Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 862: Restore as always!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Ten percent !? Ha ha ha ... My good brother, unless my cultivation base can be restored to the first stage of the earth wheel, there will never be a ten percent chance of winning. + In fact, 60 percent can already let us let go Give it a go! Believe me, even for brothers, I will go all out! "

Xiao Lang patted Wan Dong's hand and said with a big laugh.

"Boom!" Xiao Lang's words just fell to the ground, and suddenly there was a loud noise outside the cave.

Wan Dong's eyes suddenly squinted. In the dust of the sky, he clearly saw a stone with a big fist, which turned into a sky of dust. This stone was the cornerstone used by Wandong when setting up the formation.

"Hahaha ... Little animals, your formation, the power seems to have weakened. It seems that I won't take long before I can unscrew the heads of both of you!"

Successfully destroyed a cornerstone of the formation, the blood-skeletal killer was immediately excited, and a pair of fists danced more anxiously, constantly bombarding the stone pile.

Xiao Lang snorted, and then went out to fight the blood skeleton killer again. Wan Dong did not know where the strength came from. He suddenly exerted force and dragged him straight down.

"Brother, you ..."

Wandong Jianmei raised his eyebrows and said, "Then restore your cultivation to the first stage of the earth wheel!"

"Brother, are you ... do you have a fever?" As he said, Xiao Lang felt his hand and touched Wan Dong's forehead.

Just as Xiao Lang's hand was about to touch Wan Dong's forehead, Wan Dong suddenly lifted his hand like lightning and caught Xiao Lang's pulse.

When Xiao Lang was surprised, an unprecedentedly pure and powerful qi suddenly rushed out from the palm of Wan Dong, and then a torrent of levee broke into Xiao Lang's Yuan Mansion.

Such a magnificent demeanor, even when Xiao Lang was in the early stage of the earth wheel, did not have it. At the moment, his pair of eyeballs all fell out of his eyes.

"Don't be stunned, even **** it! Don't stop until the first stage of the earth wheel!" A sullen roar came from Wandong's mouth, which awakened Xiao Lang from the great consternation.

"You ... what the **** is going on?" Although Xiao Lang woke up to God, the mystery, doubts and shock in his heart remained unabated, and he couldn't help shouting at Chong Wandong.

Only then did he clearly and clearly feel that even the last trace of qi in Wandong's body had already passed into his body, Wandong's Yuan Mansion should have dried up, but this majestic qi, and Where did it come from?

Although Xiao Lang had long realized that Wan Dong was magical, it was also so magical that it exceeded Xiao Lang's cognitive scope.

"I don't have time to explain it to you now, hurry!" Wan Dong snarled, and the air infused into Xiao Lang's body became more and more powerful.

Xiao Lang shook his head, believing that Wandong was completely served. Looking back at the blood skeleton killer, he was approaching the hole in an orderly way. Time was running out. Sitting cross-legged again, Xiao Lang asked, "Can I really absorb these qi?"

Wan Dong grinned and said, "You can get as much as you want, don't be polite!"

"Okay!" Xiao Lang shouted, urged the decision decisively, and went crazy.

With this suction, Xiao Lang was shocked to find that the qi in Wandong's body was so full that he almost reached the point of overflowing, and he might even explode to death. Where is the previous dry look?

From exhausting the last trace of Dao Qi to now that the Dao Qi is full and overflowing, the time seems to be a dozen breathing efforts. In just ten breaths, Xiao Lang was not only surprised, but also a little frightened. Even the super gangsters of the Daomen World can never do this.

What is even more surprising to Xiao Lang is that these qi that seemed to come out of nothing were as pure and pure as the qi that Wan Dong cultivated. When he entered Xiao Lang, he showed incomparable vitality, as if it was only a moment In time, Xiao Lang's cultivation practice has been restored to the middle level of Xuan marks, and is still continuing, impacting the peak of Xuan marks at an alarming rate.

In this situation, Xiao Lang has never experienced it, and has never even heard of it. Feeling his self-cultivation, it was like a wild horse that had fallen off, rising rapidly, and Xiao Lang didn't know whether it should be a surprise or a fear.

"Hahaha ... With this little formation, and want to trap this seat? It's ridiculous!" Outside the cave came the laughter of the blood skeleton killer again, and it was obviously closer than before.

Anxious in his heart, Wan Dong asked Xiao Lang, "Can you hurry up?"

"No matter how fast !? Brother, the qi in your body, is it really inhalable?" Xiao Lang couldn't help shouting again.

Wan Dong smiled. The little qi in his body had long been absorbed by Xiao Lang, but the qi in Ming Shen Soul Jade was really endless like the sea.

Wan Dong wanted to hide the secret of Ming Shen Soul Jade, but at this moment, he couldn't control that much. When he decided to help Xiao Lang restore his cultivation base to the first level of Xuan marks, he had communicated the mind, soul and jade with his mind.

Long before, Wandong was free to enter and exit the Mingshen Soul Jade, but Wandong rarely did so. There is no reason for him. It is really that the qi of Xuantian Daming God stored in Mingshen Soul Jade is too tempting. Every time he enters, Wandong ca n’t help but want to absorb these qi. But he knew better than anyone else, although it would allow his cultivation to soar in a short period of time, it was not a good thing.

Other people's things will be owned by others, forcibly occupying their own possession, and one day they will become a bomb buried in their side. Since understanding this truth, Wan Dong has become very cautious. Even if he enters the Mingshen Soul Jade, he only focuses on swallowing the memory of the Xuantian Great Mingshen, and rarely moves those morals.

At this time, with the help of these Dao qi to restore Xiao Lang's behavior, Wan Dong found a good way to use these Dao qi. Isn't it good not to absorb oneself, but to make proper use of it, so as not only to calm one's heart but also to eliminate waste?

And for now, if these ethics in Mingshen Soul Jade are used well, they will definitely help him a lot!

Xiao Lang had some doubts, but when he discovered that despite his desperate absorption, the qi in Wandong's body showed no signs of subside, Xiao Lang completely let go. Push the heart formula to the extreme, almost crazy crazy sucking.


Under the impact of massive Daoqi, the meridians in Xiao Lang's body that had been blocked were continuously making loud noises, and they suddenly penetrated!

It took Xiao Lang less than a quarter of an hour to recover from the middle level of Xuan marks to the peak of Xuan marks.

Although this made Xiao Lang stunned, Wan Dong was not surprised. I do n’t think about who the masters of these morals are, but it ’s a super existence beyond the pinnacle of the Holy Spirit, to help Xiao Lang, the first rookie of the earth wheel, to recover and cultivate. Is n’t it as simple as raising his hand?

However, all this has not stopped, after Xiao Lang's cultivation practice recovered to the peak of Xuan marks, the majestic Dao Qi continued to gallop through his meridians, and it did not mean to stop!

Xiao Lang was completely uplifted, only to feel that all his blood had been ignited and boiling!

Recovering from the beginning, re-entering the earth wheel, is no longer a delusion, but just in front of you!

If Xiao Lang was not recovering at all, he could not help jumping. The excitement was like an invisible explosion shock wave, and he kept washing his mind.

"Brother, don't be distracted at this time!" Wan Dong hurriedly shouted feeling Xiao Lang's state of mind was a little unstable.

Xiao Lang nodded in a hurry, closed his mind, and forced himself to calm down. If there is any fork at this time, he will be annoyed and suffocate himself without anyone else!

"Why haven't you two cubs moved? You shouldn't be afraid of my torture, so you broke yourself?" The blood skeleton killer approached the hole again, I am afraid that he will rush into the hole in the next moment.

Xiao Lang could even clearly feel the murderous energy burst from the blood skeleton killer, but Xiao Lang's heart was completely down to earth. Sure enough, only strength is everything!

"Enough!" After a while, Xiao Lang suddenly snorted and pulled his palm back.

And his cultivation behavior finally returned to the initial stage of the earth wheel.

The qi in Wandong's body was still full, but Xiao Lang didn't use these qi to hit higher realms anymore. This made Wandong feel relieved for a while. It seemed that he knew the truth and Xiao Lang also understood!

In order to help Xiao Lang to completely restore Xiu to the beginning of the earth wheel, Wan Dong specially selected a larger piece of soul to devour. The amount of ethics contained in it is really amazing. Up to this time, there was still a small half who failed to refine.

But this is not a problem, just Wandong can use these ethics to restore his own cultivation. The feeling that Dao Qi was taken out was really painful. Even if Wan Dong knew that if he recovered with his own strength, his cultivation would be promoted as a result, he still couldn't help using these Dao Qi.

As long as you don't use these qi to forcibly break the bottleneck, just use it to restore the consumption of qi in the body, there is no problem.

"Brother, I'll leave the rest to you. I don't care about anything." Wan Dong chuckled Xiao Lang and said.

Reverting back to the first stage of the earth wheel, Xiao Lang ’s confidence also came back, grinning his mouth and revealing an extremely brilliant smile, saying, "Hand it to me, the **** is dead!"

"Who said you are dead?" At this moment, Wan Dong's formation was finally completely violently broken by the blood skeleton killer. The blood skeleton killer stepped in and couldn't wait, stepping in, looking into Wan Dong and Xiao Lang's eyes, full of blood-thirsty grimace.

Wan Dong looked up at him, with some sympathy in his eyes. The first stage of Xuanzang faced the first stage of the earth wheel, just like the ants faced the elephant. Poor this blood skeleton killer didn't know it yet. The smugness and viciousness of his face became a manifestation of ignorance in Wan Dong's eyes ! --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402348->

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