Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 718: Lonely Duan Yanyan.

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

The two 'Silver Dragons' rolled up and entangled, as if they were to be broken into pieces by Mo Bingsheng. If such a fierce and merciless sword move, if it is replaced by a master of the perfection, it will be enough to put this Tianbao Pavilion. The head office, all shattered into debris.

Mo Bing's entire body of hair must be erected one by one, where could he think of so much? Holding his breath, the body's vitality was surging like a waterfall falling in nine days, a ray of light, rising, every muscle of Mo Bing's body was mobilized, and his body moved in the air against the common sense of physics. Avoiding the sword's awns to the greatest extent and not colliding with its front.

Mo Bingshi exhibited twelve percent of his strength, and his response could not but be said to be wonderful, but even so, he still failed to retreat all over the body, only listening to a few chirps, Mo Bing suddenly burst into five on his body. Six blood flowers left five or six wounds, shallow or deep.

After Mo Bing landed, his body burst back and forth for fifteen or six steps, and then he stood still, his face covered with pain.

"You ... who are you?"

"Mo Bing, you should understand now, are you following the wrong person?" One of the killers flashed a sneer in his eyes.

"Following the wrong person? So, are you the elder prince's stooge? Huh! A great prince always pretends to be proud and proud, but privately, he does something shameful and stupid. ! Is the great prince thought that he can assassinate all those who oppose him? "

Mo Bing snorted fiercely, with a deep hatred on his face.

"Whether you can kill it or not, you will get one less, which is always true!"


"Mo Bing, today is your death time! You admit your fate!" The two killers didn't seem to want to give Mo Bing a chance to defend, and raised their swords again.

"Hey! You dare to kill people in this broad daylight, is it too rampant?" Mo Bing was cold in his heart, and his head was spinning. He was just about to take a countermeasure.

The two men in black turned around at the same time, and Jianjian pointed at Wandong.

"Boy, if you dare to interject at will, we don't mind sending you on the road first!"

"Hahaha ... It's a big tone!" Wan Dong laughed loudly, his expression changed suddenly, an astonishing momentum, as if the volcano erupted, rushing towards the clouds! The two killers were surprised to take a step backwards.

Mo Bing was also taken aback, looking at Wan Dong's eyes, full of horror and doubt.

The two men in black glanced at each other, and they made up their minds, and at the same time stab at Wandong with the sword. Just like before with Mo Bing, the two sword lights were fired in parallel, but the speed was three points faster, and Mo Bing only blinked. The sword tip of the two had reached the heart of Wan Dong. Less than three inches.

The fact that he was able to mobilize the sword moves so quickly made Mo Bing feel an incredible feeling. He can even assert that these two killers may have only practiced these two moves from the beginning. For decades, as a day, continue to show comprehension, otherwise it is impossible to apply these two tricks so quickly and skillfully only at the beginning of the ninth level, even faster than the lightning!

At this moment, Mo Bing's nervous heart was about to pop out of his throat, but Wan Dong was all right, but his face didn't change color, as if he didn't feel it, just stared at the two swords with bright lights, Stabbed in his chest.

Just as Mo Bing closed his eyes and couldn't bear to look down again, Wan Dong's voice with a bit of pride sounded slowly, "Do you think this sword is enough if it is fast enough? If it is In this way, I can only give you two words-stupid! "

"What !?" Mo Bingyu's eyes widened, and there was a whisper in his throat. When he saw what was happening, a pair of eyes almost jumped out of his eyes.

The two men in black were swiftly striking with a sword, which definitely stabbed Wan Dong's chest, but that was all, and even a half inch did not penetrate, and even a drop of blood could not be brought out. In that case, it was as if the swords of the two had stabbed on the steel plate.

Such a lightning fast sword, even Wan Wan's flesh can not be punctured, how can this not shock Mo Bing?

Mo Bing was only shocked, but the two killers were not so simple. At this time, a flood of fear flooded from the eyes of the two, and Wan Dong's eyes looked like hell.

"No ... impossible!" The two men in black exclaimed at the same time, and then urged the sword blades in their hands at the same time, but when the long swords in their hands turned into arches, the sharp points of the swords never turned Advance even one tenth of an inch.

"Okay! This killing will start with the two of you!"

While the two killers were still struggling to compete with the sword in their hands, Wan Dong's expression suddenly turned into a cold, his hands were suddenly swayed, two golden lights, regardless of the order, almost split between the two killers at the same time Chest.

The two killers are almost face-to-face with Wan Dong at this time, not to mention that they are only the ninth primary, even if it is a great consummation, there is only one way to die.

Only the slamming noise came, and the two killers flew out together, and the blood swayed through the room, and the vitality disappeared.

It wasn't until the two black-clad killers died for a long time that Mo Bing woke up, and his expression turned into an embarrassment, especially remembering the previous misunderstandings of Wan Dong, and even a cold in his heart.

The two killers who were so powerful were easily shot to death by Wan Dong, which shocked Mo Bing so much.

"This ... this son, much ... thank you for your help, Mo Jing didn't forget his teeth."

Even if he is embarrassed and afraid, he should still face it. If Mo Bing is the kind of timid and afraid person who likes to escape, I believe that Wu Qiujun will never give such a huge industry to his hands. . After struggling for a while, Mo Bing came to Wandong bravely and leaned down to salute.

Wan Dong looked at him and smiled, "Do you still doubt that I'm from the Spirit Tool House?"

"Ah !? That ... it was all misunderstanding, it was Mo Bing who didn't know Taishan, and he asked the son to never mind it!" Mo Bing said to Wan Dong in a hurry. .

Wan Dong waved his hand and said, "Okay! You do n’t have to be nervous. My son is not the kind of cautious person. Since it was just a misunderstanding just now, I will expose it and do n’t need to mention it!"

Upon hearing this, Mo Bing felt a sense of relief and took a few breaths in succession!

"I ask you, what is the heyday of Tianbao Pavilion, how could it fall to this field?" Wan Dongning asked.

Wan Dong's question seemed to provoke Mo Bing's infinite melancholy. Instead of busy answering, he first gave a long sigh, and there was a lot of helplessness and deep anger hidden in the eyebrows!

"All this, let's start with our patriarch who accompanied the three princesses to the Qingyun Empire. Since then, the Jin family began to actively plan and set up the Lingqi Square to specifically **** our Tianbao Pavilion business. At first, we can cope with it. However, after the three princesses returned in a losing streak in the Qingyun Empire, the Jin family began to fight against our Tianbao Pavilion unscrupulously with the great prince. They first deliberately seized our blood steel veins, and then sent a large number of killers to assassinate us. The skilled craftsmen of Tianbao Pavilion even threatened Galileo to make a large number of suppliers who belonged to our Tianbao Pavilion fall to the Spirit Tool Workshop. The suppliers were taken away, and then the Jin family took advantage of the power of the great prince. , Cut off our customer base. After several trips, Tianbao Pavilion has become what it is today. "

Speaking of which, Mo Bing's eyes are full of regrets!

"Why didn't the third princess fight back? As far as I know, the emperor is very fond of the third princess. Shouldn't she ignore her because of her failure in the Qingyun Empire?"

"Emperor? Ha ha ... He hasn't ignored the emperor for a long time. Our three princesses haven't even seen the emperor for some days." Mo Bing gave a bitter smile and shook his head and sighed.

"The emperor has been ignoring the government for a long time?" For Wan Dong, this matter is full of strange things.

Duan Wenyuan, the emperor of the Iron War dynasty, is young and powerful, and has a very ambitious strategy. Will he ignore the politics? Unless the brain is broken!

Mo Bing nodded helplessly and said, "If this situation continues to develop, the Iron War Dynasty will really fall into the hands of the great prince. Hey!"

"Humph!" Wan Dong snorted coldly, turned and walked out.

"The son stays behind, the son stays behind!" Mo Bing took a subconscious step to chase, but he just chased two or three steps, Wan Dong's figure disappeared.

Such a divine ability, Mo Bing had a feeling of seeing the living fairy. For a long while, he was awake for a while before he woke up, and he couldn't wait to tell a few guys a few words and flew out.

The former princess palace is always very lively! I dare not say in front of the door that there is a lot of traffic, which is also bustling. All the officials who come to Beijing from all sides must come to visit the third princess. Whoever dares to be negligent will lose their gauze hat.

But now, in front of the gate of the Three Princesses, there is a monk, a deserted! Not only did no one specifically come to visit, pedestrians passing by here, but also unconsciously speed up the pace, fearing that he would walk slowly and have a relationship with the Three Princesses.

What is the state of the world, and since I returned to the Iron War Dynasty, the taste of these four words, Duan Lengyan can be said to be very thorough!

In the back garden of the Princess Mansion, Duan Lengyan's lonely son sat there, her back revealing a sad feeling of sadness. The shoulders twitched slightly, and in a blink of an eye, the crystal tears had wet the clothes,

A fresh breeze flicked slightly, and came a burst of coolness, but Duan Lengyan was unaware of it. A pair of apricot eyes, just staring straight at the cold light in his hand, like a dagger like autumn water, look Fascinated, people with a clear eye will know that they are out of sight, they are here, and their hearts are gone ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402199->

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