The sheep was very busy, but the general was still alive.

Jiang Nanhe rode hard all the way and soon returned to the top of Qinshan Mountain.

After returning to the top of the mountain, he sorted out the things behind the sheep and called the general out.

As Jiang Nanhe's strength gradually improved and his spiritual energy gradually filled up, he found that the distance between him and the general was getting longer and longer.

Now that Jiang Nanhe was out walking, the general could stay on Qinshan Mountain and do some research and things of his own.

So, the general didn't know much about what Jiang Nanhe encountered.

He was called out from the ground by Jiang Nanhe with a confused look on his face, and then he saw Jiang Nanhe angrily telling the cause and effect of the matter.

"General, I'm telling you, the monkeys you raised have rebelled!

There's a new monkey king in that monkey group. When I went to get some wine today, the monkey king actually gave me a jar of inferior wine full of impurities!

I was really pissed off. I originally went to ask them for wine just to offer you tribute, which only happens once a year!

They still fooled me like this. I sent them more than a dozen bags of food some time ago. It's really a waste of my efforts.

So I got angry and took back all the things I gave them before. They ate all the food, but they didn't work!

And when I went to ask for wine from that monkey group, the other monkeys ignored me and just listened to the new monkey king!"

The general listened to Jiang Nanhe's words. The more he listened, the more his brows frowned behind his mask. He floated in front of Jiang Nanhe and patted his shoulder.

"Okay, don't be angry, they are wild beasts in the mountains, and they don't have much wisdom. It's normal that they can't distinguish right from wrong.

But you provide them with so much food every year, and occasionally go to deworm them, treat their injuries, and see a doctor. They also violated the previous agreement, which is really unreasonable. So do you think you should teach them a lesson? Or what?"

Listening to the general's words of comfort, Jiang Nanhe touched his nose embarrassedly.

"What lesson? I took my things back, but it's fine. Getting angry with a group of wild monkeys with little wisdom makes me look narrow-minded.

If you tell others, they will laugh at me. Just ignore them in the future.

It's just that you may not be able to drink the monkey wine brewed by those monkeys in the future. I'm really sorry, general. I knew you liked it so much, but I took everything back in a fit of anger."

Listening to Jiang Nanhe's self-blaming words, the general raised his hand and patted Jiang Nanhe's head, and the bun on Jiang Nanhe's head was swayed left and right by the general's pat.

"Don't talk nonsense. As for alcohol, the one you brew is the best. I haven't drunk it before.

The reason why I like to drink that monkey wine is that the alcohol smell in it will be much less after I drink it, so you can drink it as a beverage.

I absorb ordinary alcohol, and the essence is almost the same as boiled water, so I liked to drink that kind before. Now it's okay for you to take the things back. Anyway, you didn't like those monkeys that much."

Jiang Nanhe listened to the general's words and looked up at him unexpectedly.

The general stretched out his hand and wanted to put his hands around Jiang Nanhe's waist and lift him up like before.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, he found that Jiang Nanhe was already big at this time.

It was normal to do that action when you were a child, but now Jiang Nanhe is at this age, he will have his own ideas in his mind. He is doing that more intimate action, which seems a bit strange.

But who is Jiang Nanhe? He saw what the general wanted to do when he saw his actions, and he saw him lightly jump up and sit on the general himself.

Jiang Nanhe sat in the general's arms. The general's body was very strong. He raised his hand to grab the armor on the general's head, and stretched out his other hand to the mask on the general's face.

But the general did not move. As long as he didn't want to, Jiang Nanhe could not lift his mask.

Jiang Nanhe tried and gave up. This was the nth time he had done this in these years, and the general was used to it.

The lamb looked at the general and Jiang Nanhe floating in the air and bleated at them a few times.

Listening to his cry, Jiang Nanhe looked behind him thoughtfully.

The monkeys who followed them before, that is, the old monkey king, and some young monkeys and older monkeys, rushed over, and they knelt down many times in the direction of Jiang Nanhe and the general.

Watching their movements, the general felt some pure faith flowing into his body.

These monkeys still have a strong faith in him, but as time passed, the blood in the monkey group changed, and only these monkeys remained to maintain their faith in him.

Old monkey.

The general looked at Jiang Nanhe who was sitting in his arms, silently asking for his views and opinions.

Jiang Nanhe sighed. Although he hated monkeys, these monkeys usually respected the general very much, so Jiang Nanhe thought about it and decided to keep them.

"These monkeys had a quarrel with the original monkey group before, and followed them.

General, why not leave them on Qinshan Mountain and let them continue to brew some monkey wine for you. It's not too much, just brew one jar every year.

They eat less, we can still support them, what do you think?"

The general nodded, raised his hand and waved, signaling the monkeys to stand up.

The monkeys received the general's grace, stood up with tears of gratitude, and under the general's command, went to a place on Qinshan Mountain where wild fruits were more abundant to settle down.

Looking at the monkeys' backs as they left, Jiang Nanhe sighed. He got off the general and prepared to go back to his room to sit and practice his Qi.

Although his spiritual energy was full, Jiang Nanhe felt that he couldn't stop practicing. The movement of his spiritual body would drive his entire body to change, making him stronger and stronger, so practicing spiritual energy could also strengthen his martial arts and physical strength.

Jiang Nanhe went to practice, while Xiaoyang wandered around the mountains and fields, or in other words, went to look for the general's divine dog incarnation.

While wandering, he ate the grass on the road.

The general also returned to the cave in the middle of Qinshan and continued his research.

However, after studying for a while, the general noticed some changes outside, which were very obvious, which made the general frown.

He controlled his divine dog incarnation to carefully observe Qinshan for several rounds, and then wandered around the surrounding areas.

This stroll made the general find something wrong.

In the completely collapsed village not far from Qinshan, some soldiers on war horses came over at some point.

They walked around the village for a few times, as if they were investigating something, and then turned around and left.

The general's divine dog incarnation sat on a very tall tree, looking at the backs of the soldiers who left on horseback, thinking about their purpose.

With the general's eyesight, he could see at a glance that the equipment on the soldiers on horseback and the training level of the horses were all top-notch.

Although the physical fitness of those soldiers was a bit poor, such soldiers were already considered relatively strong in the general's dynasty.

Often such cavalry belonged to the king, belonging to the king's own private army.

This made the general feel that their arrival was not a good thing.

And looking at the target of their search, it should be nearby, or it should be in Qinshan.

This was the general's intuition. Although those people only collected some information around them, based on their actions, the general judged that their target should be the direction of Qinshan.

The divine dog incarnation sat on the tree, and the mighty divine dog narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a bit of murderous intent in his eyes.

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