Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1359: Green Phoenix!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Wan Dong is no stranger to Hu Xiao Mountain. There is a description in the memory of Xuan Tian Da Ming Shen. The side of the Daomen Gate got its name because of the mountain-like black tiger screaming in the sky. Thousands of years ago, it used to be the headquarters of a Yipin family and became famous!

Only somehow later, the Yipin family died overnight, causing panic throughout the Daomen world. Countless people came to explore the cause, but the result was clueless, and it is still the first mystery of Daomen.

Slowly, people who could not find the reason, attributed everything to Huxiao Mountain. I think that Huxiao Mountain is an ominous mountain. The entrance to the nether world is a good treasure. After years and months, it is deserted!

But today's Huxiao Mountain is much more lively! As soon as Wan Dong reached the periphery, he faintly felt that there was a spirit of Xiao Xiao killing spread from the mountains. In the shadows around, it seems that there are constantly master shuttles. For Mu Lian, the blood skeleton is really costing.


Wan Dong just dropped his body from the air, and then listened to the swish of his coat. Five corrective exercises are coming at the same time. Look at the costumes, all are blood skull killers, two gold sword levels, three silver sword levels.

The five had not bowed to Wan Dong, they bowed down, and looked very respectful. Their salute saved their lives. Seeing the killer of the blood skeleton, Wan Dong instinctively waved his hand to kill him. Their worship only reminded Wan Dong that his current identity has been changed to Ghost Face Venerable.

"Is the Li family still in Huxiao Mountain?"

Wan Dong held his hands and asked Shen Sheng.

The five blood skeleton killers did not see any flaws at all, and one of the golden swords immediately bowed and responded, "The pocket has been firmly secured, and the Li family is unable to escape this time!"

"In this case, why didn't you wait for the mountain to capture, but wander around here?" Wan Dong asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Sovereign Qiqi! I waited for the order of Yu Gong to block the Huxiao Mountain and guard against fish that have missed the net!"



Wan Dong would like to ask which Yugong, but in this way, it is absolutely necessary to reveal the stuff. I do n’t know how much Yugong arranged for the team responsible for killing the fish in the net like this, and Wan Dong ca n’t severely punish them here. It seems that it can only be taken one step at a time.

"Okay! You go on, this one goes into the mountain!"

"Sovereign Divine Prowess, the Li family's people will inevitably collapse with one shot!" The golden sword killer patted Wan Dongyi skillfully.

Wan Dong under the mask smiled coldly and leaned into the vast Huxiao Mountain.

Huxiao Mountain has been abandoned for many years, and Daomen monks rarely come in, making this a paradise for all kinds of fairy beasts, which is very dangerous.

The people of the Li family escorted Mulian back to Mu's house. There are many ways to choose from, and there is no need to enter the Huxiao Mountain at all. One can imagine that they must have been forced in by blood skeletons. In other words, the blood skeleton's pursuit of Murine started long ago. The Tiger Mountain in front of him is the place where the blood skeleton planned.

When I thought that Mu Lian had been chased and killed along the way, I didn't know how much bitterness I had eaten. Wan Dong's heart hurt like he was bitten by ants.

"Roar ~~~"

Not far away a beast roar suddenly came, Wan Dong's expression changed, listening to the sound, it should be a metal rhinoceros. There was not much anger in the roar, but there was a hint of intimidation. It appears that the iron rhinoceros found its prey.

Since the Blood Skeleton Killer has chosen Huxiao Mountain as the place to close the net, he will naturally not be afraid of the fairy beasts here. The ten ** s that were targeted by the ironhide rhinoceros were from the Li family, and may even be Mu Lian!

At the thought of Mulian, Wan Dong's blood was boiling. His figure swayed, and he swept in the direction of the beast roar like a wind.

"Don't come, don't come!" Looking at the huge body like a small hill in front of her, Lvfeng couldn't even stand, and her pretty face was full of fear and despair.

Lu Feng is Mu Lian's waitress. She came out with Mu Lian this time. She was originally looking for her future aunt. She was very happy. Who would have thought that she would be surrounded by blood skeletons. This way, it can be described as dangerous and repeated. Nearly half of the masters who escorted Mulian from the Li family were mercilessly beheaded. The rest, together with her and Mu Lian, were rushed into this Huxiao Mountain.

After some fierce fighting, everyone was inevitably broken up, and Green Phoenix and Mulian were separated. Although Lvfeng's self-cultivation is good, it is only at the level of Tiange's primary level. Coupled with repeated battles, his physical strength is almost exhausted. He originally wanted to adjust the interest rate for a moment, and then went to find Mu Lian. Unexpectedly, he escaped the tracking of the blood skeleton killer, but hit the ironhide rhinoceros again.

Ironhide rhinoceros is a kind of rhinoceros. It is good at absorbing Yuehua and hardening a piece of skin more than steel. Its combat power is not trivial. When Lvfeng was full, it might be possible to draw a tie with it, but now ...

Lvfeng subconsciously screamed at the rhinoceros, but where can he ignore it? In the eyes of a pair of beasts, the green light flashes frequently, and it looks very hungry.

"Isn't ... Is it really that Lufeng is going to become the beast's Chinese food?" Lufeng felt miserable in his heart, and he felt that he should not be called every day.

The Rhinoceros was really hungry. He roared, and his heels were heavily kicked on the ground. The dust behind the straight pedal was flying. At the same time, the huge mountain-like body, with great strength, crept toward the Green Phoenix.

Lvfeng exclaimed, his body suddenly twisted, almost hiding close to the Ironhide. Where is she now, dare to fight hard with rhinoceros?

But the flexibility of the iron rhinoceros was obviously beyond Lu Feng's expectations. Before she gasped, the iron rhinoceros twisted her neck suddenly, and her body turned around, her head straight up against the tall chest of Lufeng.

Lvfeng's sweat all stood up, and he wanted to push **** both legs, but the two legs were soft like noodles. As soon as he bit his teeth, the whole person fell straight and fell to the ground.

With a heavy back on the ground, Lvfeng only felt that the skeleton of his body was about to be dissipated alive, and her tears flickered in pain. However, he finally hid the technique of "Blind Peak" from the metal rhinoceros. If it is topped up, her pair of Saints Peaks must be exploded by the living top.


Lvfeng hadn't had time to rejoice, and a violent wind blew straight down from above. I saw a big dustpan hoof of the ironhide rhinoceros, stepped down with the thunder.


Lvfeng scolded in anger, unable to take care of that much, his body rolled hurriedly, and rolled out for more than ten feet before he stopped.

Ironhide rhinoceros was very annoyed that he failed to win the Green Phoenix successively. The green eyes were glowing red.

Lvfeng was dripping with sweat, lying on the ground, almost unable to stand up. Spiritual consumption is even more serious than physical consumption.


The Iron Rhinoceros refused to give Green Phoenix too much breathing opportunities. In a series of loud noises, the Iron Rhinoceros rushed towards the Green Phoenix like a frenzy. Each hoof steps down, leaving a deep hole in the ground.

Lu Feng's heart was cold, and he slowly closed his eyes. The low murmur "died in the hands of the beast. Although sad, it was 100 times stronger than the hands of the blood skeleton. It ’s just ... but I do n’t see Miss anymore ... "

A tear dribbled slowly into her mouth along her cheeks, a bitter feeling, and even let the green phoenix lose all hope.


At this moment, a muffled noise suddenly sounded from the side of her ear, but the pain she expected did not come.

Lvfeng reopened his eyes in surprise, just to see the iron-hide rhinoceros like a hill-like figure, even like a baseball being pumped out, flew out across the sky, smashing countless trees. Green Phoenix even saw that the iron-skin rhinoceros's so-called steel-like skin clearly had a basketball-sized blood hole, blood, and broken internal organs. From there, it spewed out together, and it seemed that it could not survive.

"Savior is here! Is it Li's family?"

Lu Feng's reaction was quick, and he turned his head in surprise. But this look really surprised her. A spooky ghost face, less than a foot away from her, an extremely intense terror breath instantly grabbed her atrium, causing her to almost stop breathing.

After a long while, Lvfeng struggled, and made a terrible cry in his mouth. He took a dozen steps backwards in one breath, and then sat heavily on the ground.

"You ... you are a man or a ghost !?"

Wan Dong didn't answer. After looking at Lu Feng for a few seconds, he couldn't help but sigh.

It wasn't Mu Lian that made him feel a little sorry.

"The Li family doesn't have your character, you ... are you the killer of the blood skeleton?" Lvfeng Xing stared at him with a stern expression.

Wan Dong did not answer, but asked, "Where is Mulian?"

"You really are the killer of the blood skeleton!" Lu Feng confirmed Wan Dong's identity, and there was a desperation in his heart.

"Since you know that I am a blood skeleton, then you should understand the means of our blood skeleton. Don't force me to hurt you, tell me, where is Mulian?"

This Huxiao Mountain is too dangerous. There are both blood skeleton killers and various brutal fairy beasts. Wan Dong is not sure, Mu Lian also has the same good luck as Green Phoenix, and in case of danger, someone will rush to the rescue in time.

Wan Dong now ca n’t wait to find Mu Lian, let her stay with her and protect it by herself. Only in this way can his heart be fully settled.

"Why do you know this? I am Mu Lian! If you want to catch me, then catch it!"

Green Phoenix's eyebrows burst into a cluster, and suddenly said such a sentence.

"Are you Mulian?" Wan Dong couldn't help but stunned.

Lvfeng snorted softly, and said with a lip, "Why, doesn't it look like? If you want to kill then kill, just beg you to go far away, don't dirty this world!"

Of course, Green Phoenix is ​​not Mulian. She did this just to sacrifice herself and preserve Mulian. Wan Dong couldn't help moving her loyalty to Mulian.

"What are you stunned for? Do it quickly! After killing me, you can invite your master to take credit, lest someone else take the lead."

Seeing Wan Dong's delay, Lu Feng thought that he didn't believe it, he couldn't help but anxious, and said repeatedly.

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