The escaped soldiers watched their leader die, and their defenses finally collapsed.

They shouted and screamed, and fled in all directions like crazy.

But would Jiang Nanhe let them go? No, he would not let any creature that threatened him go.

Standing on the mountainside, Jiang Nanhe, with a copper whip stained with blood in his hand, looked at the fleeing soldiers coldly.

There were bursts of children's laughter in the surrounding forests, and some children with strange faces appeared in the forests. They hid in the shadows of the woods, and smiled at the soldiers who fled in the forests.

Is Jiang Nanhe powerful? According to the general, it is very powerful.

Jiang Nanhe now should be able to match most of his strength in his prime, but it is only comparable, not superior.

How strong was the general in his prime? Even he himself did not know, because no one could make him use his full strength. Those people said that when the general was alive, his strength had already surpassed the innate, understood the true meaning of martial arts, and mastered the unique skills that countless people yearned for.

But the general himself did not know what the so-called unique skills were. Now the general saw that the lethality caused by Jiang Nanhe was about the same as his own at that time, but he always felt that Jiang Nanhe was still missing a lot of things, still not as good as his prime. He frowned and silently thought about what Jiang Nanhe was missing.

The chaos below did not catch the general's eyes. These human soldiers had sophisticated weapons and were well-trained. Each of them was not weak. Ordinary people could not survive a few moves in their hands.

But the general was not worried at all. If Jiang Nanhe could not keep them all, then all these years of training and learning would be in vain, and the general's teachings over the years would be in vain.

According to the general's thinking, if Jiang Nanhe couldn't do this, then Jiang Nanhe might be worse than a sheep.

When he was alive, he had taught other people. Although they were not as talented as Jiang Nanhe, they were not weak, so he was very confident in General Jiang Nanhe.

As for leaving all these people behind, was it considered a sin of killing? The general thought it was just that.

If we really talk about killing sins, he has killed more.

In the past, he fought for the country and protected the stability of the country. How many people had he killed! One hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand? Even he himself couldn't remember clearly.

Moreover, these soldiers were the first to violate the regulations. In the mountains, the residences of the cultivators were not allowed to be questioned by the human dynasty.

At the beginning, Jiang Nanhe revealed his identity, but these soldiers still wanted to rush forward and rush to the top of Qinshan Mountain.

So in the general's opinion, it is understandable that they stay. In his dynasty, this kind of thing often happens. However, ordinary cultivators are not as strong as Jiang Nanhe. They may have an advantage at the beginning when they encounter these armies, but it will be more difficult later and they may be killed.

But this is only for the weak ones. The strong ones don't care about this. They just leave them all and no one can control them.

This rule is not established by the general or any country or dynasty, but the unspoken rule of this world.

They must also abide by the human dynasty. There are still cultivators outside the human dynasty. This rule cannot be broken, so in the general's opinion, it is normal for these people to stay.

It just so happens that the armor and weapons on their bodies are good, and they can be melted to make a set of armor for Jiang Nanhe.

Although Jiang Nanhe may not be able to use it, the general thinks that his craftsmanship is good, and it is good to make a set for Jiang Nanhe.

As for the fact that these soldiers might run away because of the large number of personnel and the dense vegetation in the forest environment, the general was not worried. He didn't need to take action. The 108 little ghosts raised by Jiang Nanhe were not just for show. They received a lot of incense every day, so they would be effective when they were needed.

If you say they have too strong abilities, they really don't.

But who can make them master the illusion of ghost wall? So those human soldiers who escaped often returned to this area in a daze. They wanted to escape, but found that they couldn't escape.

There were lambs blocking the way down the mountain. Any human soldier who wanted to escape was smashed to pieces by his hoof.

In the forests beside the surrounding mountain roads, the way was blocked by the ghost wall set up by the little ghosts. All the soldiers were confused and couldn't leave.

Behind them, on the mountainside, the copper whip in Jiang Nanhe's hand was dripping with blood. His young body had no expression. He whipped the human soldiers who were still standing with one whip after another.

The soldiers were killed.

He knew that what he did was cruel. Behind these human soldiers might be members of a family or several families. Killing them was inhumane.

But Jiang Nanhe was not a saint. His sympathy was for those who had good intentions towards him and helped him. The only ending for those who threatened him and the general was reincarnation.

What's the saying? The sooner you die, the sooner you will be reborn. Jiang Nanhe helped them through this life in advance, which was also a good deed.

The world was full of troubles and this melting pot was bitter.

The sea of ​​suffering was endless. It was better to turn back and enter reincarnation early to enjoy the happiness of the next life. Jiang Nanhe felt that he was not committing sins of killing, but accumulating merits.

Of course, this was just a joking thought in Jiang Nanhe's mind, or some thoughts to comfort himself. After all, he had only killed tigers, bears, deer, chickens, ducks, fish, etc. before. This was the first time for him.

He smashed these enemies who were full of hostility to him under his whip. As the last standing soldier fell down with a look of fear and despair on his face, the surrounding mountains and forests fell into silence.

The little ghosts appeared with laughter. Now they were nourished by Jiang Nanhe's incense and were not afraid of the sun. They floated over the human soldiers and wanted to suck their souls and flesh. Jiang Nanhe stopped them.

The souls and flesh of these human soldiers were full of filth. The greed and desires of humans were disturbing. They had all kinds of emotions. In Jiang Nanhe's view, the little ghosts would be polluted as soon as they came into contact. There was very little ghost energy in these little ghosts he taught. He didn't want them to fall into evil ways.

The little ghost scolded by Jiang Nanhe bit his little palm and floated in the air aggrievedly.

He opened his eyes wide, as if he wanted to cry out, but how could a ghost shed tears?

So he could only open his eyes wide and look at Jiang Nanhe innocently.

Jiang Nanhe raised his hand and waved it in disdain, asking him to go back quickly. He had to clean up the battlefield. If these little ghosts stayed, they would not only be of no help, but might also be polluted by the blood and emotions of the dead humans.

So he should go back to the stone statue of the general to recuperate. After cleaning up the battlefield and taking a good bath, he would burn incense and pray to drive away the blood and energy on these little ghosts.

Because of the enemy, some crises may appear or may appear in the future. In Jiang Nanhe's opinion, it is very bad, very bad.

After receiving Jiang Nanhe's instructions, the little ghosts held hands with each other, smiled and floated in the air, and returned to the top of the mountain. The general floated down and looked at Jiang Nanhe who put down the copper whip on the ground. He moved his body and came to his side. He patted Jiang Nanhe on the shoulder and signaled Jiang Nanhe not to think too much.

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