Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 304: Fall into the pit!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Qiu Wanli was worried because he couldn't find a chance to get closer to Xu Wenchuan. He was so sad that he wanted to kill the grandson of his family. Qiu Wanli's eye like an ice cone suddenly fell on Ghost.

Guixu seemed very afraid of Qiu Wanli, his face changed rapidly, and he shivered. Where did Guixue know Xu Yaoting's identity? If he knew, he would never shoot Xu Yaoting. The big deal is to temporarily spare Luo Xiao's life, and then look for opportunities later. As a person around Qiu Wanli, he could not know Qiu Wanli's thoughts, even if he had the courage to dare, he would not dare to spoil him. Faced with Qiu Wanli's knife-like gaze at this time, there was really a kind of helplessness in the ghost, and his eyes were full of pleading, and even a little grievance.

Really speaking, that day was Wan Dong ’s first move against him, Qiu Wanli was self-defense. But at this juncture, where there is noble Xu Wenchuan, where is his reasoning? No matter how big the grievances are, you have to swallow it in your belly.

"Are you really rude to Xu Shizi?" Qiu Wanli's voice was low and gloomy, full of shame.


The ghosts were trembling like they were in an ice cellar. I wanted to explain a few words for myself, but Wan Dong did not give him a chance at all. When the words were turned, he pointed to Qiu Wanli and Shen Chen said, "Master Guo, if you ask like this, you seem to doubt the character of this son. ? "

Qiu Yunchong couldn't help but uttered a sneer, and almost shouted at Wan Dong, "Does Xu Yaoting's character need to be suspicious? You don't have any problems at all!"

Qiu Wanli was much more subtle than Qiu Yunchong. Although he probably had the same idea as Qiu Yunchong, he didn't show anything on his face. He said faintly, "How come? I just want to make things clearer."

Qiu Wanli was indeed a little skeptical. He wanted to kill Xu Yaoting with the practice of ghost and sadness. Xu Yaoting was named by Lord Yan, and he had no chance at all. He stood here like now and accused him of ghost and sadness in public. In Qiu Wanli's impression, Xu Yaoting was a rogue who was fighting against his family, and he was arrogant. He couldn't guarantee that he was not talking nonsense with his eyes open.

It's just that the ghosts are very dissatisfied. In the face of Qiu Wanli's sharp eyes, only guilty conscience remains, even the blind can see it. What Wan Dong said is true. This ghost is not only arrogant, but also terrible. Regardless of whether he is real or not, at this time he came to deny it and refused to admit it, so that this matter could not be real. As long as there is doubt, Qiu Wanli can use this as an excuse to delay time and refuse to deal with ghosts. Let me kill Luo Xiao first.

As long as Luo Xiao is dead and the purpose is achieved, even if the ghost is really rude to Xu Yaoting, staggering today, Qiu Wanli also has a way to slowly excuse him. After all, Luo Xiao is dead, the wood has become a boat, Xu Wenchuan, Bai Die they can only swallow this dumb loss with their eyes closed. It's a pity that Ghost's mind is really wooden, and he couldn't understand Qiu Wanli's thoughts at all. During the period of Ai Ai, he couldn't even say a sentence to justify himself.

This made Qiu Wanli couldn't help but sigh. The ghostly cultivation practice did not say that the master of the first class, but his brain is far worse than Luo Xiao. Qiu Wanli suddenly felt a little regret, and killed Luo Xiao for the sake of ghosts and griefs. Was the deal worthwhile?

"Qiu Wanli! Ghost worry is yours, give this king a word!" Xu Wenchuan roared roaring, his face was blue, and he was never polite.

Qiu Wanli was not afraid of Xu Wenchuan, nor did he have to get Xu Wenchuan's support, but at this juncture, in case Xu Wenchuan got up, it was likely to disrupt his entire subordinates. Qiu Wanli was afraid to take this risk easily.

With a frown on his face, Qiu Wanli suddenly turned his head to stare at Ghost Sorrow, and said sharply, "Offended Master Xu, you offended King Dingshan. If you broke your arm, you would be thankful!"

"Ah !?" Qiu Wanli's words came out, his ghostly eyes were glaring out. What's wrong with this is that you have to break your arm. If you are so cruel, he is not a thousand-handed Guanyin, and his two arms are okay?

"Master Guo, you have an accident like this, but it's unfair! Assassination of your son is a crime of treason. I want to be condemned, and assassinate me, the only grandson of King Dingshan. In Master ’s heart, my life is not as good as that of your son Jin Gui? Or, do you look down on my grandpa at all and feel that he is not worthy to match you? "

Qiu Wanli's brow furrowed tightly, and looked at Wan Dong's eyes, which was a bit incredible. This is the rumor, the wandering, the idle, the **** does not

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