Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 474: Shocking secret!

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He Zhenjing shivered, and Bai Zhenshan was not calm. A good Xu Yaoting, young, has a more sophisticated style of action than those ministers who have been well-trained by the officialdom, and his thoughts are so meticulous. It's a real one.

"Xu Yaoting, even if Zhou Tai has a big crime, what qualifications do you have to kill him?" He Zhen still loves Zhou Tai very much. At this time, Zhou Tai's tragic death, He Zhen can't take care of that much, and blushed Chong Wandong shouted.

Wan Dong didn't panic and smiled slightly, saying, "The emperor honored me as a young hou, and Zhou Tai was just a small general. Seeing him doing things wrong, and ignoring the laws of the empire, I am Hou Ye, right As a small general, he naturally has the power to dispose at will! "

"What is wrong, to ignore the imperial law, this is just your word!"

"Words on one side? Huh! Okay, although Mr. He can go out and inquire, see what kind of goods you are, a good nephew! See if I have wronged him!"


He Zhen immediately stopped talking. Zhou Tai is something. His uncle knows better than anyone. I really want to inquire, no one will say good things to Zhou Tai, maybe, there will be countless dirty water splashed on him. Unless He Zhen's brain is caught in the door, he will do so.

"That's it! Since Zhou Tai is **** damn, kill him. Hey, Master, you just vowed to kill your parents righteously, why, when you really see your nephew's head, are you reluctant?"

He really was defeated this time. Bai Zhenshan doesn't want him to continue to "huhuman" anymore. This will only show He Zhen's weakness and weakness when facing the Xu family, thereby further weakening his prestige and power.

"But ..." He Zhen was still a little unwilling, open-mouthed, but was glared back by the harsh and majestic eyes of Bai Zhenshan.

He snorted slightly and warned He Zhen that Bai Zhenshan immediately looked up at Wan Dong and smiled, "Yao Ting, you did a good job on this matter! Black horses like this should have been cleaned up. But In the future, when you encounter such a thing, you ca n’t do it all on the basis of anger and ignorance. Otherwise, even if it ’s evil, you wo n’t get the approval of others, but you will get a lot of gossip. ”

Bai Zhenshan struck Wan Dong lightly, not only to frustrate Wan Dong's arrogance, but also to make all the ministers understand that he still cares much about what is true. Only when He Zhen's strength is strengthened can he better balance the Xu family in the future.

The reason why Wan Dong sent Zhou Tai's head into the palace and let Bai Zhenshan look at it is to put everything on the bright side and tell you clearly why He Zhen, your nephew was killed by me, even the Emperor He **** you can't blame me. This matter has come to an end. If you use this matter as a reason to retaliate against me in the future, that's why you aren't genuine.

Wan Dong's move can be described as once and for all, it is very clever! Hu Jingqi and Xu Wenchuan looked at each other and nodded one after another. They praised Wandong's disposal.

Bai Zhenshan is indeed a diligent Ming Jun. After he recovers from illness, he must summon ministers every day to discuss matters all night long. From the Qingyun Empire to the entire Eastern Profound Continent, from people's livelihood to the imperial strategy, all kinds of big things and small things are all-inclusive, and even Xu Wenchuan feels a little tired.

Although Wan Dong does not have to participate in politics, he has also lived a very fulfilling day. Every day, not only to practice Xuantian Wushen tactics, but also to take the time to instruct the practice of Leng Shuangrong ’s three grandsons and grandchildren. To be serious can be described by leaps and bounds.

Especially Leng Yongsi, a lot of quality blue heart, excellent talent. In the past few days, I have relied on the magic of the spirit of the rhinoceros, and I will suddenly improve the cultivation to the level of the eight peaks of true energy.

Although Leng Yuecui also performed well, it was much worse than Leng Yongsi. This is not only because Leng Yuecui's talent is slightly inferior to Leng Yongsi, but also because most of the girl's mind is not on cultivation, but is put on Wandong's body, making Wandong scratch his head. .

In addition to these two things, Wan Dong agreed to continue to build the sword for everyone.

A few days ago, Wandong used a full box of purple gold to cast a purple gold dragon gun for Marriott Martial. He was very satisfied himself, and he felt it in his heart. He had to cast a pair of Wanyuqi for him. Zijin short knife of Zijin dragon gun.

Wan Dong is most aware of his aunt, who is beautiful and has a fascination with delicate and beautiful things. He has a little quest for perfect spleen. Therefore, the knife created for her is not only strong and durable, but also amazingly powerful, but also beautiful and delicate. Wan Dong pays great attention to the style of the knife, the decoration of the pattern on the blade, and even the handle, striving for perfection.

In this way, the time and energy spent by Wandong for Wan Youqi to build double knives surpassed the Zijin Dragon Gun built for Marriott Martial Arts. But after consuming so much energy, the resulting work is really extraordinary, and it is worth the money! Compared with the domineering and mighty Zijin Dragon Gun, it may be slightly inferior, but its dexterity and sharpness are superior. And its exquisiteness is unparalleled. Wan Dong will never forget that when Leng Yuecui first saw the double swords, the kind of words that were beyond description could not be more stunning. If she was not good at using swords and had never been in contact with weapons such as knives, she would not care for whom Wandong's two knives were forged.

It took a few days to cast Wan Youqi's double swords, and Wan Dong's mood was very good. However, at the dinner table, Wan Dong found that Xu Wenchuan's complexion was not good-looking, and seemed to be disturbing why.

As a competent grandson, it is natural to find ways to share the grief for grandpa. Filling the empty glass in front of Xu Wenchuan, Wan Dong opened his mouth and asked, "Grandpa, do you have any troubles?"

Xu Wenchuan glanced at Wan Dong and couldn't help but let out a wry smile, "Grandpa is now envious of you."

"Envy me?" Wan Dong froze slightly, his face full of puzzlement.

"Yeah! How clever you are, enjoying the generous treatment of the young Hou without having to participate in politics, toil and worry, Manchu Wenwu, and more than I envy you."

After listening, Wan Dong shook his head and said bitterly, "Grandpa, you know that I am helpless, why bother to blame my grandchildren?"

"That's right! Dad, people outside say that our family is Yaoting, only knowing to eat, drink and have fun, he is already wronged, you are still ridiculing him, it's too much." Ning Shan now treats this son, baby He will never be allowed to be aggrieved, even Xu Wenchuan.

"What sarcasm? Am I sincerely good? Sometimes, I really wish I could leave everything behind, return to the mountains, and spend the whole day fishing for leisure. What a leisurely thing. Hey!"

Seeing Xu Wenchuan's mood was really bad, Wan Dong asked with concern, "What's wrong, Grandpa, is the Emperor he deliberately aimed at our Xu family? If so, Grandpa, you don't have to worry, these days, at most, For a year. "

Xu Wenchuan was about to shake his head to deny that after listening to Wan Dong's second sentence, his expression was stunned, and he asked, "It lasts at most one year? What do you mean by that?"

At this time, only three of them were around the table, and the three of Leng Shuangrong's grandchildren were not present. After the servant maidservant around the screen retired and determined that no one had eavesdropped, Wan Dongcai said to Xu Wenchuan in a serious way, "Grandpa, I will tell you a hidden secret today. You must not tell anyone else to know."

Wan Dong ’s so dignified look is very rare. Xu Wenchuan could n’t help but be surprised. His mood was slightly nervous. Nana asked, “What ’s the secret?”

Wan Dong frowned lightly and whispered, "The emperor will not live next year today!"

"What !? Yao Ting, don't you want to kill Jun?" Wan Dong's voice fell, Xu Wenchuan seemed to be stabbed **** the buttocks, jumped up suddenly, and looked cold. Chong Wandong whispered and asked.

Wan Dong couldn't help but make a wry smile and shook his head again and again, "Grandpa, where do you want to go, am I that kind of person?"

Xu Wenchuan thought so and asked anxiously: "Why do you say that the emperor can't live for a year?"

Wan Dong sighed softly, and said, "This may be the fate of life. The root cause of the emperor's illness for several years is an unusually overbearing force that exists in his body, and an extremely evil mysterious power. The life energy of the emperor. Although I have eliminated this mysterious power, I cannot repair the energy lost by the emperor. Perhaps, after all, my cultivation is not enough. "

"How could this be?" Xu Wenchuan was taken aback when he heard Wan Dong's words.

This vitality of life is different from true qi and Daoqi, but it is a qi developed by everyone innately, which is directly connected to a person's life. Both true qi and Dao qi will be gained and strengthened in cultivation, but this vitality of life cannot be cultivated. Or maybe this vitality of life can be cultivated, but humans have never mastered this method. Therefore, longevity and longevity are always just a good vision of people, but no one can really achieve it.

Wan Dong shook his head, speechless. With his current cultivation practice, he can never recover the lost vitality for Bai Zhenshan.

"What is the source of the mysterious power in the emperor's body? How could it be so terrible that it could devour human life?"

Wan Dong shook his head again, which was what he most wanted to know. Wan Dong originally wanted to draw this mysterious power from Bai Zhenshan's body into his own body and temporarily keep it for future study, but when he really introduced this mysterious power into his body, he found that this The mysterious power can even devour his vitality. Astonished, Wan Dong immediately refined it completely with Dao Qi, but it greatly improved Wan Dong's cultivation. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14401940->

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