Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 976: Teleport stone!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Xin Wuhen, I have said that you are a prodigal son, and you still don't admit it, how about it, now you have nothing to say?" If Daomen Dajie has the best bad friend selection, Lin Feng will definitely be elected. He wouldn't be embarrassed to admit that he was Xin Wujian's brother without spreading some salt on Xin Wujian's wound.

"I ... I didn't mean it. Who knows how this guy can stand so hard?"

Xin Wuhen was aggrieved, and he was more reluctant than anyone to explode the flame tiger's death.

There are three strokes in the sunset palm method that have been tempered and perfected. This immediately made Xin Wuhen feel that the remaining fifteen moves were more awkward and more awkward, and could not be compared with these three moves at all. However, it is like a mirror, and the explosive flame tiger, which can capture all the loopholes and flaws of the sunset, can only perfect the remaining fifteen strokes.

"This flaming tiger is only at the top of the Yellow Seed Peak, but Wuhen is the peak of Xuanhen, which is a lot higher than it. It can withstand the three moves of Wuhen, which is already very good. , It ’s really strange not to die. "Wan Dongdao.

"I said, you can't save a little effort, just use 50% of the skills!"

Wan Dong's explanation still cannot make Li Weiqian calm his anger, staring at Xin Wuhen fiercely.

Xin Wuhen was really afraid of the big sister Li Weiqian, and whispered, "No ... if you don't do your best, how can you find the loopholes in the sunset and how to perfect it?"

"Do you dare to talk back?" Li Weiqian glared wide and raised her hand to fight. Xin Wuhen hurriedly exclaimed and hid behind Wandong.

Speaking of this, Wan Dong is younger than Xin Wuhen, but in the face of Wan Dong, Li Weiqian would not dare to be as brazen as Xin Wuhen. He had to put down his high hand again, but with a pair of beautiful eyes, Xin Wuhen had several eyes in succession.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "Wujin makes sense. But you don't have to be annoyed, there should be more than this explosive tiger here."

"Yes! Yao Ting is right. According to me, there are ten trial spaces here."

Xiao Lang came over and comforted Li Weiqian.

"Trial space ?!" Xiao Lang came out, Lin Feng, Xin Wuhen, Li Weiqian were surprised.

Xiao Lang nodded heavily and smiled and said, "Yes! Yaoting and I were skeptical from the beginning, and now we can finally be sure that this is not only a trial space, but also a place that is not inferior to the ancients The trial space of the wasteland. "

Xiao Lang's words made Li Weiqian thoughtfully, "The fairy beasts here can actually help the monks to practice martial arts. This alone is enough to be comparable to the ancient wasteland."

"In addition, after killing the fairy beasts, they can also release a qi, and directly improve their cultivation behavior, which makes people feel unbelievable, plus the rich and outrageous world spirit here, I really want to spend my whole life. All live here. "

Xin Wuhen's feelings are the most direct, so the whole person is also the most excited.

Wan Dong looked back at Xiao Lang, both of them frowned. It is certainly not possible to live here for a lifetime, but even if you stay longer, it will not work. Wan Dong and Wang Yangde had agreed on their dates, and there were few days left.

"I'm afraid it won't work? As soon as the deadline agreed by the six families reaches, we will be automatically sent back to Daomen Dajie."

Li Weiqian said with a tight eyebrow, Wan Dong and Xiao Lang only knew that Li Weiqian and they had come to Ascension Mainland this time, and they had a deadline. But then again, this is also common sense.

Daomen World and Ascension Continent belong to two circles, and information exchange is not smooth. And the Ruyi alphabet jade like the Xiao family is not available in every family. Arrange a day in advance, whether it is harvested or not, it will be a clever way to send it back to the Daomen World.

"When are the deadlines agreed by the six families?" Xiao Lang asked.

Li Weiqian figured it out and said, "It should be in four days."

"Four days later?" Wan Dong and Xiao Lang smiled at each other. It was really a coincidence that they had the same time as they agreed. In this way, it is possible to advance and retreat together!

"Okay! Then everyone will fight hard for three days here, and strive for everyone to perfect a martial art, and then leave the place together and go back to the Daomen World." Xiao Lang shouted, his spirit was very exciting.

It has been almost five years since I left, and now I am going back to the Daomen World. Xiao Lang is really excited.

"But Brother, there is no rising and falling moon here, and time can't be calculated. How do we know how long we have stayed here?" Wan Dong asked with a frown.

"What's so difficult about it?" Xin Wuhen chuckled, pulled out a very delicate hourglass from the storage ring, and turned it over. "This time, it's about twelve hours. Just turn it over three times. It's time we left. "

Lin Feng couldn't help but scolded and said: "The people's storage rings are filled with weapons and spirits. Only your storage rings will always contain some messy and useless things. It's simply not learning nothing."

"Who said it was useless? Don't you use it now? And it's indispensable!"

Xin Wuhen was very proud of Chong Linfeng, Lin Feng said suddenly.

"Although the unmarked hourglass can help us calculate the time, I still recommend that you try not to get too far away from this teleportation, and you must not act alone. At least we must gather together before we thoroughly understand the situation here. together!"

Xiao Lang is a well-deserved elder brother, thoughtful of everything, and reasonable, Wan Dong and others are obedient.

"Brother Xiao, do you say that we will have a second chance to come here in the future?" When thinking of such a treasured land, he could only stay for three days, Lin Feng felt very reluctant and couldn't help whispering.

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly and shook his head gently. Being able to enter such a treasure of trial is simply a great fortune. Since it is a great fortune, of course, it is inexplicable.

Roar! ! !

Several people were about to move forward, and at this moment, a roar of the beast suddenly came from a distance. Several people already had experience, and they knew that it was the roar of the flaming tiger, and all of them were refreshed and snatched in the direction of the sound.

Wan Dong was about to follow, and Yu Guang suddenly caught sight of the body of the explosive tiger lying on the ground. When the thoughts moved, the palm of the body was shot unconsciously, and it was shot on the body of the bursting fire tiger. At that time, a light group flashing a slight golden awn, slowly emerged from the mouth opened by the bursting fire tiger.

"this is……"

Wan Dong's mind couldn't help but be shocked. He had also seen the core of the explosive flame, most of them were aquamarine, and looked like emerald, which is by no means this golden color.

Waiting for Wan Dong to capture that golden cannon's light group into his hands, he almost immediately determined that this was by no means the core of the explosive flame tiger.

The core of most fairy beasts is soft and soft with certain tentacles, but this golden light group is cold and hard, but it looks a bit like Yuan Jing. In addition, what flows in the inner core of the fairy beast is the Tao Qi cultivated by the fairy beast, and this golden crystal obtained from the explosive flame tiger is a mysterious energy that Wan Dong can't explain, which is very mysterious.

"Yao Ting, why don't you go?" Xiao Lang walked a few steps and found that Wan Dong didn't keep up. He was curious and returned.

"Brother, look, what is this?" Wan Dong handed the golden crystal to Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang had never seen anything like this before, and a strange color appeared on his face. Holding the golden crystal in his hand, and after looking back at it for a long while, a surprise flashed in his eyes, na n said, "If I feel good, what is circulating in this golden crystal is a kind of transmission. force."

"The power of teleport?" Wan Dong was taken aback, he didn't really think about it at first.

But at this time, Xiao Lang's expression became more and more affirmative, and at the same time a faint trace of fascination appeared on his face, dumbly said, "Is this the transmission stone that was circulated in ancient times?"

"Brother, what is the teleporting stone?" Wan Dong frowned, and a very strong thought suddenly appeared in his heart. When there is a chance, he must fully integrate the memory of Xuantian Daming God, even if it is painful, it must be spotless. Turn the memory of Xuantian Daming God into one's own.

I don't know anything about it, so I have to ask people everything, and it feels like an ignorant rookie, which makes Wan Dong really upset!

"The teleport stone is said to be a unique treasure made by Daomen in the ancient times. It contains the power of teleport. As long as the destination of the teleport is set in advance, it can freely shuttle between heaven and earth. Function and teleportation array Similar, but it is much lighter and more dexterous than the transmission array, and it can be transmitted instantly without waiting while transmitting. "

"There is such a treasure in the world?"

Xiao Lang nodded heavily, and there was both excitement and regret in the expression. "In the ancient times, the Taoist gates were superimposed, and all kinds of magical magic techniques were beyond imagination! I have to admit that compared with the ancient times, today It ’s really a lot of downfall. If this is really a teleportation stone, then I only need to crush it, and it will ... click! "

Xiao Lang was muttering. Suddenly a light like a broken glass sounded, followed by a golden light rising from Xiao Lang's palm, and quickly covered Xiao Lang as a whole.

Wan Dong doesn't know if this is a sign of the launch of the teleportation stone, but in such a scenario, the Ruyi Ziyu on Xiao Cunxin had already seen it before. This is indeed a sign of imminent teleportation!

Wan Dong's heart almost jumped out of his throat, and the ghost knew where the preset destination in the teleport stone was, if he sent Xiao Lang to a certain fierce place, he might be afraid I will never see Xiao Lang again.

Obviously Xiao Lang himself understood what this meant, and his face was full of panic, but once this teleportation stone was activated, it could no longer stop, and it was useless to let Xiao Lang struggle.

With only a whine, Xiao Lang was under the golden light and ran straight into the sky, and soon disappeared.

Wan Dong's heart suddenly seemed as if it had fallen into an ice cellar, and his expression seemed a bit dull ......-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402470->

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