Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Wan Dong nodded gently and smiled, "It's not bad, it's a bit of a skill. +"

"A little skill? You can really pretend! Do you know? As long as I move my thoughts, your head will fall!"

"Then you move, maybe my head is not as strong as you think."

"Your kid ... Are you really not afraid of death, or do you think I dare not kill you?"

Wan Dong sneered, and simply stopped talking, just staring coldly at Tie Sha, making Tie Sha's heart flutter for a while.

"Tieyetieyeye, everyone has no enemies, why bother to see each other like this? I see, you always take a step back. Isn't that just asking for my storage ring? You just take it!" Lai Wanli suddenly He stepped forward and said a ring with a simple appearance from his finger, I don't know what metal was used to make it, and knocked it down. Although he was full of frustration, his hands were handed to Tie Sha.

"Why, your kid is well-behaved?" Tie Sha took the ring and looked at it carefully. There was nothing wrong with it. He was immediately satisfied and said with a smile on his face.

Lai Wanli barely squeezed a smile on his face, saying, "Yes, yes, Lord Iron, you will raise your hand high."

Tie Sha put the storage ring in his arms, smiled, and rushed to Wandong Road, "For the sake of Lai Wanli, today I will spare you, but you have to remember, you owe Lai Wanli one Great human relations, you must remember to repay in the future, my lord of the city, ha ha ha ... "

Wan Dong still laughed and said nothing, and his expression was calm. Lai Wanli looked at his heart and couldn't help but jumped for a while. This kind of unpretentiousness was not something that anyone could have. Either through life or death, or a master with great magical powers.

"Shut up!" Tie Sha got Lai Wanli's storage ring, and was very happy in his heart, and he didn't want to worry about Wan Dong any more. After all, if he really killed Wan Dong, he was afraid that there would be endless troubles. With a sip, the right hand slammed and wanted to call back the giant sword.

But what surprised Tie Sha was that the giant sword, which always moves freely, didn't listen to him at all this time, still floating there quietly, still not moving.

Tie Sha's brow furrowed suddenly, and there was a puzzled look on his face. Concentrating on his breath, he charged with strength and drank again, "Close!" But the giant sword remained as before, immobile.

"There are ghosts!" Tie Sha's heart sank, and he couldn't help muttering.

Wan Dong grinned coldly and asked, "What's wrong? Could this sword not obey your command?"

"Fuck your mother's ass! Lao Tzu's sword doesn't listen to Lao Tzu's command, can't you still listen to you?" Tie Sha burst into rage and shouted loudly.

"That's not necessary!" Wan Dong smiled slightly, and slowly stood up, raised his right hand, snapped his fingers, and saw the giant sword that was floating, suddenly turned around, the tip of the sword was actually Is aimed at the iron sha.

"Wh ... what !?" In this scene, Tiesha's face was pale, and there was an exclaimation in her mouth. She stepped back three or four steps uncontrollably under her feet, a smirking expression.

"What a great sword sect, the robbery actually came to my city's main palace, could I really think that my **** Leicheng is nobody !?" Just as Tie Sha was panicked and confused, Wan Dong's complexion was suddenly somber to the extreme , An angry scream, Shen Ruomei thunder, Tie Sha was shocked.

When Tie Sha was about to respond, Wan Dong's eyes suddenly glared, Tie Sha's giant sword, suddenly launched, with a thunderous roar, turned into a white electric light, with ten times the speed of the previous 'S stab toward Tiesha.

When Tie Sha launched the Great Sword, the speed was only astonishing, but when the Great Sword fell into Wandong's hands, the speed was terrifying. At least the soul of Tie Xia was scattered. There were several weird noises in his mouth, and his feet seemed to be equipped with pulleys, and he continued to burst backwards.

But with the speed of Tiesha, where can he pass the giant sword quickly, as if it was just a blink of an eye, the giant sword has already crossed the time and space, approaching Tiesha's throat. Tie Sha could even clearly feel that the breath from the giant sword pierced his face, causing pain.

Tie Sha has never been so close to the **** of death in his life. The despair, the helplessness, kept his heart cold and almost stopped beating.

However, at the moment when the giant sword was about to pierce Tiesha's throat, a very intense golden light suddenly came first, and directly hit the giant sword. The powerful force instantly blasted the giant sword into pieces, and it fell to the ground.

The powerful blast exploded Tieshan directly like a baseball.

"This ... what's going on?" Iron Shaw climbed up and shook his head vigorously, which made his mind a little clearer. But what happened just now seems to be engraved on his mind, and the non-stop reincarnation is staged, which shocks him from cold sweat to sweat.

Wan Dong sneered, and said quietly, "It seems that Jue Jianzong is not as powerful as you said!"

"You ..." Tie Sha looked at Wan Dong, a pair of pupils who couldn't stare anymore, where would he think that a lord of a common small world would have such a cultivation practice. Especially the debris from the giant sword turned into a single eye, which made Tie Sha extremely cold and trembling.

Even Tie Sha is still the case, let alone those casual repairs. One by one, dumbfounded, looking at Wan Dong's eyes, like admiring the gods. Of all the people, the most excited was Lai Wanli. His face was flushed with excitement. His eyes were gleaming and his body shivered slightly. In this way, he was like a gambler who bet on the right.

"In broad daylight, there is no way to be seen, money is robbed, and sin is not forgivable! General Ma, Hu Tongling, Tie Sha and others will all take me to prison!"

"Come on!" Tie Sha hurriedly exclaimed, "We are disciples of Jue Jianzong, do you even want to put us in your prison?"

"Humph! Not to mention the disciple of the Sword Sect Sect, your Sect Master of the Sword Sect Sect, as a criminal in my **** Leicheng, I will never let it go!"

"You ... you're so loud! Don't think that you can beat me alone, it's great. I'm not a good swordsman! Brothers, kill me!"

If he was imprisoned, he would not only be thrown away at home, but he would also be ridiculed even with the Sword Master Sect. With Jian Qingtian's temper, if such a thing really happened, he had ten heads and all had to land. At this time, Tie Sha has no second way to go, only to fight.

Except for the disciples of Juejianmen who were covered by iron nets, the rest obviously had the same thoughts with Tiesha. Before Tiesha's words fell to the ground, everyone started to move, dozens of fists punched in the shadows, and a brain fell towards Wandong.

Among them, Tie Sha is the most fierce, with his palms waving repeatedly, just like the two dragons going out to sea, turning into a piece of virtual and real palm shadows, directly covering the small half of the sky.

"Even if you are strong, it's just a lonely family, lie down to me!" Tie Sha sent a ruthlessly, the palm shadow swept the tide.

"No matter how many bugs, even if it is tens of millions, it is no match for a dragon!" dust. Under the golden light, Tie Sha and the fistful palm shadows of the disciples of the Sword Sect were all wiped out in dust and dust.

Along with a cry, Tiesha and other disciples of the Sword Sect scattered all over the place. After landing, they could never stand up again, even Tiesha was no exception.

Wan Dong slowly came to Tiesha, who was ashamed, and smiled softly, saying, "If I let you obey the rules of my **** Thunder City now, would you agree?"

"You ..." Tiesha's eyes were immediately rounded, and he made his debut, as if he hadn't suffered such humiliation.

"Why?" Wan Dong's eyebrows flickered suddenly, a terrifying power immediately fell on Tisha's body.

Tie Sha's heart sank suddenly, but a heart seemed to pop out of his throat. Fear, like a wild grass, quickly spread and raged in his heart.

After struggling for a while, Tie Sha finally lowered his head, and the voice gnats said, "... Yes!"

"Hehe ... it looks like you are dissatisfied by mouth. Go to stay in the prison first, I will let people send letters to your suzerain, and let your suzerain come to pick you up."

"Our patriarch?" After listening to Wan Dong's words, Tie Sha's eyes lighted up, and his teeth gritted. "Aren't you afraid that our patriarch flattened your thunder city?"

Wan Dong chuckled, "My **** Thunder City is not a paper, your city really has this ability, let him come!" After that, Wan Dong turned his head to Ma Yunliang and "searched them" , To see what is valuable, or to make medicine for the brothers. "

"Hey ... Obey!" Ma Yunliang looked at the stubborn face, but Ma Yunliang was full of joy, and Gao Ying screamed, shaking his hand suddenly, and the sergeant immediately rushed up like a tiger.

"What are you doing?"


Soon, in a scream, Tiesha and dozens of disciples of the Sword Sect were stripped into flesh eggs, and apart from their own obscene trousers, they were no longer in an inch. Looking at Tie Sha's blue and purple, and the purple and black complexion, I'm afraid I even have my tongue biting.

Disciple of Sword Sect, who robs others all day long, has ever thought that one day, he will be robbed by others?

When Ma Yunliang gathered the things together and handed them to Wan Dong, Wan Dong suddenly found out that there were really a lot of things on Tie Sha's disciples. All kinds of fairy grass and fairy beast cores piled up in front of Wandong.

In addition to the fairy grass, there are two other things that caught Wan Dong's attention.

The same is two storage rings, one of them is Lai Wanli, and the other is searched from Tie Sha's body. This storage ring is a rare thing, and even the high-end mountains and rivers can be included in it. Even ordinary, letting down a dozen houses is not a problem ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402301->

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