Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 826: One does not stay!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Don't dare? Humph!" Wan Dongjian's eyebrow raised fiercely, and raised his palm up. +

"You ..." Tang Peng immediately rounded his eyes, his face rippling with incredulity.

Yun Han was also blinded, as if he hadn't clicked acupuncture points, he was stunned on the spot and could not move for a long time.

Unexpectedly, Wan Dong was really preparing to kill Tang Peng. Lai Wanli's mind couldn't help but burst into a rush, hurriedly rushed over and shouted: "Master, Master, be merciful!

Wan Dong looked at Lai Wanli in surprise, and said in surprise, "Why, do you have friendship with this Tang Peng?"

Lai Wanli smiled bitterly, "City Master, you don't have to make such a joke with the small one. Where is Lord Tang's deceased, who is willing to lower his price and become friends with my little casual fellow?"

"Then why do you want me to show mercy?" Wan Dong didn't understand.

Lai Wanli thought for a while and said, "Master Tang, the identity of Tang Peng is extraordinary. He holds the position of Venerable Supreme in Yuntian Gate. If you kill him, it will be inseparable from Yuntian Gate. The enemy is dead, I am afraid that the future will be endless. "

"Have you heard, little bastard, if you kill me, I will protect your **** Leicheng from bleeding into rivers, and there will be no chickens or dogs!" Tang Peng also expected that Wan Dong was just impulsive and did not consider the terrible killing of him Consequences, now puffed up.

"I said, Lord Venerable Tang, this step of the field, you can not serve a soft child?" After listening to Tang Peng, Lai Wanli was angrily laughed and shook his head again and again.

"Serve soft? Hahaha ... It's a joke! You also came from Ascension Mainland, when did you see me that Yuntianmen served too soft?"

"You ..." The rampant peculiarity of the Yuntianmen people is indeed a good person.

Wan Dong patted him on the shoulder and smiled and said, "Brother Lai, I know you are doing it for me. It's a pity that your reminder is too late."

"What do you mean?" Lai Wanli and Tang Peng asked almost in unison.

Wan Dong smiled gently, looking at Tang Peng Road, "Before I met you, I have dealt with you Yuntianmen. It seems to be a great Venerable, called Liu Yinying, should you know?"

"Lord Venerable Liu !? Where is he?" As soon as Wan Dong's words came out, Tang Peng's expression changed completely. The reason why he will come to this Thunder City with Yunhan this time is to investigate the shadow of Liu. whereabouts.

"Dead!" Wan Dong touched his upper and lower lips lightly, throwing out two words, seeming to be casual.

But when Tang Peng heard it, he shivered involuntarily, and his heart shook wildly. "Why ... die?"

"Slain by me!" Wan Dong answered without opening his mouth.

"Ah !?" Before the voice of Wan Dong had landed, Tang Peng and Yun Han exclaimed at the same time, and subconsciously stepped back five or six steps. For a time, Tang Peng even forgot his injury.

Lai Wanli, Shi Xiong, Shi Yan, Dai Yajun, and others, all breathed coldly at the same time, and their expressions went wild. Speaking of that, the name of Liu Yingying is even louder than Tang Peng. Who can imagine that he would die in a small world of ordinary people!

"Not only the shadow of Liu, but also the disciples of Yuntianmen that you sent to the Iron War dynasty and the Qingyun Empire. The enemy! "

"Ah !? You ... how dare you do this?" Tang Peng couldn't believe his ears and asked with trembling.

"Because of you Yuntianmen, you should kill!" With this cold words that made people's souls tremble, Wan Dong's palm burst into a brilliant golden light.

"Yunhan quickly go!" Tang Peng knew that it was useless to say anything at this time. With a scream, he pushed Yunhan abruptly, and then flew towards Wandong.

Tang Peng is ready to try his best to get time for Yunhan so that he can go back and report. Although the idea is good, he clearly underestimated Wan Dong's cultivation behavior. Crashed into Wan Dong's figure, suddenly fell empty, so that he almost fell out of balance and fell to the ground.

"How about people?" Tang Peng suddenly jumped in his heart and hurriedly looked back.

Sure enough, Wan Dong had already thrown him away, and was appearing in front of Yun Han who was fleeing.

"How can it be so fast!" Tang Peng's eyes almost jumped out of his eyes, a biting chill that swept away from the bottom of his heart, and he couldn't take it away.

"What ... what do you want to do?" Yun Han almost slammed into Wan Dong's arms, and Yunhan could not help but exclaimed.

"I said, I've always been the one who didn't stay with you at Yuntianmen!" Then, Wan Dong's right hand suddenly protruded and went straight to Yunhan's throat.

"Ah!" Yun Han screamed, desperately waving his fist, offering a series of fictitious fists and shadows, blasting to Wandong.

Wan Dong's body didn't change, his right hand opened suddenly, and the endless golden light suddenly burst and scattered, and in a blink of an eye, Yunhan's fist shadow was wiped out. When Yunhan came back to Shener, Wan Dong had already reached his front, his right hand was like a steel claw, and strangled his neck fiercely.

"No ... don't kill me ..." Yunhan's pleading has not spread, and a crack of Karakara's bone crackled. The Yunhan was cut off like a chicken.

"Where to run?"

"Go away!"


As soon as Wan Dong finished packing up the Yun Han, he heard a roar pass, and Wan Dong looked back and saw that Ma Yunliang was spurted by the blood of Tang Peng's palm, and he flew more and more, but Tang Peng seemed to take off Like a wild horse, desperately skimming the sky.

"Stop me!" Wan Dong burst out and shoved it, Yunhan's body smashed into Tang Peng's back immediately.

Tang Peng's speed is indeed not slow. Yunhan, who can be thrown by Wan Dong, is as fast as lightning. Tang Peng didn't want to ignore it, but in a blink of an eye, he felt a cold cold wind and kept approaching him. If you ignore it, I'm afraid he must be killed alive by Yunhan's body.

Tang Peng's mouth was strangely called repeatedly, his forward body suddenly turned back, his palms were full of power, and he slashed towards Yunhan's body. Such terrible force was poured on Yunhan's body, and the result can be imagined. Yun Han's body, as if hit by a grenade, burst into the sky and turned into flesh and blood, and Tang Peng splashed his face on the spot.

But where did Tang Peng take care of this at this moment, and when he was about to continue to flee for a run, a large hand suddenly passed through the blood mist and appeared in front of him. Tang Peng had no choice but to gather together again, but this time, Tang Peng only felt as if he had hit a copper wall and iron wall. Before he could wake up, his arms were all broken off.

The intense pain was so fierce that he was drowned in an instant. However, Tang Peng did not suffer from this pain for too long, and the second palm that followed Wan Dong had fallen on his heart.

This palm was free of Tang Peng, his internal organs instantly turned into a ball of minced meat, and the whole person was instantly out of breath.

In fact, from Tang Peng's desperate retreat to Ma Yunliang, he ran away and ran into a corpse, falling from the sky, and there were several breathing scenes before and after, even if it was described by electro-optical flint Not excessive.

It is because of the sudden and extremely rapid occurrence of all this that it is more visually striking. Looking at Tang Peng's body that had cooled down quickly, Shi Xiong, Shi Yan, Dai Yajun and others all stayed there for a long time.

As soon as Tang Peng died, the remaining Yuntianmen disciples lost their way of life. One by one stunned, Ma Yunliang led the army, ruthlessly killed.

Wan Dong pointed to the bodies of Tang Peng and other disciples of Yuntian Gate, and shouted, "I have seen them clearly, they are the end of the people who are in trouble in the mine city of Thunder City! My rules, do n’t blame me for not being affectionate, everyone is the same! "

Wan Dong's thunder means immediately shocked the spot. Whether it ’s Lai Wanli ’s loose repairs, or Shi Xiong, Shi Yan, Tie Sha, Dai Yajun, the disciples of the ascending continent, all are ashamed. No one dare to take Wan Dong's words to heart.

Sometimes, this rule is based on blood!

Ignoring everyone, Wan Dongfei came to Ma Yunliang and asked, "General Ma, are you okay?"

Ma Yunliang smiled and shook his head, saying, "It's not a big deal, but it will inevitably take a few days to recuperate."

Wan Dong nodded and smiled, "Then you have to get better, but our God of Thunder City cannot leave you."

Ma Yunliang nodded with a smile, and then glanced around Shi Xiong and others, one by one, even the arrogant and arrogant attitude, completely converged. I couldn't help but wonder: "Can God Thunder City leave me Ma Yunliang, it's hard to say, but it must be inseparable from you."

"Sir, the master of the city, only Shi Xiong was offended. Please forgive me!" Shi Xiong pondered for a moment, and finally came to Wandong with a scalp.

Seeing Wandong slaughtering Tang Peng like a dog slaughtering a chicken, Shi Xiong completely served Wandong. In a world where the strongest is respected, it is not shameful to bow your head to the strongman.

"Xu Gongzi, please look at my face, forgive him?" Dai Yajun also walked over, unexpectedly pleading for Shi Xiong.

Not to mention Wandong, even Shi Xiong couldn't help but be surprised. You know, every time he saw Dai Yajun before, if Dai Yajun didn't use a sword to hack him, he already had a good attitude.

Seeing Shi Xiong's amazed gaze, he kept patrolling himself, Dai Yajun's pretty face suddenly turned red, and he glanced at him fiercely, but he didn't speak, but quickly hung down the head of the slug. , Indescribably coy.

Even if Shi Xiong was really a stone, he should understand at this time, his wide mouth revealing a shy smile. As for whether Wan Dong forgave him, he didn't care much.

Wan Dong couldn't help laughing, and the lovers eventually became dependents, which was always a good thing that made people happy. Although Shi Xiong is a big man, he is still a bit overbearing, but he can treat her beloved woman like that, even if it's broken, it won't go anywhere. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402312->

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