Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1507: Some confused Wang Hui!

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"Xue Thief, don't you have something to say to my brother? Now, let me finish, so I can avenge my brother!" Wang Hui turned his head and glared at Xue Wendao. (-79-

Xue Wen laughed bitterly and said, "I will see your brother in a while. I will talk to him by then, but I don't have to be busy at the moment. However, I have something to tell you now."

"Huh! If it's for mercy, you should save it!"

"My Xue Wen is not a manly husband, but he is not a greedy man who fears life and death. Even if you don't kill me, I will end up on my own. Nothing else, just to atone for the Wang Qing brothers!"

"Why, you finally feel ashamed of my elder brother?" Xue Wen's words relieved Wang Hui's icy look a little bit.

Xue Wen caressed Wang Qing ’s tombstone, with a sad expression, and muttered, “Yeah, they are indeed ashamed of Brother Wang Qing, but not because I killed him personally, but because I failed him. Yun Tian, ​​let him sacrifice his 'life' in vain. "

"What do you mean by this?" Wang Hui froze slightly.

Xue Wenzhuo looked up at her with a look of resentment, "Girl Wang, you only know that Brother Wang Qing was killed by my own hands, then you know, why should I kill him?"

"Humph! Isn't it because you deliberately set yourself up for the sake of excuse yourself?"

"I don't know who you listen to, but this is absolutely nonsense! If I Xue Wen is a person who betrayed his brother for himself, may I have the prestige today in Du Meng?"

Xue Wen's words reminded Wang Hui of the situation when Du Meng did not hesitate to protect Xue Wen's life. The stimulating faces were definitely not artificial. If it was n’t that Xue Wen really won their love, they would never be so. Suddenly, Wang Hui felt that she should put aside hatred for a while and calm down and reexamine Xue Wen.

"The reason why I insisted on going to Brother Wang Qing ’s tomb was that I wanted to tell the truth to Wang Wang. Not to exonerate myself, but I could not let Wang Qing brothers die in vain, let alone watch Wang Qing die. The real murderer of the brothers, impunity! "

"You won't tell me that the person who really killed my big brother is Du‘ Yu ’Tong and Cui Sheng, right?”

"Uh ..." Wang Hui's sudden sentence made Xue Wen stunned.

Seeing Xue Wen's expression, Wang Hui's face could not help but show a disdainful smile. "Xue Wen, Xue Wen, what the man said to me, I still don't believe it, but now it seems that you are like this Unbearable! In order to live a life for myself, or even defame your elder brother! I want to ask you, is your heart 'flesh' grown? Just in front of it, Du 'yu' is also willing to catch up with you to protect you How can you be so shameless about your own life? "

"That person ... who is that person?" Xue Wen sank in his heart, rising an ominous hunch. (

"Do n’t hurry to ask who that person is, and I will ask you if you want to tell me that you are in Du Duyu, and Cui Sheng ’s trap is deceived to make a military order. To save you, I was willing to bear the name of traitor, but you have no choice but to kill my elder brother under the pressure of Du Yutong and Cui Sheng. "

"This ... this is what the man said to you?" Hearing this, Xue Wen's heart was completely cold. Wan Wan didn't expect that the other party's strategy was so tight that he didn't even give him the opportunity to argue.

"Looking at you, I must be right!"


"Shameless! If all you have to say is this, then you can die now!"

Wang Hui's murderousness could no longer be suppressed, and with a scornful cry, the cold front in his hand, like a poisonous snake spitting a letter, pierced Xue Wen's throat. Looking at the life-threatening sword that rushed to himself, Xue Wen felt bitter in his heart as if he swallowed two pounds of Huanglian. But thinking of being able to reunite with Wang Qing underground soon, Xue Wen sighed heavily, no longer struggling, and closed his eyes calmly.


However, just as Xue Wen slapped his neck, a strong and powerful wind, a violent ‘excitement’ and ‘shooting’ arrived, unbiased, and was hitting Wang Hui ’s sword front. The power of this finger greatly surprised Wang Hui and could not hold it at all. Jian Feng immediately deviated from saying it. Even Wang Hui himself was taken back by the finger to the side three full steps.

"Who is it !?" Wang Hui was shocked and angry, and turned his head to look in the direction where the wind came.

I saw a handsome young man with a face like ‘Jade’, who was carrying a person with his right hand like a sack, and came slowly.

"Yu Zhong !?" Xue Wen was not surprised to see Wan Dong coming. Because it was Wan Dong who gave him advice, he would insist on bringing Wang Hui here. But the man in Wandong's hand surprised him, even in the middle.

Cui Sheng, Peng Tie's cultivation base is already high enough, but Yu Zhong's cultivation base is still above them. However, compared to Wang Huilai, the eight classics are only one grade worse than Wang Huilai. What kind of domineering in the weekdays, I did not expect that there will be today, and Wan Dong is in his hands, it is almost the same as the dead dog!

Yu Zhong was clearly still clear at this time, and it was because he kept it clear that his face was full of anger and fear that could not be concealed. Du ‘Yu’ also asked him to monitor Wang Hui, just in case Wang Hui was soft-hearted and let go of Xue Wen, he would take the opportunity to get rid of it. But what he did not expect was that he had just 'touched' here, and had not found a hiding place, Wandong flew like a gust of wind. He didn't even have the opportunity to resist, so he was recruited by Wan Dongyi and became a prisoner.

Up to this point, he hadn't figured out that even his own magnificent Qixian 7th grade would be restrained by a guy who had just been promoted to Renxian 4th grade. This is ridiculous.

"This guy wanted to eavesdrop, just happened to be found by me, and then he caught it!" When he came to him, Wan Dong seemed to be still a dead dog and would be thrown to the ground.

Yu Zhong was so ashamed and angry that he almost didn't pass out on the spot. Just grab it, why do you want to add the word ‘randomly’ so that Yu Zhong feels like a cockroach walking on the street and can be trampled to death.

Xue Wen couldn't help but his heart accelerated at this time, his eyes straightened. You can catch the master of the Seventh Grade Renxian, who do you think you are, true fairy?

Although Xue Wen knew that Wan Dong's force value was not low, he never thought that Wan Dong's force value would be so high that even Yu Zhong could easily grab it.

"Who are you?" Wang Hui looked at Wan Dong with a little alert. Although Wan Dong's realm is clear at a glance, there are only four kinds of immortals, but the unpredictable breath that burst out of him made Wang Hui dare not carelessly. Not to mention, as a 'female' person, Wang Hui also has extraordinary intuition. Intuition tells him that Wan Dong is definitely more dangerous than it looks.

"Miss Wang, this guy and Xue Wen are a group of people. They are the murderers who killed your brother. You must kill him soon!"

Seeing Wandong yesterday, Yu Zhong just thought he was a bit extraordinary. Today he only knew that Wandong was terrible! Such a cattle man suddenly appeared around Xue Wen, which would directly threaten their plans and even their lives. At this time, there is only one thought in Yu Zhong's heart, that is to say, everything must be removed by Wang Hui's hand to prevent future troubles!

Hearing this, Wang Hui's pretty face suddenly froze.

Wan Dong frowned and pointed at Yu Zhong. He asked Wang Hui, "Don't worry who I am, I ask you, do you know this person? Why do you believe his words?"

"Girl Wang, you don't recognize me, but you must recognize my brother Yu Qiang, right?"

"You are Yu Qiang's younger brother?" Wan Dong's question at first made Wang Hui really have some doubts, but Yu Zhong reported his identity, and Wang Hui's doubts disappeared immediately.

"It is exactly! Actually, it was me who sent the letter to my brother, and my brother informed you of your brother's death."

Wang Hui nodded and said, "Yes! It was Yu Qiang who told me all this!"

Just when Wang Hui dispelled his doubts a little bit, Wan Dong suddenly asked again, "Are you familiar with that Yu Qiang?"

"Naturally familiar!"

"Familiar with the point where you can be sure that he will not deceive you?"

"This ..." Wang Hui hesitated again.

Wan Dong shook his head, with a trace of sarcasm, "Are you anyway from the big 'gate' person, don't you have a brain? What do people believe in what you say, good and evil, regardless of good and evil, it's just like A confused bug! "

"what did you say!?"

Wang Hui was furious, and no one seemed to dare to speak to her in this way except her master. A pair of Liu Mei's eyebrows stood upright, cold EFI 'shot' in his eyes.

Xue Wen couldn't help but be taken aback, a breath of air in his heart. In my heart, my guts are too strong!

"I said that you were too stupid to be taken as a gunman, but you didn't know it! Did you think that Xue Wen was killed to avenge your brother? On the contrary, you want your brother to die!"

"Miss Wang, you must not listen to his bullshit! He is a bad guy, a murderer who kills your brother!"

On one side is Wan Dong's sarcasm, and on the other side is Yu Zhong's stern words, Wang Hui is really confused. She has been practicing hard in the sect "gate", although her life is hard, but it is also simple, there is no deception and deception. Where does she know that the world outside the sect "gate" is so complicated and cruel. It is no exaggeration to say that Wang Hui at this time is simply a blank piece of paper!

"I can't believe what they said, then can I believe what you said? After all, I still know Yu Qiang, but you, I haven't even seen it." Wang Hui racked his brain and thought for a long time, also Unable to sort out a clue, Chong Wandong sullenly reprimanded.

When Wan Dong heard it, he smiled and said lightly, "You can say such a thing, it finally proves that you are not stupid enough to be irresistible!"

"You ... you dare to entertain me ?!" Wang Huizhi's angry face turned red, and the hand holding the sword kept making a creaking noise.

"Girl Wang, what are you waiting for? Quickly kill them and avenge your elder brother!" Seeing Wang Huiqi returning, he refused to take action and shouted in a hurry.

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