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"Brother Lai, what's wrong with you, what happened?" Wan Dong felt uncomfortable and quickly greeted him. + Content updates faster than the Rockets, do you believe it?

"Save ... save people, save people quickly, Lord Master!" Lai Wanli said while panting, his face full of tension and anxiety.

Wan Dong raised his eyebrows and asked anxiously, "Who save?"

"Xiao ... Hero Xiao!"

Lai Wanli said that Wan Dong was confused, and there seemed to be no friend named Xiao in his mind. Dai Yajun on the side was surprised, and stepped over to Lai Wanli, grabbed his arm tightly, and his voice became unprecedentedly anxious. "Are you Xiao Xiao Xiaoxia?"

Looking at Dai Yajun's dignified and eager expression, it is presumed that this hero Xiao is no ordinary person.

Lai Wanli kept his head busy, and then looked at Wandong, his eyes full of pleading words, "Master, the city master, only you can save Xiao Xiaoxia, please, be sure to save him."

Wan Dong frowned and said, "Of course people need to be saved, but who is this hero Xiao, and what difficulties he has encountered, you have to tell me clearly."

Upon hearing this, Lai Wanli hurriedly drank the cup of tea that Wan Dong had just prepared for Dai Yajun, then panted for a moment, and recovered a little calm. Candid justice and envy like enmity can be said to be the patron saint of all the aspirants in our ascension continent. "

This Lai Wanli's evaluation of Xiao Lang was so high, which was very unexpected from Wan Dong. Looking at his anxious expression, I am afraid that he has also been blessed by the hero Xiao. For a time, Wan Dong became very curious about Xiao Lang.

"Xiao Daxia's character is indeed nothing to say, not to mention that in the course of loose repairs, even in the minds of our sect disciples, they also have a very high reputation. Xu Gongzi, if Xiao Xiaoxia really encountered any difficulties, he still has I hope you will help. "

Dai Yajun turned his head and looked at Wan Dong very seriously.

Although Wan Dong didn't know Xiao Lang at all, but Lai Wanli and Dai Yajun could give him such a high evaluation, presumably this person can't be wrong. Besides, he Wandong is not a dead man.

"What kind of difficulties did Hero Xiao encounter?" Wan Dong asked.

Lai Wanli said anxiously, "Speaking of this, Xiao Xiao encountered such a difficult situation, but also because of saving people. The miracle appeared again, everyone thought it was a great opportunity. So the first time, people rushed over. But I didn't expect to encounter the fairy beasts in Fahua Mountain, and the mountains and the wild were almost countless. Lucky escape with good luck, but more surrounded by fairy beasts In order to save people, Xiao Daxia was not surrounded by fairy beasts, but instead of rushing to get out, he stayed. He wanted to kill everyone in the fairy beasts. Out of a way of life, the immortal herd is too strong, and finally Xiao Xiaoxia himself was trapped in it. "

This hero Xiao had such guts and courage, but it really admired Wan Dong. No wonder he was able to enjoy such high prestige and reputation in the course of free training.

"Brother Lai, were you also at the scene?"

Lai Wanli nodded heavily and said, "I am lucky, and I have not been surrounded by fairy beasts, so I can come back and ask for help from the Lord!"

"Xu Gongzi, you can save Xiao Xiaoxia! Our Jade Girl Sect is willing to go with you!" Dai Yajun said crisply.

"No!" Before Wan Dong spoke, Chu Yunyan anxiously said, "Is the fairy beast group easy to deal with? This is too dangerous! That hero Xiao is so powerful that he is trapped. How confident are you? "

"Miss Chu, the master of the city is a master of the world. If he can join forces with Xiao Xiaoxia, he will be able to break the fairy beasts." Lai Wanli said quickly.

Chu Yunyan'e frowned, "That won't work! It's not like a child's play. I can't watch our lord of the city take such a big risk!"

Chu Yunyan is not a bad talker, but his attitude at this time is very firm. Wan Dong can fully feel that behind this resoluteness, he really cares about his feelings.

Although Lai Wanli and Dai Yajun were very anxious, Chu Yunyan said that no matter how anxious they were, they had nothing to say. There is no need to say how dangerous the fairy beasts are. And Wandong and Xiao Lang can break the fairy beast group? In fact, even Lai Wanli and Dai Yajun were not very sure.

"Then ... what should I do? Isn't it just watching Xiao Xiao die under the claws of immortal beasts?" Lai Wanli was really anxious, his eyes flashing with tears.

Chu Yunyan's expression was dull and silent, and he was wrong after all.

Wan Dongchang took a breath, and looked indifferently, saying, "When the conference was held a few days ago, I had made a commitment to everyone and would protect everyone. Now is the time for me to implement my commitment."

"City Lord, you ..." Chu Yunyan was shocked.

Wan Dong waved his hand and didn't let her finish the conversation. "Now it's a big trouble. If we can't unite and help each other, how can we overcome the difficulty? I have decided that Chu girl doesn't have to say anything."

"City Lord, I ... please accept me!" Wan Dong's words made Lai Wanli excited.

Dai Yajun on the side also nodded frequently, and looked to Wandong with more admiration.

Seeing that Wan Dong ’s heart was decided, Chu Yunyan no longer persuaded, and said anxiously, “If that is the case, then I will immediately let General Ma order 100,000 soldiers and follow you to save people!”

Wan Dong shook his head and said, "No! The 200,000 troops, one soldier and one soldier can't move. All stay, guarding the city pool. I can only take Dingshanwei!"

"How do you do that? Although Dingshanwei's combat strength is strong, after all, there are only 10,000 people, which is too dangerous." Chu Yunyan was full of worry.

"Hahaha ... You say that, because you don't really understand Dingshanwei's combat power. I have already figured out that instead of passively attacking the defense, it is better to let go and give him a defense. I Before these immortal beasts leave Bailong Snow Mountain, count them as fast as possible to see how they threaten our city! "

Wan Dong's doppelganger has no skills. It is impossible to protect both God Thunder City and Baiyue City. After thinking about it, it is only feasible to take the initiative to attack this method.

Luo Xiao, Wang Yangde, they are still closed, Dingshanwei can only be led by Wan Dong alone. This was in accordance with Wan Dong's wishes, and finally he could taste the taste of commanding thousands of troops and fighting in all directions.

Dingshanwei is well-trained and assembled very quickly, and with the help of a cup of tea, Wandong has already led 10,000 Dingshanwei out of Shenlei City like a gust of wind.

On the way to Fahua Mountain, Wan Dong saw Xiao Lang's reputation even more.

Those who were as lucky as Lai Wanli, who were not surrounded by fairy beasts, were originally desperate to escape to the Thunder City. When I heard that Wandong was going to save Xiao Lang, these scattered repairs In, almost every one will immediately turn around and join the team. Before going further than a hundred miles, beside Wan Dong, there were already dozens more casual repairers.

These individual repairs, each with a high fighting spirit and an eager expression, looked like they could only go to Fahua Mountain in one step. Compared with the way they just fled the road just now, they were completely different.


The army ran forward for more than a hundred miles. Suddenly, a roaring beast roared through the sky.

Wan Dong frowned, looking around, and saw a dozen giant fairy beasts roaring towards them a few miles away. These fairy beasts look like elephants and have long noses, but they don't have white ivory. Some of them have a sharp horn with a length of a few feet on the forehead. The steel plate is not surprising at all.

"It's like a rhinoceros! My God, there are more than ten heads!" Lai Wanli exclaimed with open mouth.

Dai Yajun on the side also changed his face slightly. Although this rhinoceros is not considered a high-level fairy animal, it has thick skin and thick flesh, and its attack power is not low. If Dai Yajun's practice is one-on-one, there is only 60% chance of winning.

It's just that this elephant rhinoceros used to act alone, rarely get together, and a dozen of them will appear next time, even in the hinterland of Ascension mainland, it is very rare.

"Xu Gongzi, you take Dingshanwei first, and these elephant rhinoceros are handed over to us to deal with!" Dai Yajun turned his head and looked at Lai Wanli and those individuals. Among the dozens of people, there are a few who are similar to her. If you are careful, you still have a chance. The key is not to waste the time of Wan Dong and Ding Shanwei, who knows how long Xiao Lang can last.

Dai Yajun waited for Wandong to reply, and then had to lead others to move forward, Wandong suddenly pulled her.

Just when Dai Yajun was puzzled, Wan Dong suddenly waved his hands, and the loud noise immediately became a masterpiece. In the blink of an eye, the whole sky was covered by countless arrows of rain.

"This is ..." Dai Yajun was taken aback, and looked back hurriedly, only to see Ten Thousand Dingshanwei put his long bow on his horse uniformly. Looking like that, he was not prepared to send a second arrow at all.

The target rhinoceros, Dai Yajun still knows quite well. The skin is thick and thick, most resistant to beating. Even if ordinary swords and guns are cut on the body, I am afraid that it is difficult to add a wound to it. How can ordinary bows and arrows hurt?

However, a scene that surprised Dai Yajun happened. An arrow rain fell into the rhinoceros group. A dozen or so rhinoceros-like majestic peaks fell down together. Stand up.

Dai Yajun whirls to the front like a whirlwind, and he is shocked to find that almost every rhinoceros is shot as a hedgehog.

"This arrow ..." Just when Dai Yajun was shocked and puzzled, a strange purple light showed through a arrow, and flew past. Dai Yajun's mind jumped for a while, and quickly pulled out an arrow from the elephant rhinoceros. After careful observation, it was discovered that these arrowheads actually contained purple gold, and the proportion was not small.

Dai Yajun was once again deeply shocked, even if Zijin was in the Ascension Continent, it was considered a rare thing. Unexpectedly, in Wandong, it was actually used to make arrowheads. This ... what a luxury? Dai Yajun really couldn't find a suitable vocabulary to describe it. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402320->

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