The old man was very happy.

Jiang Nanhe was very calm. Although he was not used to leaving Qinshan, he still had a long time to live in the future, and he would leave here one day.

So the reluctance and sadness in his heart disappeared, and what appeared was the longing for future life.

He sat on the back of the lamb and walked on the path they had trampled over the years. As he walked, Jiang Nanhe hummed a tune he made.

"There is a small temple in the mountains, and there are gods in it.

The god is a great general. He saw that I was a helpless and pitiful child, abandoned by no one to take care of me.

The god general appeared, picked me up and looked at me, saying that I was intelligent.

Raised me up, taught me knowledge, and put on armor.

Learned martial arts, cultivated immortality, and held a dragon-headed whip in his hand.

Waving the copper whip in his hand, demons and monsters turned into ghosts.

As I grew older, I went down the mountain and entered the room, learned medicine, practiced pottery, accumulated merits, saved the world, and strived to be a little doctor in the world. When I had nothing to do, I would be a little god."

The general listened to Jiang Nanhe's tuneless little tune and didn't know what to say.

Jiang Nanhe still felt good about himself. The incarnation of the divine dog who was tortured by Jiang Nanhe in his arms sighed helplessly. Jiang Nanhe ignored him. He held his small drum and beat it, and the lamb also cooperated with him to make bleating sounds.

Compared with ordinary sheep, the lamb's voice is much deeper, not the soft tone.

The general sighed as he looked at Jiang Nanhe and the lamb shaking their heads.

"Your tune is not smooth, don't sing it, or I will call you by your nickname."

Hearing the general's words, Jiang Nanhe paused, and then stopped clapping the small drum. He looked at the general with dissatisfaction.

"Can you please not mention that name? General, if you mention it again, I won't burn incense for you today."

Asking Jiang Nanhe to give up his daily nickname is very destructive. That was the name the general gave him when he was five years old.

At first, the general called him Nanhe, and then when Jiang Nanhe was about five years old, the general felt that it was time to give Jiang Nanhe a nickname.

As the saying goes, giving a nickname will help you grow up healthier, right? But giving a nickname too early is not good, so the general waited until Jiang Nanhe was five years old, and without asking for Jiang Nanhe's consent, he gave him a nickname that Jiang Nanhe couldn't stand.

Jiang Nanhe's nickname is Jinbao. When he heard it for the first time, Jiang Nanhe looked as if the sky had fallen. He really didn't understand why the general, such a learned man, would give him this name? Later, he kept opposing, and the general changed his words and called him Ah He.

Listening to Jiang Nanhe's dissatisfied words, the general shrugged his shoulders. He thought Jinbao's name was very good, and he also gave Jiang Nanhe a Taoist name, which also started with Jin, called Jin Lingzi.

But he didn't tell Jiang Nanhe. When Jiang Nanhe needed it, he would speak up. What if Jiang Nanhe didn't like it and had to quarrel with him again.

Jiang Nanhe patted his small drum indignantly, and was very dissatisfied with the general's behavior of not appreciating the tune he composed.

Xiaoyang listened to Jiang Nanhe's mumbling and nodded in agreement, but he didn't have any opinions to express. If he dared to say it, the general would beat him.

Unlike Jiang Nanhe's daily training, the general and Jiang Nanhe held back their strength during training.

After all, Jiang Nanhe's human body is still quite fragile, but Xiaoyang is different. Xiaoyang is a monster. The stronger he is, the better his physique is.

So when fighting him, the general used some strength. Xiaoyang was beaten badly every time, so he was really afraid of the general.

If the general doesn't allow him to sing, then don't sing. Jiang Nanhe thought indignantly and put away the small drum in front of him, then hugged the incarnation of the divine dog and looked around.

They have been walking for a while, and Xiaoyang's pace is very fast.

According to their calculations, it shouldn't take long to reach the direction of the county.

Jiang Nanhe's county is called Anping County, which is a relatively large county. The location of the county is the best in the surrounding area, and there are no large mountains blocking it.

Anping County has six towns and twelve villages under its jurisdiction, with a population of about 60,000, which is considered relatively large in ancient times.

Of course, this data is not accurate, because many villages have moved away in recent years, and there is a huge flow of people, but the county magistrate said that the population is so large, and it has always been so large, and it has not changed much.

Jiang Nanhe didn't know much about Anping County. He rarely went into the county town because the lamb was too big and a little conspicuous.

He went there less in recent years, and he went there a few times. He didn't know much about the county town.

He also had a basic understanding of some of the situations in the place.

He planned to stay in Anping County for a while this time to learn some skills. As for why he didn't leave quickly in the direction of other counties to prevent people from discovering the things and changes in Qinshan? Jiang Nanhe didn't worry about this.

After all, Qinshan Mountain had collapsed, and no one knew that he had lived in Qinshan before. In ancient times, information was not well developed, and the means of investigation were not very advanced, which made Jiang Nanhe fearless.

He really didn't believe that those soldiers could detect his position. After all, in terms of military investigation, the general could be said to be their ancestor. Their traces that could disappear had disappeared, and nothing could be found from the ruins of Qinshan Mountain.

The skills that Jiang Nanhe learned in Anping County this time were mainly medical skills. He had learned some by himself over the years and consulted some rural doctors, but what can I say? The results were not ideal.

Without systematic learning, he still had a superficial understanding of traditional Chinese medicine and didn't know much about it.

As for why he had to learn medical skills even though he was cultivating immortals? It was because Jiang Nanhe thought it was very important.

According to his memory, learning medical skills can not only cure diseases and save lives, but also accumulate merits and good karma. It can also help to obtain cultivation methods in the future. After all, the meridians, veins, acupoints and qi that Chinese medicine pays attention to are also what you need to master in cultivation.

And it can also lay the foundation for learning alchemy in the future, so in Jiang Nanhe's view, learning medical skills is very important.

The general agreed with Jiang Nanhe's views and opinions.

He also thought that learning medicine was good. Jiang Nanhe was young and had a long time to go. It would not hurt to learn more skills. If possible, the general even wanted Jiang Nanhe to go to the blacksmith shop to train for a few years.

But he knew that Jiang Nanhe probably didn't like to be shirtless and swinging a hammer, so he could only go to learn skills by himself.

Jiang Nanhe sat on the back of the lamb, looking at the crowds around him, with some curiosity in his eyes.

Those people looked at him with great curiosity, mainly because of the size of the lamb, which looked bigger than a tall horse. It was rare, but not too rare.

Nowadays, rare animals can still be found in the county, such as birds that can talk, fish that can change color, mice that can dig holes, etc., so a big lamb is not rare.

The county is not big, creating myths.

According to Jiang Nanhe, some places in the county are very chaotic, probably because the county magistrate is a corrupt official who only knows how to ask for money and doesn't manage it much.

Chaos also means that there are people from all over the world. Jiang Nanhe is not worried at all that he can't learn skills in Anping County.

He sat on the lamb's back, walked towards the city gate, and then lined up.

To enter the county, you have to pass a line of defense and pay the entrance fee.

The county town is called a city, but it is actually very small. Its walls are made of mud and earth and are only a little over two meters high. But even so, no one climbs over the wall casually, because if they are caught, they will be beheaded.

The team in front is quite fast, and it is Jiang Nanhe's turn in a short while.

He and the lamb walked forward together, and the incarnation of the divine dog followed him to protect him.

Jiang Nanhe took out a few copper coins from his arms and paid the entrance fee. Jiang Nanhe paid a few more copper coins than others, including the lamb and the dog, which is the rule.

You have to pay more to buy and sell livestock in the city. Although Jiang Nanhe thinks that the lamb is not a livestock, others don't think so.

It's just a matter of a few copper coins, he won't argue about it, and the lamb is too big and very conspicuous.

Jiang Nanhe got the entry token from the guard. The token was made of wood and was very simple, but no one dared to copy it. Jiang Nanhe walked into Anping County and into human society, holding the lamb and following the dog.

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