Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

In this war, blood skulls suffered heavy losses, but there were also a few casualties among the Mu Family disciples. t The first peak of the entire Mu family was almost completely shrouded in blood, and it didn't gradually dissipate until three days later.

"Second Grandpa, how is Xiaodong's injury?" Mu Lian asked with a worried and eager look at Mu Tiannan without blinking his eyes.

Mu Yucheng, Xiao Zhenwei, Ping Wu Niang, Luo Xiao and others all looked nervous, as if waiting for Mu Tiannan to pronounce a sentence, the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath. In comparison, Wan Dong is the most relaxed, with a calm face, and the familiar smile has not faded. On the contrary, it is a little more splendid. Looking at Mu Lian, it seems that he is enjoying a rare treasure. , Eyes full of joy and warmth.

Finally, I can stay with Mu Lian again. At this moment, for Wan Dong, everything is no longer important! What hurts is not to mention, as long as it can breathe and look at Mu Lian, it is enough!

"Xiaodong's trauma is no longer hindered, and his internal injuries have basically healed. The five internal organs are intact, and the meridians and Yuanfu are also being reshaped under the nourishment of many elixir ..."

Listening to Mu Tiannan's words, everyone present was greatly relieved and was about to say some congratulations to Wan Dong, but unexpectedly Mu Tiannan's words suddenly changed at this time, his face was somber and his voice became heavy. " It stands to reason that Xiaodong should have been healed, but what is strange is that I can't even notice the slightest qi in Xiaodong's body. Moreover, the qi I inject into his body is always like a mud cow entering the sea, instantly It disappears without a trace, which is really strange! "

"How is this possible? Didn't you say that Xiaodong's meridians and Yuanfu have been remodeled, how could it not be aware of the existence of Dao Qi?" Mu Yucheng asked with a surprised expression.

"Xiaodong was seriously injured, just recovered, and his qi can still be reunited in the future. Mu Lao you can't detect the existence of qi in his body, which is normal. But what I don't understand is why After injecting Dao Qi, Dao Qi will disappear without a trace? "

Xiao Zhenwei was no less puzzled than Mu Yucheng. He took a few steps forward and reached out to hold Wan Dong's pulse, and then injected a trace of qi into his body. After a while, Xiao Zhenwei's complexion suddenly changed, and his suspicion was overwhelming!

"The meridians, Yuan Yuan are intact, but they cannot store Dao Qi. The Dao Qi quickly dissipates as soon as it enters the body. This sounds like, how is ... the same waste that is inherently incapable of being cultivated?" Ping Wuniang also clustered Emei.

Xiao Zhenwei frowned and looked at her in a hurry. Ping Wu Niang suddenly recovered, fearing Wan Dong was irritated, and busy saying, "Of course, I do n’t mean Xiao Dong is waste, and Xiao Dong is not a person who cannot practice, he 'S talent and cultivation are obvious to all, I just feel weird! "

"Is it because Xiao Dong suffered too much injury this time, so ..." Mu Yucheng thought, and the whole person suddenly felt a little more worried.

Mu Yucheng's guess clearly coincided with Mu Tiannan. Mu Tiannan lightly frowned and asked Wan Dong, "Xiao Dong, do you feel any discomfort?"

Wan Dong smiled and shook his head. Others did not know his physical condition, but he knew it very well. Of course, he will not become a waste. The reason why there is no Dao Qi in his body is not that the meridians and Yuanfu cannot store Dao Qi, but that his Dao Qi has been sucked away by the Yuanshen he just generated.

The thing of Yuanshen should n’t appear in Daomen World even in Xianting, so it has to wait for the cultivation ground to reach a certain level before it can be cultivated. The reason why Wan Dong was able to cultivate Yuanshen so early is partly because he cultivated Xuantian Wushen tactics, and the more important reason is still due to his various encounters! You should know that even the Xuantian Great God at that time was the Yuanshen only after entering the Xianting.

Wan Dong believes, not to mention Xiao Zhenwei, Ping Wu Niang, and even Mu Tiannan, who knows little about Yuanshen. If he said it, let ’s not say whether they would believe it or not, even if they finally believed it, it would have an inevitable impact on their future practice.

To cultivate together, the first is to cultivate the mind! If you know too much, the more you get involved, it ’s not a good thing!

Moreover, Wan Dong knew very little about Yuanshen. He was also moving forward in groping, and it was impossible for them to explain clearly to Mu Tiannan!

If Wan Dong is willing, it is not difficult to resume his cultivation. But now Wandong only wants to stay with Mu Lian, telling the pain of missing, even a moment of time is not willing to waste.

"Xiaodong, how can you ... can you laugh?" Mu Tiannan really served Wandong. If he changed to someone else, he would have been crazy. How many could be as open-minded as Wandong?

Once this person is a cow x, it is really cow x everywhere!

"Mu Lao, because of my injury, you haven't been idle for three days since you were old. It's a broken heart! You can rest assured that I'm fine!"

"Everything is fine and you are fine? Xiaodong, you have to cooperate with me. I am worried that it is not the rain screen, or that Chang Sibo gave you a black hand. We must find out the crux of the problem as soon as possible. It's hard to recover for life! "

Mu Tiannan felt that it was necessary to make the words harsher and let Wan Dong know the significance. But he was quickly disappointed, Wan Dong's expression was as calm as before. Before that, he wondered if Wan Dong did n’t want everyone to worry about him, so he pretended to be calm. Now he knows that it ’s not the case at all, and people really do n’t care about it. !

Such a calm work, Mu Tiannan is also difficult to beat!

"Xiaodong, your whole body is cultivated, and that's not because of the strong wind, do you really care so much?" Mu Yucheng was anxious.

Wan Dong chuckled a few times and said, "I always thought that in this world, anxiety can't solve anything, uncle, what do you say?"

As soon as Wan Dong said this, Mu Yucheng felt a little embarrassed but had to give thumbs up to Wan Dong. Mu Tiannan also nodded frequently, but his face was bitter, and he would admire Wan Dong almost from his heart to his face.

Seeing their expressions, Wan Dong knew that they had misunderstood. Wan Dong ’s intention was to let everyone know that he was not anxious because he had a solution, but everyone thought that Wan Dong was saying that even Mu Tiannan could n’t get his own injuries, he was anxious and what's the point?

Although it was known that everyone had misunderstood, Wan Dong did not intend to explain. Turning his head to Mu Liandao, "Lian'er, Li Baiyi is probably heavier than me in order to save us. Let's go and see him?"

"You ... don't you hate Li Baiyi?" Wan Dong took the initiative to visit Li Baiyi, which surprised Mu Lian.

"I was rushing at him in order to save you, even if I could spare my life, I have no reason to hate him!"

Wan Dong's resolute answer, without any hesitation, listened to Mu Lianfang's heart, and compared with the time in the ordinary world, Wan Dong is really mature!

"Hey! Xiaodong, you are really sympathetic to Bai Yi! Although I have solved the black finger in the Bai Yi Institute, but his whole body is cultivated, I am afraid that it is hopeless!"

Mu Tiannan sighed and let the atmosphere present instantly freeze to the extreme.

Wandong is naturally the dragon of man, but Li Baiyi is definitely a wizard of heaven! How could two young people who were supposed to shine in the near future ‘fall off’ on the same day?

"The king **** whose surname is Chang, let me meet now, I must peel him off alive!" Mu Yucheng said bitterly.

"Count me!" Ping Wu Niang immediately received a sentence, a good enemy!

Wan Dong mainly suffered from internal injuries, but the external injuries were not serious, but Li Baiyi suffered heavy injuries both internally and externally. At this time, still lying on the bed, the white cotton cloth on the chest, still with fresh blood stains, it seems that the wound on the chest has not completely healed.

This is not surprising. Chang Sibo ’s black finger means that this kind of damnification is so difficult to treat, it is a hundred times more difficult than ordinary injuries!

Li Xuan and Li Wendao have always been in front of Li Baiyi's bed, and have almost closed their eyes for three days. At this time, their eyes are full of red blood!

On Wandong ’s side, Lvfeng could n’t get in, and ran over to take care of Li Baiyi. It was a bit of worry to see that Li Wendao and Li Xuan were so desperate, but she persuaded several times, but failed to persuade them to take a rest Going to ask Mu Yucheng to persuade him, Mu Yucheng accompanied Wan Dong and Mu Lian to come over.

Lvfeng already knew Wan Dong's identity at this time, and understood why Wan Dong desperately rescued them so much, he was happy for Mu Lian in his heart. I just think that Mulian is the happiest woman in this world!

At this time, I saw Wan Dong and Mu Lian walking side by side. The golden boys and girls are like a match made in heaven, and they are even more envious. A small mouth that laughs is almost closed!

He hurried forward a few steps, bowed to Wan Dong and Mu Lian Ying Ying, and smiled and said, "Feng'er has seen the lady and the uncle!"

Although the relationship between Wan Dong and Mu Lian is well known, the ‘Grandpa’ of Lufeng is still called Wan Dong ’s cheeks reddish. The green phoenix I watched was in a trance, and I couldn't help but praise it. The aunt of my own family was really not a handsome boy!

Mu Lian was also ashamed of the white-faced green phoenix, but he did not rebuke. Looking at the blurred eyes, most of her hearts were beautiful!

"Cough ... How about Li Gongzi?"

Mu Lian knew that the ancient spirit of Lufeng was strange, and then she would talk nonsense, maybe she would say something shameful, and the words turned and asked.

When Lu Feng heard it, his face became solemn, and he shook his head silently.

Everyone's mood was also affected, no longer speaking, and walked into the room together.

Although Li Wendao and Li Xuan were irritated, they refused to lose their courtesy. They came to see Mu Tiannan, Mu Yucheng and others one by one, and finally squeezed a smile towards Wan Dong. If it were not Wandong, maybe they had already returned to Jiuquan, and they could not ignore this kindness!

"Too elder, white ill, you ... have you come up with a way?"

In the end, Li Wendao was younger and even more lethargic. After all, he couldn't hold it back. He asked Mu Tiannan with his eyes ...

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