Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 827: Tiandu Pharmacy!

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"Hahaha ... No face can be given, but I can't help but give Dai Ni's face. Well, I don't know each other!" Wan Dong smiled heartily.

"Then ... I don't know if I can restrain the brother's body from ..."

Hearing Wan Dong's words, Shi Xiong's heart was greatly raised, and he hurriedly asked.

Wan Dong's face suddenly sank, and he looked up a lot of Shi Yan, and said, "Cultivation together, if you only cultivate martial arts and not self-cultivation, sooner or later you will fall into a devil. Shiyan's aggressiveness is too heavy, but it is due to all the self-cultivation. I temporarily Sealing the true qi in his body is also for his own good! When he resolves the anger in his heart in the future, I will naturally lift the ban on him. "


Shi Xiong wanted to beg for a few more words, but Shi Yan suddenly stood up and interrupted Shi Xiong ’s words, and sincerely bowed to Wan Dong with a sincere expression, saying, "Shi Yan's teachings, remember Shi Yan! "

Wan Dong nodded his head gently, if Shi Yan thought so sincerely, it would be considered a prodigal son.

"Brother Lai, as you said before, the ascension of mainland China today is full of power, but the strongest is only the seven major gates. Today, Yuntian Gate, Dongxuzong, Yuanyang Gate, Jade Girl Sect, Juejian Sect, and Jiuxiao Pavilion, all There are already disciples who appear, but why can't I see Dan Xiazong's disciples? "Wan Dong asked Lai Wanli with a little doubt.

Today, according to his expectations, perhaps only the disciples of the Jade Girl led by Dai Yajun and the disciples of Dan Xia Zong might give him a little face, and they should come. But as a result, the Jade Girl Sect came late, and Dan Xia Zong's disciples didn't even show their faces, which made Wan Dong very strange.

"Are you asking Dan Xia Zong? Ha ha ... you are asking the right person. I recently made a deal with a Dan Xia Zong disciple. According to him, Dan Xia Zong disciple Hu Xueqing didn't know where to find the integrity The version of the "Holy Sword Dao" tactics, now all the Danxia Sect disciples have been recalled to the headquarters to retreat. If the Danxia Sect disciple is not bragging, Dan Xiazong is developed this time, I am afraid that it can directly deal with the Yuntian Gate A challenge has been launched. "

After hearing Lai Wanli's words, Wan Dong suddenly realized that he had forgotten this matter. With the full version of the Holy Kendo rule, where else should the disciple of Dan Xia Zong practice on the periphery of this Bailong Snow Mountain?

Either way, Dan Xiazong didn't have a problem. Wan Dongchang took a breath and reopened the banquet. Although there are many episodes in today's conference, Wan Dong is very satisfied with the overall result. At least he dare to guarantee that no one will dare to behave in his **** Leicheng from today.

Chu Yunyan's work efficiency is not generally high. Almost the next day, Wandong's pharmacy was opened. In order to pay tribute to his motherland, Wandong specifically named after the "Tiandu".

The Tiandu pharmacy in Shenlei City almost immediately opened, and immediately became the most lively place in the whole Shenlei City. Especially those who came from the Ascension Continent, a swarm of swarms came in, making Wan Dong completely embarrassed.

The three hundred pieces of Pei Yuan Dan he had made before, except for the one hundred and sixty, which were bought by Lai Wanli, left a total of about one hundred and fifty. Tiandu Pharmacy just opened the door, and less than a quarter of an hour, all Pei Yuan Dan sold out and had to close the door again.

From opening to closing, it only lasted a quarter of an hour, probably a record.

Wan Dong originally wanted to continue business, even if there is no Pei Yuan Dan to sell, but at least some herbs can be collected. But because Pei Yuandan couldn't be bought, and the angry people were really noisy, Chu Yunyan had to make a decision to close the door. If it were n’t for Wan Dong ’s great prestige yesterday, which effectively deterred everyone, I am afraid that the houses in the Tiandu pharmacy would have to be demolished.

After listening to Chu Yunyan's description, Wan Dong is also a straight-eyed child. If this shop does not open the door, he will not be able to collect the herbs, he will not be able to regenerate Pei Yuan Dan, if this cycle chain is so broken, then he is afraid that the drug store will be true Has become the shortest-lived pharmacy in the world.

"It's really impossible. Let General Ma lead people over to maintain order and fight anyone who makes trouble! In any case, the pharmacy must open the door to collect herbs!"

Chu Yunyan smiled bitterly and said, "That's not the case at all. Those who came to the mainland don't even recognize our gold and silver. They are only willing to exchange herbs for Pei Yuan Dan. Even if we open the door, I am afraid No herbs can be received. "

"Don't recognize our gold and silver?" Wan Dong was taken aback, he really didn't expect this. But at this time, it really makes sense. In the eyes of others, this gold and silver are afraid that it is really not even as good as dung, and the dung can still nourish the land, but this gold and silver is useless, and it is too hard to wipe the butt!

After thinking for a long time, Wan Dong sighed softly and said, "It seems that you can't just point at Pei Yuan Dan, you have to; think of another way. I have a few Ling Dans here, you take them and explain to them, only Can be bought with gold and silver! Since it is mixed with our site, we must follow our rules. Remember to set the price as high as possible, I think they will be very interested. "

Wan Dong chose the left and right from the storage ring, and picked out the 20 worst quality panacea, which is still a bit painful.

"These people don't have gold and silver in their hands. If they want to buy these magic pills, they can only use herbs to exchange gold and silver from our hands. Then they will have to recognize gold and silver if they don't want to recognize them. Anyway, first try to collect more herbs!"

After hearing this, Chu Yunyan nodded and said with a smile, "Master Lord, you still have the best way."

Wan Dong's move is really very good. Chu Yunyan put those twenty magical pills to the Tiandu pharmacy without saying much. These guys from the Ascension Continent, one by one, were immediately discovered the extraordinary of these batches of magical pills. The spirit pill refined by the white fire dragon eliminates all toxins, and reduces the danger of getting into the magic after taking it to an infinitely close to zero. Not to mention, this one alone is enough to make them crazy.

Chu Yunyan did not exactly price these spirits according to Wan Dong ’s intention. It was n’t that she did n’t want to bid, but she could n’t estimate the value of these spirits in the minds of Ascension Mainlanders. Just mark one. If it is low, would n’t it be a loss?

The clever Chu Yunyan just set a reserve price for these spirits and chose the auction method. Facts have proved that this method is much better than direct pricing. After a while, Lingdan's price soared to a price that Chu Yunyan couldn't even imagine.

Firstly, the value of these spirits is indeed huge. Secondly, these people from the Ascension Continent have little idea of ​​gold and silver. Calling the price, it is not distressed. There are many, even when it is time to pay for the goods, I suddenly remembered that I didn't even have one or two gold on my body. Anxiously used the herbs on my body to change, and then realized how outrageous the price he shouted.

But no matter how ridiculous or distressed it is, he has to take it out, unless he feels he has the ability to decide against Wan Dong.

Twenty Lingdans exchanged Wandong with a large number of various herbs, and Wandong finally no longer needed to cook without rice. More importantly, with a lesson in mind, those who came from Ascension Mainland have begun to accept gold and silver, and they are willing to buy their herbs from gold and silver in Tiandu pharmacies. In this way, Wandong's Tiandu pharmacy is finally in operation, no need to worry about closing it again.

The more herbs are harvested, the more Pei Yuan Dan refined by Wandong will be, and the more Pei Yuan Dan will be, the more Yuan Jing will be exchanged. It takes only three to five days to store in Wandong In the ring, there are already no less than two thousand yuan crystals.

At this time, the goodness of the storage ring appeared. If there is no storage ring, no matter where these two thousand yuan crystals are placed, Wandong will not be at ease.

I don't know if the sword-casting technique of Xuantian Great Ming Shen can be used to cast storage rings. Wan Dong guessed that most of it was capable. In fact, this storage ring is also a magic weapon like a sword. Although the shape and texture are different, the original ideal of casting can never be much different. It's a pity that Wandong can't even figure out the materials for the storage ring, let alone refine it.

"Xu Gongzi, Dai girl is here." Wan Donggang just finished refining a batch of Pei Yuan Dan, and Chu Yunyan's voice came from outside.

Wan Dong opened the door with a smile, Dai Yajun stood there with a slight shame on his face, the head of the **** drooped slightly, as if there was something unspeakable.

In the past few days, Dai Yajun often came, and Wan Dong knew what she was doing when she saw her expression. She smiled with her arms and said, "Dai Dai, did you just buy one hundred Pei Yuan Dan from me yesterday? Why are you here today again? You are not going to encounter any powerful fairy beasts, have you made Pei Yuandan a jelly bean? "

"No ... no, I ..." said Wan Dong, Dai Yajun was even more embarrassed, his face redder.

Wan Dong yelled suddenly, and then said loudly, "Then I understand, you ... wouldn't you buy it for Shi Xiong?"

"Ah? You ... how do you know?" Dai Yajun's careful thought was suddenly pierced by Wan Dong, making her panic.

"If it's not for a sweetheart, why are you so sweethearted? You have to know that the price I sell to you is two yuan Jing, but Shi Xiong has to pay five yuan Jing."

"I ... I think this is wrong, but ... but the price of five yuan crystals is too high ..."

"Nuo, also said that he is not a sweetheart, this is all about the sweetheart!"


Seeing that Dai Yajun was ashamed, he didn't know what to do. Wan Dong put away the joke at the right time, and then continued to joke, I was afraid that it would be over. A lot of Pei Yuan Dan was refined by Wan Dong this time, and he took out 200 of them and gave them to Dai Yajun, saying, "This man Shishi is still good."

"Mr. Xu also thinks Shi Xiong is good? Then ... why don't you give him a discount?" Dai Yajun's eyes glowed brightly, and he unconsciously took a three-point pleading.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "I was going to give Shi Xiong a discount, but now, I changed my mind!" --By: dad856 | 55634 | 14402313->

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