Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1324: The Three Heroes and the Holy Spirit!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

But how to continue to beat Wan Dong, Mu Yucheng hesitated. It ’s better that he shoots and gives Wan Dong a hard lesson. It ’s best to beat him down and let him write a service word, so he will know that under this world, some people ca n’t rely on it. Courage defeated. But the question is, now that Mu Yucheng has shot, will he feel angered and retaliated against?

Wan Dong's accusations against him, although they are not very clear, but none of the people present are fools, everyone understands! He is the owner of a majestic family, and he is also the hegemon of this side of the world. If there is only such a measure, how can he convince the crowd in the future? According to common sense, not only can he not teach Wan Dong, but also give him a compliment, so that he can show the broad minds of his superiors.

Since he can't shoot, what about his men? Mu Yucheng turned his head to look around, and all the strong families around Mu, at this time, were all filled with a look of righteous indignation, as if wishing to give Wan Dong a lesson for him.

However, Mu Yucheng still has concerns! His men did not necessarily understand his thoughts. In case of being iron-minded, I want to clean up Wandong. In case there is a three-long two-short, let me tell you how to explain to Mu Tiannan.

Mu Yucheng's appreciation of Wandong was only in terms of qualifications and cultivation. However, now his appreciation of Wandong has already sublimated to the level of character. In this big world, how many seniors can't do both internal and external training, and they can achieve this step, and it is really commendable! He didn't want Wan Dong to lose even a little.

Just when Mu Yucheng's brains were all twisted together, the Ninth Five-Year Plan raised his hands and said, "Master Mu, I know that you are influenced by this kid's words, hesitant in your heart, afraid of harming yourself. Prestige. Anyway, Ping Wu Niang, a traitor, I can punish myself! But, if someone disrupts on the way, the old man can't take care of that much. "

The last time I was at the Ling family, the Ninth Five-Year Plan has learned Wandong's methods. I'm afraid that Wandong will continue to make troubles like this, and what will make him caught by surprise. So I thought about it and wanted to shoot it in person and make a quick decision.

The Ninth Five-Year Dark Sky is a strong man in the Holy Soul Realm of Zheng'er Eight Classics. No one can ignore his threat to him. Mu Yucheng wanted to see what Wandong would look like, and looked up at Wandong.

However, on Wan Dong's face, Mu Yucheng didn't see the color of panic he expected. On the contrary, Wan Dong's expression was as calm as ever, and a pair of pupils didn't even look at the ninety-five years of emptiness. Holding him.

Mu Yucheng couldn't help but smiled in his heart and thought, "Stinky boy, no wonder you have to blame you for being ungrateful with Lao Tzu. I ’m not as good as you want, see what you can do! "

At this moment, probably no one would think that Mu Yucheng, with a cold look on his face, was so 'belly black' in his heart, and Wan Dong moved his mind.

With a cough, Mu Yu became enlightened. "Ping Wu Niang sent my daughter back safely. Mu Yu Cheng really owed her a favor, but it is an indisputable fact that the Ping family betrayed the 95th family. Even if Ping Wu Niang and Ping Sihai have She could not erase her identity as a member of the Heike family, and as a senior member of the Heike family, not to mention that the Ping Wuniang used to receive a lot of benefits from the Ninth Five-Year family. Now that the Heike family rebelled, she should give the Heike family an account, no matter what Is it to represent the family, or to represent herself. Under the balance of the two phases, I can only decide not to be biased and look on the wall! Brother Xiu Kong, should you understand Yucheng ’s difficulties? "

Both Ping Wuniang and Xiao Zhenwei were seriously injured, and the Ninth Five-Year Dark Sky did n’t take them into their eyes, and Wandong was n’t even a half-step Holy Spirit. With the help of the Mu family, Mu Yucheng made such a decision, which seemed fair and fair on the surface, but in fact was the same as helping him.

Does the Ninth Five-Year Plan have any objections? A smirk flickered across his face, nodded, and his face was grim.

"Huh! The owner of the Mu family is really fair!" Xiao Zhenwei snorted heavily, sneering at the irony, showing no doubt!

Mu Yucheng ignored Xiao Zhenwei and turned his head to look at Wan Dong. He wanted to see what kind of expression Wan Wan would be at this time.

However, Mu Yucheng couldn't understand it. Wan Dong's expression was quite different from what he had expected, and there was a faint sigh of relief in his breath, and the boulder fell on his heart, a feeling of relief. It seems that Wan Dong Zhengba couldn't stop him from doing so.

Mu Yucheng's brows suddenly turned into iron bumps, and he couldn't see through Wan Dong.

"Mu Jiazhu, if we defeated the Ninth Five-Year Plan, can Senior Ping leave the Mu Family freely without any hindrance?" Wan Dong revived and asked Mu Yucheng.

Mu Yucheng didn't know where Wandong's confidence came from? In the first stage of a divine Shinto, he dared to challenge the majesty of the Holy Soul Realm, not to mention the fact that he is so confident and full of people. This is a bit ridiculous.

"Boy, I hope you aren't savage and calm down!" Mu Yucheng said in his heart and raised his voice, "This is nature! Mu Mucheng is also the head of the family anyway. How can he be untrustworthy?"

"Okay!" As soon as Mu Yucheng's words fell, Wan Dong's whole person seemed to be ignited, his fiery fighting spirit burst into bursts, and he couldn't get out of his way.

"Senior Ping, Senior Xiao, today the three of us will come to the Three Heroes and the Holy Spirit, how? Hahaha ..."

With the outburst of fighting spirit, Wan Dong seems to be a different person, his hair fluttering and laughing constantly, like the possession of the God of War, it is exciting!

"Yao Ting, in this battle, both of us are enough. You can still fight for us!" Xiao Zhenwei really didn't want to harm Wan Dong because of himself, Zhangkou said.

Knowing that Wan Dong ignored it, he waved his hand, and his voice became clearer like a morning bell, and his attitude was determined not to fall down Taishan. "Seniors don't need to say more, this battle, the younger generation will never miss it!"

"The light of the fireflies, who dare to compete with the sun and the moon, can't help themselves!" Wan Dong's confident expression was an insult to the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and his arms were shaken. The obscure figure rose immediately. The power of the powerful in the Holy Soul Realm exploded, making the colors of heaven and earth all dark. The emptiness of the air is like the **** of the world, the power is prosperous, and the words cannot be described.

The war has not yet begun, and the invisible coercion has already swept away, looming Wandong. Where does the Ninth Five-Year Obscure Kong allow an early shrewd younger generation of Shinto to share the sky with him?

Although everyone could not see the shape of coercion, they could clearly hear the sound of air explosions in the air, Mu Ao, Mu Xuansheng, and even Mo Taichang's mind could not help but tremble. These three masters who had always wanted Wan Dong to grind their teeth, this time his face was full of tension.

Mu Yucheng was still a calm, calm posture, but who knows whether his heart is also the same as his appearance.

If the coercion of the Ninth Five-Year Plan is likened to monstrous waves, in Mu Yucheng's view, Wandong is like a slight candlelight. However, when the mighty pressure of the Ninth Five-Year Plan overwhelmed Wandong, Wandong did not die on the spot as he expected. On the contrary, although Wan Dong's figure trembles, his face is also a painful color, but Wan Dong's figure never moves at all. Moreover, at the same time, an unusually strong light slowly burst out from Wan Dong's body, and slowly spread, with an unusually firm determination, it was the coercive pressure that brought the ninety-five years into the dark. Shengsheng pushed away a bit.

Although only a fraction, the significance is significant! This means that Wandong definitely has the ability to fight against the Ninth Five-Year Plan!

"Ninth Five-Year Plan, you are too deceiving!"

At this moment, Ping Wu Niang made a roar, his right hand suddenly raised, two swords, immediately brought two glory, like a mad dragon blasted towards the ninety-five years.

"Hahaha ... Carving insects, how dare you show ugliness in front of the old man?"

Facing Ping Wuniang's offensive, the right hand of the Nine-Five-Year of the Ninth Five-Year Dark Sky was pressed through the air, and a gust of wind condensed instantly, directly curling towards the two swords. The violent wind sacrificed by the Ninth Five-Year Dark Sky was extraordinary at first glance, and its moral meaning was manifested as if it contained infinite power. But listening to Dangdang's two crisp sounds, the Huaguang of Ping Wuniang's two swords instantly shattered, and the two swords were directly swept away by the gust of wind. Numerous thin cracks clearly appeared on the sword front, and it was about to be completely broken.

Ping Wuniang mouth spit blood and receded backwards, a piece of complexion looked better than white paper. Xiao Zhenwei gritted his steel teeth, and then caught up. Juding instantly jumped hundreds of times, mouthed down, and drew it straight down to the ninety-five years.

"Ninth Five-Year Plan, let me make you a golden pill!"

Ju Ding withdrew downward, Xiao Zhenwei's hands were not idle, and in the blink of an eye, thousands of Dharma seals were shot, and among the Ju Ding, a terrifying flame burst into flames, and the surrounding temperature The momentary effort has raised more than hundreds of degrees. Xiao Zhenwei got a Dinglong Dragon Scale from Wandong. After going back, if he got the treasure, after refining, he merged into the natal Dao fire, which greatly improved the quality of his natal Dao fire.

"You know, the so-called half-step holy spirit is a joke in front of the real holy spirit realm! It doesn't need too much, just a breeze of the breeze will let you wait for the soul to fly away!"

Along with the cold voice of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, a ray of light purple breeze, slowly forming in its palm, fluttering between the five fingers. It seems that it is very unremarkable, but there is a kind of palpable power that continues to circulate. Even Mu Ao, the owner of the first person under the holy spirit, can't help but change his face when he sees this purple wind .

"Where do you come back? Don't be embarrassed here!" The voice just fell, and the purple wind in the palm of the ninety-five sky suddenly flew out, and went straight towards Juding ...

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