Although Jiang Nanhe and the general said they would act as soon as possible, they were not in a hurry.

There was really no need to rush. Even if someone could react quickly and rush to Qinshan, they could easily fight them with their means.

Moreover, according to the information obtained by the general's divine dog incarnation, this group of soldiers told others when they were traveling that they had to perform other tasks outside for a long time, so that others would not have to worry about them.

After all, according to the young general's idea, digging graves was still a waste of time, and what was dug was the tomb of the Marquis of Weiwu. No one knew what mechanisms were inside. It might take a lot of time to crack these things.

Moreover, the man was thinking of taking the general's coffin away. After all, that was the Marquis of Weiwu! Offering his body to the current king would definitely be a great achievement.

Because there were rumors that the Marquis of Weiwu had ascended to heaven and that eating his flesh and blood would make one immortal. Although these were all rumors, the man thought it would be okay to try.

Even the general himself didn't know that the rumors could spread like this. If he really could live forever, he would not have died so early.

So, the general and Jiang Nanhe were doing their own things slowly, until one snowy day, the last day of the year, Jiang Nanhe packed up his mountaintop hut and various other things.

His speed can be said to be surprisingly slow. It took him more than a month to pack up, but there were really a lot of debris on the top of the mountain.

There were all kinds of things in his hut, the kiln made by the general to burn ceramics and charcoal, and various tools for making paper.

There were also various looms and wool from the lambs he stored. It was a waste of time to pack up these miscellaneous things. After sorting them out, the general opened up a special area in Futian to store them.

After sorting out these miscellaneous items, Jiang Nanhe walked around Qinshan several times and woke up all the animals that were still hibernating.

He put his small drum on the lamb's head and fixed it, while he took the bone stick and tapped the small drum easily a few times.

Listening to the drum sound coming from above, the lamb closed his ears tightly and was a little speechless in his heart because it was really noisy.

But the effect was not bad. When Jiang Nanhe went down with this bone stick, all the various animals that were still hibernating were awakened by him. They were scared and ran quickly towards the foot of the mountain.

Jiang Nanhe had tried different knocking sounds before, which could cause different effects. For example, his voice rhythm was very fast now. These drum sounds were similar to the life-chasing talisman in the ears of those animals, scaring them to end their hibernation and run in other directions.

Qinshan might collapse next, and it was not safe for these animals to stay on it. Although they were forced to end their hibernation by Jiang Nanhe early and might encounter other crises, it was better than being crushed to death under the mountain.

Jiang Nanhe's drum sounded for a long time, and Jiang Nanhe was relieved until all the animals, big and small, on Qinshan ran away.

He sat on the lamb and left towards the foot of the mountain, while the general watched Jiang Nanhe's back from the top of the mountain.

When Jiang Nanhe and the others walked far away and came to a safe place, the general began to act.

It was simple to say, after all, most of Futian had been moved to his statue, leaving only a small part. He copied the last rune in his mausoleum, threw it in the air, and the rune blocked the last gap.

Futian, which was originally connected to Qinshan, directly entered the body of the general's statue, and the general himself returned to the statue.

His mausoleum went directly into the underground inside Futian as Futian was transferred.

Futian has an area. The ground of Futian is ten thousand feet thick, the sky is ten thousand feet high, it is ten thousand feet wide, and it is ten thousand feet long. Since Futian was placed in the statue by the general, its area has become like this.

The whole Futian is like an enlarged version of the general's tomb, which is also the kind of round sky and square earth. The border of Futian transferred to the statue has a circle of special lines, flowing slowly, and Futian seems to be locked by these lines.

The general moved Futian to the inside of the statue, and the whole Qinshan changed quietly. The most direct change is that his temple disappeared.

His temple is connected to the tomb. When the tomb entered Futian, the temple naturally entered together, so there was an extra temple in Futian, and the temple in reality disappeared.

The statue of the general floated in the air, emitting a mysterious light.

The little ghosts who were sleeping in the base of the statue were startled and hurriedly controlled the base to catch up with the pace of the general statue.

They didn't want to be buried. The general took a look at the base and forgot about these guys for a while.

The statue floated in the air, emitting a mysterious light, and then the earth began to shake, and the empty Qinshan Mountain in the middle began to collapse, and the trees growing on the mountain fell to the ground one by one.

Jiang Nanhe, who was far away from Qinshan Mountain, looked back and saw large pieces of smoke and dust coming out from the collapsed Qinshan Mountain.

The sound was very loud, even more than the earthquake that Jiang Nanhe had experienced before.

After all, the mountain collapsed too quickly. Seeing the mountain where he had lived for so long collapse, Jiang Nanhe felt an indescribable taste in his heart, reluctant and regretful, and many other emotions.

He looked up at the sky. The statue of the general was still so conspicuous even in the dust.

Looking at the statue, Jiang Nanhe suddenly smiled.

All the uneasiness and emotions in his heart disappeared.

Only then did he realize that although he regretted Qin Shan's disappearance, in his heart, wherever the general was, was home, and with the general, he felt at ease.

The statue of the general slowly floated towards Jiang Nanhe. Jiang Nanhe stretched out his hand and held the statue, which was as tall as him, in his arms.

The base of the statue fell at the feet of the lamb under the control of the little ghosts. Several little ghosts ran out and made faces at Jiang Nanhe, as if accusing him of not waking them up before.

Jiang Nanhe waved at them. It was inconvenient for him to hold the statue of the general, otherwise he would have to beat up these little ghosts.

When he was beating the drum before, he had clearly reminded these little guys, but some of them just dozed off and couldn't wake up. What could he do? Besides, they were right at the foot of the general's statue. What could go wrong?

The general's figure slowly floated out of the statue. He stood in front of Jiang Nanhe, with his hands behind his back, looking at the collapsed Qinshan.

That was where he had stayed for hundreds of years. Now that it collapsed, he still felt a little touched.

Jiang Nanhe held the general's statue and looked at the ruined Qinshan with him.

But Jiang Nanhe was thinking about how the people of the general's era built this mountain? He was really curious. One man and one god just reminisced for a while, and then the general was ready to leave.

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