Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 946: You never understand the world of men!

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"I'll rub it! You are a little slack, this Yangyuan wine is no different than different wines, it's so strong, don't get drunk!" Lin Feng was surprised to see Wan Dong drinking so fast, and hurried forward. , Took the wine bag. [Thousands of novels]

Wan Dong smacked his lips, his expressions still unfinished. Even if it doesn't talk about the benefits of Yangyuan wine to help you grow morale, just talk about its aroma, it is definitely the first in the world. Such a fine wine, but he can't drink him a pleasure, which makes Wan Dong feel as if he is scratching his heart.

Seeing Wan Dong looking at himself with a "sorrowful face", Lin Feng hurriedly said, "Brother, don't you think I'm stingy. This Yangyuan wine is really powerful, and your cultivation is too shallow. If you quote too much, Probably drunk alive! "

Wan Dong frowned, and it seemed that Lin Feng was not telling lies. Even when he drank the Yangyuan wine, he was biting a bite, and he was very careful.

"Hey ... Brother, it's okay, I am a heavy drinker, and I won't be drunk." Seeing Lin Feng's mouthful of fragrant meat and mouthful of wine, he drank with relish, Wan Dong felt that the original sweet and delicious flaming blood crane The flesh is gone, like chewing wax. Finally, he couldn't bear the temptation to raise Yuanyuan wine, said cheeky Lin Feng.

Lin Feng observed this for a long time and found that Wan Dong seemed really okay. Although he was a little surprised in his heart, he still passed the wine bag.

Wan Dong took it in a hurry, but this time he didn't dare to irritate again, so as not to cause Lin Feng's "alertness", but learn from Lin Feng's way, spitting small mouth.

Big mouth gulp, although it is bold and cheerful, but a small mouthful of drink, also has its own taste.

Although Wan Dong and Lin Feng met for the first time, but after a delicious meat and wine came down, they were already quite familiar with each other.

Lin Feng tells Wandong some anecdotes of the big world, Wandong tells him some anecdotes of the common small world. When others hear it, it is really not nutritious, but it makes the two people talk very happy and keep laughing.

Unconsciously, Yangyuan wine, full of wine bags, was actually drunk cleanly. And after the one finished, there were more than thirty kilograms of flaming blood crane, but there was only one bone left.

Lin Feng turned the wine bag upside down and shook it vigorously, making a wine hiccup, and said slightly with a big tongue, "I rely on it, I have finished drinking it, brother, you can drink enough!"

Lin Feng is right. The strength of this Yangyuan wine is not really big. Lin Feng only has a slightly big tongue, but Wan Dong has felt the swirling waves, and only feels that his body is light and fluttering, as if he is about to fly. It seemed that a hot stream of heat in the body was surging, making Wan Dong's clothes all sweaty. 77nt.Com Thousands of Novel Network (This chapter is updated by Just Love Reading Book Network 92Ks.Com)

"Lin ... Brother Lin, this ... this wine has been drunk in my life ... the most ... the best wine! Do you still have it? Do n’t ... do n’t hide it, take it out, our brothers today Drink it enough! "Wan Dong has never been so drunk since he was reborn. But having said that, that feeling is really surprisingly good. It seems that everything is no longer important, a heart of lightness and comfort, let Wan Dong can not help but want to look up to heaven.

"Stinky boy, you ... you still have to drink? Look at you now ... Even the words are unfavorable. But then again, this trip to Ascension to the Mainland, you can meet your brother who is so temperate, I ... My Lin Feng did not come in vain! "

Wan Dong couldn't stand it anymore, leaning his body against a tree, his legs kept shaking. After listening to Lin Feng's words, he narrowed his eyes and said, "I ... I always thought that you were in the doorway, no ... there was nothing good. But ... but I met Brother Xiao, and now I met your brother Lin, I Only ... I discovered that Daomen World, then ... there are also good people. "

"Hey ... drinking my wine, you ... this mouth is even sweeter. My Lin Feng can't let you call me Brother Lin, so ... I have two wine bags left for Yangyuan wine, Our brothers, one each! "

While hiccupping, Lin Feng drew out a wine bag similar to the previous one from the storage ring and threw it to Wandong. Wan Dong staggered to catch the wine bag. Without a word, he opened the cork and poured it into his mouth.

"Good boy!" Lin Feng slammed and rushed up, grabbing the wine bag, and said, "Brother, don't kill me! You drink this wine bag again, you have to be drunk alive. Since If you call my elder brother, then I can't help but teach you, this good wine ... it has to be tasted slowly, dried once, and when you cry in the future! "

"Hey ... well, then ... then listen to the elder brother!" Wan Dong was afraid that there would be two or three points of soberness at this time. Fortunately, these two three points of soberness played a role, Wan Dong said according to Lin Feng , Carefully put the wine bag into the storage ring.

"Lin Feng!" Lin Feng felt relieved when he saw Wan Dong put the wine bag away, but when he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, a cold drink seemed to be a crisp drink from the Wannian glacier, and it suddenly rang. stand up.

Lin Feng turned his head drunk and looked at it. He subconsciously whispered, "Li Weiqian? It turns out to be you girl ... You are a big girl, and the annoying trouble of crying wolf ... Ah! Li ... Li Weiqian!"

Whispering, Lin Feng suddenly recovered, and immediately whispered into a scream, originally squinting the eyes that seemed to be closed, as if being slammed by a knife, and suddenly rounded. And it's the kind of glaring that can't be rounded any longer, and the eyeballs can jump out of the eyes at any time.

With only one effort to breathe, Lin Feng's wine all seemed to be awake, and there were more large drops of sweat beads rolling down his cheeks.

"Lin Feng! You made me look so bitter!" Li Weiqian stared at Lin Feng dyingly, as if the pair of beautiful eyes were about to burst into flames.

"Li ... Li Weiqian, what ... what are you going to do?" Facing Li Weiqian, Lin Feng was full of guilty conscience. When he talked more than he just drank, it was even more unfavorable.

"What are you doing? What do you say?" Li Weiqian's eyes were cold and he stepped towards Lin Feng slowly.

That step by step, although not very large, can give Lin Feng the feeling that it seems that every step has stepped on his apex.

Lin Feng suddenly uttered a ghost call, collapsed, and turned to escape, who knew that he was stumbled to the ground by a dead branch under his feet, and fell to a dog to eat shit.

Anyway, Lin Feng is also the cultivation practice of Xuanchen Pinnacle. It stands to reason that this low-level mistake should not be made. However, Li Weiqian's pressure on Lin Feng was too great. Secondly, after all, he didn't wake up completely.

"It's useless!" Li Weiqian's mouth twitched, his expression a little strange.

"Huh ... hehe ... in front of Miss Li Er, I ... I'm not a waste," Lin Feng said with a busy smile.

"Humph! Isn't that right? In that day in my boudoir, you ... aren't you able to bear it?" When mentioning that day, Li Weiqian's pretty face was obviously red, and she was a bit shy.

This scene fell on the drunk Wandong, and he couldn't help but surprise him. I never thought that Li Weiqian, a glacier-like woman, had such a charming side.

"Sister, I ... I have said it all, that day ... it was all Xin Wuhen, the king and the **** framed me, he was the culprit ..."

"You come less! Do you think I'm Li Weiqian is a fool? In the world of Daomen, who doesn't know that you and Xin Wuhen are wearing a pair of pants! He framed you? Bah!"

"This ... this ..." Lin Feng's face was embarrassed, and he knew that Li Weiqian was not so good.

"Have you nothing to say? Then come to life!" Li Weiqian's pretty face raised his sword in his hand.

"Don't don't, Miss II, even if I offended you, I'm not guilty of death ..."

"Sin is not dead? I think you deserve to die!"

Li Weiqian drank all over, the sword in his hand suddenly rose, and there were hundreds of sword-like blazes flashing bright purple mansions as soon as he stood, and he rolled towards Lin Feng like a storm.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly and had to cheer up and deal with it carefully. The palms were split like a hot wheel one after another, palms of strength, and kept colliding with the fluttering sword Qi volley, making a roar of Dao.

Li Weiqian's cultivation practice is one heavier than Lin Feng's, and Lin Feng is only defending, but Lin Feng's situation can be imagined. After a while, several swords were even hit on his body, and his clothes almost became rags. However, Lin Feng was not injured, and he did not know whether he was too lucky or because of something else.

"Lin Feng, can you be patient at this point? You can't even beat a woman, what kind of man are you?" Li Weiqian spurred Lin Feng on the side of his sword and kept squeezing Lin Feng's bitter features. Together.

"All right, let's rest! It's painless and itchy, it's disturbing to watch!" Just when Lin Feng was crying with his teeth clenched, Wan Dong suddenly waved his hand and beat him Jiuer said.

Wan Dong's crazy words seemed to remind Li Weiqian, after stopping the offensive against Lin Feng, he turned around and pointed the Jianjian'er at Wan Dong. The wonderful sound was full of anger. "You liar, I You should have killed you before with a sword! "

"Liar? Me?" Wan Dong blinked and suddenly felt his head dizzy.

Li Weiqian said angrily, "Aren't you telling me, don't you know this guy, then how can you drink with this guy now? Because of this, you can't escape today!"

Wan Dong couldn't help but cough, this Li Weiqian is really not ordinary self-righteousness, it simply does not give people the opportunity to argue.

"Hey, hello, Miss Li Er, I just met this little brother and you, don't get me wrong, he definitely didn't mean to lie to you." Li Weiqian even found Wan Dong at first sight, Lin Feng thought Startled, hurried out and spoke for Wan Dong.

"You lied to a ghost !? You can drink together just now?" Li Weiqian shouted in shock.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly and said quietly: "Miss Li, you never understand the world of men." --By: dad856 | 55634 | 14402440->

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