Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1392: Total defeat!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!


"Who dares to hurt Lao Tzu's brilliant aunt, Lao Tzu will let him not be superborn!" With a roar of noise, Mu Yu danced with both palms, and the air spewed out. There was already a precarious line of defense that would collapse at any time, and a big hole appeared. [t] ...

A few purple sword-level killers on the side saw it, hurriedly came forward to remedy, one of them was decisive, directly want to explode. In the face of this situation before, Mu Yucheng always reluctantly gave in, but this time it was really cruel, and he completely ignored it. One big hand, each five fingers burst out a vigorous force, like five meteors, shot on the violent purple sword killer.

The purple sword killer's self-detonation process has just reached the general level, and it was directly forcibly detonated by Mu Yucheng's energy. The whole person bloomed like a firework. The blood mist that spattered covered the small half of the sky, and there was a share A terrible energy like an explosion wave erupted all around.

Mu Yucheng's move made Chang Sibo look cold, but I never expected that Mu Yucheng would be so crazy that he was completely reckless! He thinks who he is, he is no longer a blind impulsive cold guy, but the master of the dazzling Yipin family, a generation of masters! Such a move is completely inconsistent with his identity, it is just fooling around!

If you want to forcibly block the self-exploitation of a powerful Shinto Peak Realm, even the Holy Soul Realm, there is only a 1% chance. Once it fails, it is tantamount to assisting the abuse, making the entire self-explosive, and the power directly doubled. In that case, even the strongest of the Holy Soul Realm will lose the last chance to escape and fall into a ten-death Jedi! If it were not for the last moment, no one would take the initiative to take risks when fighting.

Moreover, even if the blocking is successful, the best result is only to halve the power of self-detonation, just like now, the shock wave generated by the purple sword killer self-detonation is still spread out and rushed to Mu Yucheng.

However, Mu Yucheng was clearly prepared, and the shock wave had not yet fully spread out, and the whole person had moved. For example, the fire that invaded the nine days immediately split a thousand palms of strength, and the shock wave will be defeated by the oncoming shock wave From beginning to end, the whole person did not step back, even half a step.

However, it can be seen that Mu Yucheng was really shocked. Although he was not injured, he was also disgraced and quite embarrassed.

It's just that everyone didn't think that Mu Yucheng was so crazy, and even more so, Mu Yucheng was able to rely on his own decisiveness and really seized the 1% chance to successfully block the self-explosive and siege him. A purple sword killer is nothing less than a ghost in the day, stunned, like a clay figure of a paper man, and forgot to shoot for a while.

However, Mu Yucheng refused to be polite. He turned his head and brought out a dazzling light curtain like a knife and ganged towards the purple sword killer. When those Purple Sword Killers came back to God, the opportunity was lost, and they had to hurry to respond. In the face of a powerful psychic strongman who is completely mad, this is tantamount to finding death. ,

But after listening to the screams that almost became a film, three purple sword killers, who were slightly inferior, were killed on the spot, the remaining few, although the reaction was not slow, it was difficult to retreat. , Severe blood was seriously injured.

At this point, no one can stop Mu Yucheng's sharp edge, only to see it hurricane like a dragon, and headed for Wandong.

"Yuhua screen, you are careful!"

Seeing this scene, Chang Sibo was also shocked. When he saw the rain screen, he unknowingly hurriedly reminded him. Although he was very dissatisfied with the rain screen in his heart, but now their situation is getting worse and worse, he needs the rain screen to be alive.

"At this time, can you still take care of others?"

Chang Sibo just reminded Yuhua screen that Mu Tiannan's voice like ice was heard.

When Chang Sibo looked back, he saw Mu Tiannanhun lingering on and off, a majestic treasure, his palms were slowly raised, palms down, a glorious burst of light, an unstoppable killing intention, from his The body is constantly flourishing, anyone can see, Mu Tiannan is going to fight him with a decisive battle!

"Who is that kid? How do you make each of you look crazy?"

Chang Sibo hardly suppressed the curiosity in his heart, and finally asked. From the moment Wan Dong showed his face, everything changed! In this moment, the total number of blood-skeletal killers and blood-clad men killed and wounded exceeded the previous total. Then there is almost the last breath of the kid. What power is there to let these people suddenly burst out with such terrible power? Chang Sibo was of course curious, but more horrified.

"He's someone you shouldn't hurt to die! He's ... I'm against the family!"

Mu Tiannan's eyes suddenly squinted, and the rich killing force and the energy of the tyrant broke out together. That momentum was like an eruption of 100,000 volcanoes, and it was not enough to describe it.

Chang Sibo was frightened, and he hurriedly urged the whole body of qi, and countless blue lights urged the true sound of the avenue. Depressed, want to crush Mu Tiannan with his Daoji together.

By this time, Chang Sibo did not dare to keep his hands. The two great peerless men, when they came up, had their needle tips hard against the awn. Two great forces collided into the sky. At this moment, it seemed that the sky was about to collapse, and there were black cracks like cracks, and immediately a terrible breath spewed out of it, as if there were What a vicious beast is coming to this world through the black crack.

But the black cracks didn't exist for long, and soon they were made up by an invisible force. It was a force derived from the law. It was beyond everything.

Chang Sibo and Mu Tiannan made a grunt at the same time, and then took a step back!

Chang Sibo's face was faintly bluish, and said coldly, "Mutian Nan, are you desperate to fight with this seat?"

"What about desperately? Chang Sibo, to live to such an age, haven't you broken through life and death?"

Mu Tiannan has a ridiculous color, without any pause, his right hand is slowly raised, as if the sky and earth Avenue are raised, countless Huaguang, spontaneously gathered behind him, such as thousands of horses and horses, the array is currently, only Mu Tiannan orders Next, he roared out, swallowed the sky and smashed the Huanglong!

Chang Sibo's white eyebrows tightened, while he was alert, and said with a deep voice, "Mutian Nan, you think clearly, if you and I are both working hard, Mu Family Seven Peaks will be razed to the ground!"

"So what? My Mu family can bear it!"

Uncle Sang Chang ’s face changed again, and he could no longer conceal the shock in his voice. Na Na said, “Do n’t you think that the kid ’s life is more important than the Mu Family Seven Peaks?”

"You are right! The Qifeng of Mu Family can collapse as much as possible, and my family is against scales, and it should never be insulted!"

With a thunderous thunder, Mu Tiannan set off a raging wave again. Numerous boulders and big trees around him were all attracted by their power, and they all rose up one after another. The first peak of the Mu family had changed. Vice look!

At first, Chang Sibo thought that Mu Tiannan said it was intimidation. At this time, he realized that Mu Tiannan was really serious.

"Everyone must work harder and never let a blood skeleton thief leave this place!"

When Chang Sibo and Mu Tiannan confronted each other, the whole war situation had reached its final moment. The blood skeleton killer and the blood-clothed man collapsed across the board, and the disciples of the Mu family and the masters of the Ling family have entered the stage of the final elimination of the remnant enemies.

A large number of blood skeleton killers and blood-clothed people have died under siege, and the trend of defeat has become. Even if Chang Sibo is three heads and six arms, he is unable to return to heaven at this time!

Seeing this scene, Chang Sibo tickled Wan Dong's hatred! All of this was originally under his control. Who would have thought that the emergence of Wan Dong would have caused his entire plan to fail, and he did not know how to face the anger of the blood skeleton overlord this time, how could he not hate?

"No matter who the little **** is, I will punish it today!"

Chang Sibo's hatred for Wandong has reached an inexhaustible point, can't help but secretly swear in his heart!

"Chang Sibo, you know you will die, so have you given up to resist?"

Mu Tiannan said quietly, murderous sky!

"Mutiannan, you and I will inevitably have a deadly battle, but it is not today! It is counted as your family's fate, and you escaped today, but you will not be so lucky when you come to Japan!

"Do you still want to leave this place alive?"

"Can you stop me?" Chang Sibo sneered, his face arrogant.

"I really want to try it!" Mutianan was irritated by Chang Sibo's heart and gritted his teeth.

"Then you come!"

After saying nothing, Chang Sibo's figure did not stay any longer, suddenly violently, like a black lightning, straight into Jiuxiao.

Mu Tiannan's face sank, and he also pulled up his body, and his palms were split out in turns. The two mad dragons also had palm-like strength.

"Hahaha ... The Mu family is against scales and can never be insulted? This seat doesn't believe this evil!"

In the face of Mu Tiannan ’s powerful pursuit, Chang Sibo neither responded nor hurriedly ran away, but laughed loudly, his body suddenly turned, his right hand pointed out, and a dark ink finger, immediately shot Out, pointing directly to Wandong.

"Not good!" Mu Tiannan shuddered in his heart, and subconsciously mobilized his palms, abandoning Chang Sibo, but intercepted the black fingers.

"Hey ..."

Unexpectedly, Chang Sibo had long predicted Mu Tiannan's move. Mu Tiannan's hand had just changed, but Chang Sibo followed with an offensive and went straight to Mu Tiannan's hand.

Chang Sibo ’s palm strength at this time was not very vigorous, and at best he only condensed 30% of his strength, but this palm grasped Mu Tiannan ’s hurried change tricks wonderfully, and he was excellent. Opportunity, with Qi Shengzheng, just achieved the magic effect of four or two pounds.

But with a loud bang, Mu Tiannan's palm strength had not caught up with his fingers, so he was first intercepted by Chang Sibo's palm strength. A series of fierce rumors came. Although Chang Sibo's mouth was bleeding with shock, he completely removed Mu Tiannan's palm strength. Mu Tiannan could only watch the black fingers of Chang Sibo and take it straight. Wandong ...

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