The next day, Jiang Nanhe woke up from his comfortable bed at dawn. He yawned and relaxed.

The general had prepared hot water for Jiang Nanhe. When he recovered, Jiang Nanhe could go to wash up.

It was still dark outside. Jiang Nanhe washed up and did some boxing in the room to stretch his muscles.

When he felt that his whole body was active, he opened the door and took a breath of cold air.

It was a good day yesterday, but today there was a layer of fine snow in the yard. The small snowflakes floated in the sky, bringing a little chill.

Jiang Nanhe glanced at the yard, sighed, went to the corner, picked up a big broom, and began to sweep the snow.

After sweeping the snow in the yard, Jiang Nanhe went out and swept some snow on the road outside the pharmacy.

At this time, some families had started to get up to work. They were a little surprised to see Jiang Nanhe get up early. They greeted each other and got to know each other, and then went back to their own work.

Jiang Nanhe swept the snow outside the clinic, walked towards the breakfast place, bought a few buns, and hurried back to the clinic. It was still too cold outside, so it was good to go in early to read a book.

The money for the buns was paid monthly. Doctor Mu said yesterday that he asked Jiang Nanhe to go directly to get it, and then report the name of the clinic. He would go to settle the bill at the end of the month.

Jiang Nanhe hurried back to the clinic. Doctor Mu had woken up at this time. When he saw Jiang Nanhe coming in with the buns, his expression was quite satisfied.

Jiang Nanhe nodded at him and handed him the buns.

Doctor Mu had already lit a stove in the clinic, and there was a pot on the stove with boiling water in it.

Jiang Nanhe took out two clean bowls, beat an egg into the bowl, and rinsed it with hot water. A bowl of egg tea was ready.

Eating buns and drinking egg tea, breakfast was over.

Next was the teaching time. What Doctor Mu was going to teach today was about herbs, not only the preparation of herbs, but also the identification.

After teaching these, he could teach the dosage of herbs.

Jiang Nanhe held his notes and medical books and listened to Doctor Mu's teachings.

Today Doctor Mu needed to prepare herbs. While he told Jiang Nanhe some preparation techniques of herbs, he also told him about the efficacy of the prepared herbs, where they grew, and where to buy them at a cheaper price? Although some of them were not very useful to Jiang Nanhe, some knowledge was very necessary for Jiang Nanhe.

So Jiang Nanhe listened very carefully and wrote them down.

Doctor Mu spoke very slowly because he had to prepare herbs in his hands, and he had to think for a while before he could tell Jiang Nanhe some of them. When he finished speaking, Jiang Nanhe could imitate his movements and prepare herbs.

Jiang Nanhe also prepared herbs on a daily basis. He had read a few medical books and knew some simple ones.

But after learning from Doctor Mu, he realized how simple his previous techniques were and how easy it was to destroy the overall medicinal properties of the herbs.

Some herbs are very troublesome to prepare, and they have to go through many procedures. There are even masters who specialize in preparing herbs.

Most of the herbs in Doctor Mu's clinic are prepared by himself, but a small part of them are troublesome and still need to be prepared by someone special.

Doctor Mu taught seriously. He taught Jiang Nanhe everything he knew about every herb or every herb he had.

What are the medicinal properties of these herbs, what diseases can they treat, and how to combine them to achieve the best effect? What kind of combination will have adverse effects? Doctor Mu told Jiang Nanhe all about it.

This is not easy, because some of them are small prescriptions or tricks that he created himself, and Doctor Mu also told Jiang Nanhe about them.

Maybe it was because Jiang Nanhe was really learning, and listening to Doctor Mu's story so seriously, Jiang Nanhe naturally felt satisfied. What he didn't understand before or thought was wrong before, he suddenly understood it after learning it this time.

Doctor Mu's medical skills may not be the best, but he is really good at teaching people, after all, he himself took over the burden from his own family.

Family-transmitted, generally pay attention to this kind of learning and teaching, and try to pass on their family-transmitted medical skills through various practical operations and concise words.

Jiang Nanhe didn't know that Doctor Mu's medical skills were family-transmitted, but he felt that Doctor Mu's teaching was really good.

He helped Doctor Mu clean the herbs that needed to be prepared with his hands and feet, and Doctor Mu was not too surprised to see this.

Jiang Nanhe has some medical

He knew that he needed to learn knowledge. After all, Jiang Nanhe had given him a few processed herbs yesterday. Although his method was a little problematic, the herbs were pretty good and could be sold for some money.

He was quite happy that Jiang Nanhe gave them to him. Those herbs should have been processed by Jiang Nanhe himself, so Doctor Mu was not surprised that Jiang Nanhe had some medical knowledge and skills.

Time passed in a flash, and the morning was over.

Doctor Mu and Jiang Nanhe, who were obsessed with teaching and learning, slowly came back to their senses when they heard the knock on the door outside.

Both of them had a very satisfying morning today. Doctor Mu had a good time being a teacher. He taught Jiang Nanhe knowledge, and Jiang Nanhe basically learned it once and could draw inferences from it.

For example, he taught Jiang Nanhe the efficacy of a herb and what symptoms it was suitable for? Jiang Nanhe would ask if it could be used with other herbs to treat certain symptoms, and if it would be effective for certain symptoms when used with other herbs?

Doctor Mu was surprised that Jiang Nanhe could draw inferences from one example, but he answered one by one, and the two spent the whole morning in this question and answer.

Jiang Nanhe learned a lot of herbs that he had never heard of before in the morning, and when Doctor Mu chatted with Jiang Nanhe, he also got some inspiration from the prescriptions he mentioned, and felt that several prescriptions were indeed useful.

This was an angle he had never thought about before. After being reminded by Jiang Nanhe, he remembered that he could still make medicine in this way, and the angle was really unique. The two felt very satisfied with the gains of the morning.

However, now that they were interrupted, the two withdrew from the state of teaching and learning and looked at the person who came. The person was a yamen runner in official uniform.

He arched his hands towards Doctor Mu and told him his purpose.

"Doctor Mu, the old mother of the county master's family has lost her appetite recently, so the county master ordered the subordinate to come to you to get some soup medicine to see if it can help the old lady's appetite."

Listening to the words of the yamen runner, Doctor Mu's face drooped and looked gloomy.

The county magistrate doesn't pay for his medical treatment, which is really annoying, but if he were asked to ask for money, he wouldn't dare to do so. He could only take out the prescription he used to use with a gloomy face and prepare it later.

The yamen runner saw that Doctor Mu knew about it, but he didn't say much. He didn't have any opinion on Doctor Mu's not-so-good expression.

After all, the county magistrate has never paid for anything he has done in these years, and he is used to others not liking them, which is normal, but what makes him a little concerned is that there are new people in Tianyi Clinic?

He looked at Jiang Nanhe with some curiosity in his eyes.

It's rare for such a young child to come here to learn medicine, but there's nothing attractive about it.

After all, it's normal for a person like Jiang Nanhe to be sent out by his family to learn a craft.

The yamen runner didn't think much about it, turned around and left, and when he saw his back disappear, Doctor Mu silently spat on the ground.

He kept saying it was bad luck and misfortune, then looked up at the sky again, knowing it was time for lunch, he went out with Jiang Nanhe, ready to find a noodle shop with delicious food to reward his stomach and get rid of the bad luck.

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