After discussing with Doctor Mu, Jiang Nanhe got up and led the lamb outside the door in. He told Doctor Mu that he had to bring his own sheep and dog with him during the few months he lived here. He also told him that his sheep were relatively large, and Doctor Mu agreed, which was why the money Doctor Mu asked for was so expensive. Jiang Nanhe led the lamb in, and Doctor Mu was shocked. The lamb was really tall and looked very intimidating. But after being surprised, he opened the backyard door and signaled Jiang Nanhe that the lamb could be raised in the backyard. Doctor Mu's clinic is both a clinic and his residence. There was only one person in his family, and he didn't know what was going on. The backyard of the clinic was quite large, because Doctor Mu usually had to deal with herbs and so on.

The backyard was where herbs were dried and prepared.

In the corner of the backyard, there was a jujube tree, and Jiang Nanhe tied the lamb to the tree.

Although the rope on the lamb's neck had no effect on him, in the eyes of others, it was necessary to tie the lamb with a rope, otherwise the lamb's big body could kill people with its horns.

No rope, no sense of security.

Jiang Nanhe also knew this, so after entering the city, he never took off the rope on the lamb's neck.

The lamb was tied to the jujube tree by Jiang Nanhe, feeling wronged. Jiang Nanhe saw the lamb's expression and shrugged at him, indicating that he had no choice.

He took down the statue of the god on the lamb's back and put it next to the lamb, letting the lamb watch it, so that no one would lift the cloth covering the temple, and let the lamb pay attention.

He took out a large blanket from the package behind the lamb and spread it on the ground for the lamb, while he took the package and went to the residence with Doctor Mu.

There were a few houses next to the jujube tree, which were originally where Doctor Mu kept herbs. Jiang Nanhe moved in after cleaning up.

As soon as he opened the door, he could see the jujube tree and the lamb, and Jiang Nanhe was quite satisfied.

After a simple cleaning and adding some grass to the lamb, Jiang Nanhe went to study with Doctor Mu.

He was in a hurry, so he would study as long as he could.

Doctor Mu was surprised by his enthusiasm for learning, but he didn't say anything.

If Jiang Nanhe was willing to learn, he would teach. Anyway, he paid him, so he couldn't go back on his word.

There are not many people in the clinic now, so Doctor Mu is quiet here, after all, the price he charges is expensive.

Generally, only those with middle-class or relatively wealthy families will come to him when they have something to do at home. Since the patient left before Jiang Nanhe came, he has been quiet, which is just right for teaching.

Doctor Mu first taught Jiang Nanhe some common sense things that doctors of this dynasty need to know. After he finished speaking, he found a few books, which are teaching materials. Jiang Nanhe can take them back to read.

After saying these things, more than an hour has passed.

Doctor Mu drank a sip of tea and continued to talk. Anyway, he told Jiang Nanhe what he knew. Whether Jiang Nanhe learned it or not depends on himself.

He did this to see how Jiang Nanhe's comprehension is? If Jiang Nanhe didn't learn it, he wouldn't tell him too much in these three months. If he learned it, he would try his best to tell Jiang Nanhe what he knew in these three months.

Jiang Nanhe's comprehension is naturally needless to mention. After years of spiritual nourishment, coupled with the general's teachings, and some of his own reasons, he has a photographic memory and a high comprehension. He can remember clearly what Doctor Mu has said once.

Doctor Mu asked a few questions and was surprised to see that Jiang Nanhe had repeated almost everything. But he also knew why Jiang Nanhe had the confidence to learn his craft in three months.

He naturally didn't think that Jiang Nanhe came to him and wasted three months of time to do something small. Ordinary people generally wouldn't do this. Even the sons of wealthy families would generally go to the academy to study and finally take the imperial examinations, not come to him.

He had heard before that some guys were particularly special and learned everything quickly. When he saw Jiang Nanhe for the first time, he felt that this young man must be such a person.

He felt that the reason why Jiang Nanhe gave three months was that he was confident that he could learn his craft in three months. Although this was a bit discouraging, Doctor Mu adapted well.

His grandfather had worked in the palace, and the family inherited medical skills, but his generation was not very good.

So he was also a child who had seen the world, and he was very attentive in teaching Jiang Nanhe.

Although he loved money, he got all the wealth in a proper way.

He was expensive to see a doctor, so he would

After seeing the doctor, he will visit him once a month until the cause of the disease is completely eliminated.

If there is no cure, he will also introduce people to help him consult.

This is why he has so many repeat customers, and he is also good at recuperation. Many elderly people's diseases relapse because of their old age, and he is very good at dealing with these.

So he took Jiang Nanhe's money and taught him wholeheartedly. This is his family's ancestral motto.

Although three months of teaching is worth five taels of money, it is enough. How difficult is it to earn five taels in a small county? Doctor Mu knows.

After a brief introduction, Doctor Mu explained how a doctor should see a doctor, how to consult, and how to deal with the relationship between patients?

He did not talk about medical skills directly, but took the lead in talking about these things related to seeing a doctor. Jiang Nanhe listened very seriously. He even took out a notebook and took notes.

Seeing his learning attitude, Doctor Mu was very satisfied. When he finished talking about some of the things he knew, it was a little dark.

Jiang Nanhe poured a cup of tea for Doctor Mu and another for himself. After they drank a few sips, a young man came in from outside the door.

The young man was holding a food box, which was the meal that Doctor Mu ordered today.

At first, Jiang Nanhe was quite surprised to hear that there was a takeaway service in ancient times? But then he thought it was quite normal.

Doctor Mu lived alone and had no cooking skills. He usually went out to eat, so he naturally became a regular customer of restaurants. He found a few restaurants he liked to eat at and paid a little more money every month, and someone would deliver the food to his home.

After paying the young man some silver and some travel expenses, Doctor Mu called Jiang Nanhe to come and eat quickly.

Looking at the food he ordered, Jiang Nanhe finally had a clear understanding of why it was so expensive for him to see a doctor. Doctor Mu ordered a fish, a pork elbow, two stir-fried side dishes, and a plate of cold dishes. This meal was already good enough.

Perhaps seeing the surprise in Jiang Nanhe's eyes, Doctor Mu touched his nose.

"Don't look at me like that. I only ordered such a rich meal tonight to celebrate your apprenticeship.

Go and try it. The cooking skills of Zui Xiang Lou are amazing. I usually only eat there once a month. This month, I ordered it in advance.,

Listening to Doctor Mu's somewhat guilty words, Jiang Nanhe sat down beside him and nodded. Then he picked up a steamed bun and started eating.

It tasted really good. Although it was not as good as the general's, it was also quite tasty.

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