Xiao, Tang Xinyi and others shouted and came forward, Liu Keer was anxious and tears flowed, almost didn't faint on the spot.

"Yao Ting, is this boy your friend?"

Seeing that Wan Dong didn't say a word, there was a pestle like a telegraph pole, and there was a burst of green, Mu Tiannan immediately realized that Wang Yangde's relationship with Wan Dong was extraordinary, and asked quickly.

Mu Tiannan's question immediately awakened Wan Dong, but Wan Dong couldn't answer, and hurriedly pulled Luo Xiao away from them, and came to Wang Yangde's side. This approached recently, Wan Dong looked more real, and his heart hurt even more.

Wang Yangde's body was covered with fierce scars, which can almost be described as having no skin. Wan Dong was extremely puzzled. He didn't say aside. In the cultivation land alone, Wang Yangde said that he could not take away more than ten thousand flaming tigers. Moreover, the blasting tigers in the cultivation land were much more powerful than the outside world. Not to mention that it is a flaming tiger, even if it is a group, they would never want to hurt Wang Yangde like this.

"Boss, you must save Yangde, save him!"

Liu Kerr stumbled forward and hugged Wan Dong, crying with tears in his face.

"Ker, you can rest assured that Yang De is my brother, and I have no reason not to save him." After appeasing Liu Ke'er, Wan Dong reached out and explored Wang Yangde's breath. Although weak, Wang Yangde's breath still exists, which made Wan Dong breathe a sigh of relief. In Daomen World, as long as you don't swallow, you can't die.

Seeing that Wang Yangde still had a sniff, Wan Dong hurriedly injected another qi into his body and carefully explored his body's condition. Although Wang Yangde's trauma is terrible, it looks very serious, but it is only a skin injury after all. Compared with it, internal injuries are terrible!

When Wan Dong carefully injected Dao Qi into Wang Yangde's body, it was discovered that Wang Yangde's Yuan Mansion was completely depleted, and even a trace of Dao Qi was not left. It's no wonder that a flaming tiger in a district can injure Wang Yangde like this. A monk who has lost his temper may be only slightly stronger than an ordinary person, and naturally is not an opponent of the Flame Tiger.

However, Wang Yangde's Yuan Mansion and meridians were intact and did not seem to have suffered any serious trauma, which made Wan Dong completely relieved. As long as Wang Yangde's morale recovers, he will be a viable man again.

When Wan Dong was convinced that Wang Yangde did not suffer any internal injuries, and was about to withdraw the Dao Qi injected into Wang Yangde's body, he suddenly burst out a Daoqi from Wang Yangde's Yuan Mansion and Meridian, which was like a wolf pack. Straight towards Wan Dong's qi.

Without preparation, Wan Dong was immediately caught off-guard, blinking his eyes, and the Dao Qi he injected into Wang Yangde's body was swallowed up by these black qi.

Wan Dong was shocked and hurriedly injected a qi into Wang Yangde's body, and the black qi flew again. This time Wandong had preparedness, manipulated Dao Qi, and rushed towards the black air.

But when Wandong's Dao Qi hit the black gas, Wan Dong only felt as if it hit the air. The rebound of that kind of force did not happen at all, but the strange black gas was like it attached to the gold. The greasy dirt on it was affixed to Wan Dong's morale.

These black qi do not know what the origin is, but they are terrible and overbearing. One of them is attached to Wandong's qi, which is like iron and steel submerged in water at a surprising speed. Corrupted and dissolved, in a blink of an eye, Wan Dong's qi disappeared. But those black spirits, like the victorious army, wandered in Wang Yangde's Yuanfu meridian for a while, and then infiltrated into Wang Yangde's flesh and blood, disappeared! --by: dad856 | 55634 | 17498403->

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