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"Holy Sword Dao !?" Wei Qianfu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, his heart boiling like a pot. Not all websites are the first launch, search + you will know.

At the same time, Luo Xiao, Tang Xinyi and others who practiced Saint Sword Dao, all looked solemn and solemn at this time, and if they understood, they would benefit a lot. In one sentence, Wang Yangde broke the true meaning of the holy sword, and the benefits to them are incalculable!

"Xue Qing, did you hear what Wang Gongzi just said?" Yu Qingping looked at Hu Xueqing with a very excited expression, and asked with a trembling voice.

Hu Xueqing nodded heavily, a pretty face, also full of excitement and excitement. What Wang Yangde just said, as if engraved in her mind, will never be forgotten.

"Where is there such a sword in the world, your kid is just talking nonsense?" Wei Qianfu frowned, Shen Sheng said.

"Nonsense?" Wang Yangde suddenly smiled, holding up the Chiye Baojian Qingtian, and he didn't see any action, just like the electric light of the switch was pressed, the Chiye Baojian suddenly brightened up, the red light was incomparable Pure and sacred, brilliant and dazzling, reflected in the sky, just like the gorgeous sunset.

At the same time, there is an unusually terrifying momentum, and there is a force that penetrates the soul. It is not only the tremor of people's hearts, but also the soul of people.

Wei Qianfu's expression suddenly petrified, the consternation on his face was beyond description,

This momentum is unclear, but one thing Wei Qianfu is extremely certain, that is, this momentum is far above his domineering.

Jian Feng hacked slightly, and only heard a loud bang, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and the crimson red glow of the sky suddenly turned into a blazing sun-like dazzling light, and slammed into the place where Wei Qianfu sacrificed. There are hundreds of feet of swordsmanship.

"Not good!" Wei Qianfu's entire mind suddenly shuddered, and an unusually strong ominous feeling instantly grabbed his mind.

It was just that everything came too fast and too suddenly, and he had no time to react. He could only watch the blaze of the blazing sword light and burst on the sword mandrel he had sacrificed. The horrible sword gas contained therein exploded with a terrifying momentum, and the hundreds of feet of the sword's awn just shook slightly, and then began to collapse and collapse.

For all this, Wei Qianfu was powerless and could only watch.

The arrogant swordsmanship that Wei Qianfu was proud of was so utterly defeated that he could hardly fight back!

Decades of faith collapsed in an instant, which is a great blow to Wei Qianfu. Wei Qianfu froze on the spot, and his face was as gray as death.

But Wang Yangde's face was full of joy. Throughout the cultivation process, it turned out that only in constant challenges can we head forward. If Fang Cai was not the repeated oppression of Wei Qianfu, he would not be able to understand the highest essence of the holy swordsmanship at a critical moment, so as to fully understand the holy swordsmanship.

Although this did not allow Wang Yangde's cultivation to improve, it also allowed him to achieve a new peak in his comprehension of swordsmanship, and even made his combat power unprecedentedly improved. To some extent, this kind of ascension is more precious than pure cultivation.

So when Wang Yangde turned his eyes to Wei Qianfu again, his eyes seemed a bit complicated. In any case, it is Wei Qianfu who let Wang Yangde see the ultimate sword of overbearing, which can be said to be the absolute key to Wang Yangde's breakthrough breakthrough!

"Do you want to fight again?" Wang Yangde's figure was less excited and calmer. At this time, Wei Qianfu was just another mountain that had been conquered by Wang Yangde.

Wei Qianfu didn't seem to hear Wang Yangde's words, and he looked like a wandering thing and his soul was not attached. It seems that it will take some time for him to accept this reality.

"Drink!" Wei Qianfu didn't answer Wang Yangde's words. His Holiness of the Hidden Sword rang loudly at this moment.

Wang Yangde looked back and saw Venerable Hidden Blade and Hua Weiping slamming their hands in the air, both of them backed away at the same time.

Compared with the war between Wang Yangde and Wei Qianfu, the Hidden Blade Venerable and Hua Weiping is a battle of calm experience.

Both of them are known for their calmness, one trick and one trick, they do not seek to be aggressive and domineering, they only want to have both offense and defense. In terms of visibility, it is far less exciting than the battle between Wang Yangde and Wei Qianfu. But it can really produce great inspiration and reference for the bystanders, but it is still the battle of Hua Weiping and the Hidden Sword.

In particular, the two men's extremely rich actual combat experience, the superb attacks under extreme passive performance, and the exquisite defense under irresistible rescue, all make people shine and admire them.

Hua Weiping is a different opponent from Wei Qianfu. Wang Yangde's hand is a little bit itchy. I really want to plug in a stick, and try my best to understand what kind of situation it will be when you encounter an opponent who has both offensive and defensive skills like Hua Weiping, who is experienced, and who cultivates to the top.

But the Hidden Blade Sovereign is not at a disadvantage. The two are fighting with each other in equal strength and inseparable. Wang Yangde is really embarrassed. Without the approval of the Hidden Blade Sovereign, he hurriedly took action.

Just when Wang Yang De Ren was a bit impatient, suddenly an extremely dangerous feeling suddenly appeared in his heart. The Red Night Sword in his hand automatically sounded sharp waves, like a warning.

"What's going on?" Wang Yangde's heart jumped, and he looked around hurriedly, only to see two figures flying at a very fast speed.

Sharp eyes fell on one of the old men with white hair and white beards, even with white eyebrows. The old man really can't see how big it is, but the thick sense of vicissitudes emanating from him, even if he is hundreds of years old, I'm afraid no one doubts. Wang Yangde didn't understand why this old man would give him such a dangerous feeling, but when he saw him, Wang Yangde's heart immediately hung up.

"Master!" At this moment, Yu Qingping, Hu Xueqing and other disciples of Danxia Sect shouted in unison.

But what their eyes were referring to was not the old man with white hair, but the man who carried it on the hand of his old man.

Xue Chengfeng's situation at this time can be said to be very bad. The pale face, the godless eyes, the almost inaudible breath, all said that he was now drifting outside the ghost gate and seemed to step in at any time. No wonder Qingping and Hu Xueqing would be so urgent.

"Wei Qianfu, with flowers as the screen, why did you break the Danxiazong headquarters at this time, what are you doing?" When Yun Tiannan landed, he didn't even look at Wang Yangde and others, and his eyes fell on Wei Qianfu And Hua Weiping's body.

Even if it is the hidden sword venerable who is indistinguishable from Hua Weiping, Yun Tiannan is very disdainful, just swept away.

"Huh?" Wei Qianfu was awakened by Yun Tiannan's applause, his thick eyebrows tightened suddenly, and there was a trace of displeasure across his face.

Although the Yuntian Gate is the head of the Seven Great Sects of the Ascension Continent, it is only nominal, and it is not the peak of the Sword Sect. In the past, people mentioned that both Wei Qianfu and Yuntiannan were in parallel, in no particular order. At this time, Yun Tiannan's tone is no wonder that Wei Qianfu will be unhappy.

"This seat is here, who dares to make it, and can't stop it !?"

Seeing the Hidden Swordsman and Hua Weiping didn't mean to stop. Yun Tiannan's face immediately flicked a little anger, his right hand waved, his long sleeves swept, and an unprecedented force of domineering power suddenly rushed towards the two. In the past.

Originally the fiercely violent Hua Wei and the Hidden Sword Sovereign, all exclaimed, and then under the strength of Yun Tiannan, they stepped back out of control like ten steps. After standing firm, their faces were all horrified, and they turned their heads together and looked at Yun Tiannan.

Not to mention Hua Weiping and Hidden Sword, Yun Tiannan's shot made Wang Yangde's eyes narrow. He finally understood why Yun Tiannan would make him feel that dangerous.

Yun Tiannan's cultivation practice is higher than Wang Yangde's imagination.

"Sect Master Yun, you are finally here!" Seeing Yun Tiannan, Hua Weiping's heart that had been hanging suddenly fell to the ground.

A Venerable Hidden Sword, he was very upset about his entanglement. If Liu Keer, Ye Qingyu, and Luo Xiao were added, Xu Sansan, who was a good master who was a good master, looked around and spent Ping knew that he might not be able to retreat today.

Yun Tiannan's appearance undoubtedly gave him a siege. Seeing him look at Yun Tiannan with a smile on his face, it was a bit flattering and flattering.

"Hua Weiping, Wei Qianfu, the two of you are really capable. Only the two commanders who are killed by others are the only ones who are killed. Is this the strength of Jiuxiao Pavilion and Juejian Sect? , My Yuntianmen should have destroyed you early in the morning! I ’m tied with you as the Seven Great Sects, and I just lost my Yuntianmen ’s face! "

Yun Tiannan said this, not to mention Hua Weiping and Wei Qianfu, even Venerable Yin Dao, Luo Xiao and others felt a bit harsh. The Jiuxiao Pavilion, the Sword Sect Sect, and Yuntianmen's relationship at this time is also an alliance. Yuntiannan's words are too unreasonable.

And looking at his nostrils facing the sky, and the disdain all over his face, it is even more uncomfortable.

"Oh ... Lord Sect Yun said, this time it was my Jiuxiao Pavilion that was miscalculated ..." Hua Weiping smiled a few times, na na said.

"Huh!" Compared to Huaping, Wei Qianfu was very hard, and his face suddenly changed with an anger, without concealing his anger.

But this is not over yet. Next, Yun Tiannan directly said with a near-command tone: "I see, Juejianzong and Jiuxiao Pavilion are no longer necessary to continue to exist, you are all merged into my Yuntian Gate ! "

"What !?" Hua Weiping and Wei Qianfu shouted almost at the same time, especially Wei Qianfu, his face was full of anger.

"Yun Tiannan, what do you mean? Do n’t you want to annex my sword sect? Do n’t forget, you and I are allies now, and Dan Xia sect has n’t died yet. I ’m afraid I have n’t gotten to tear my face Time? "Wei Qianfu shouted thunderously. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402404->

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