The more time passes, the more time passes.

Jiang Nanhe always feels that the days of study pass quickly. He spends every day very fulfillingly. Doctor Mu is also quite capable, and he has the habit of recording medical records.

The so-called medical records are actually similar to the medical records in Jiang Nanhe's mind. ,,

Doctor Mu teaches Jiang Nanhe by comparing the contents recorded in the medical records, and slowly explains to Jiang Nanhe the medical theories and techniques used, as well as how to prescribe medicine and his thoughts when prescribing medicine.

Jiang Nanhe listened very seriously. When Doctor Mu finished talking about the three medical records, a month had passed quietly.

There is still more than a month before the Chinese New Year this year, and the weather is getting colder and colder.

This winter, it snowed very frequently, but it was only light or moderate snow, not a single heavy snow.

In order to sweep the snow, Jiang Nanhe got up very early these days and became familiar with the people around him.

After all, snow sweeping is done together. You help me sweep, I help you sweep, and we chat with each other, and gradually become familiar with each other.

The people around him were puzzled by the fact that Jiang Nanhe, a child, came to study medicine, but they were also envious.

Moreover, Jiang Nanhe had an extraordinary temperament, and the clothes he wore were different from theirs. His eyes were full of spiritual energy. When they looked at him, it was as if he saw through them.

So although the people around him talked to Jiang Nanhe and chatted with each other, they were actually a little afraid of him, especially because he had a sheep of that size.

The sheep was very strong, and the residents around him had seen it.

They were puzzled by Jiang Nanhe's operation of taking a sheep and a dog out, but they didn't say much.

More than a month was enough for Jiang Nanhe to learn most of the basics of Chinese medicine.

He studied medical theory and gained his own insights under the guidance of Doctor Mu during the day.

At night, he would ask Doctor Mu for some medical records he wrote when he saw patients, as well as some medical books.

Doctor Mu was very generous. As long as Jiang Nanhe paid more, he could give these medical books to Jiang Nanhe. After all, they were just copies, not originals.

Jiang Nanhe thought about it and bought a lot of medical records and medical books directly from Doctor Mu.

Every time he read these things, he had some different insights, so he thought it was good to buy some books to read often or as bedtime reading.

Jiang Nanhe studied during the day and lay in his hut at night. The lamb was used as a pillow by him, and the general's divine dog incarnation was used as a pillow by him and held in his arms.

The divine dog incarnation was not too small. According to Jiang Nanhe, it should be a medium-sized dog.

If he stood up, he was only a little shorter than Jiang Nanhe, so Jiang Nanhe lay on the lamb, and the divine dog incarnation could directly fill Jiang Nanhe's arms.

Jiang Nanhe held the divine dog incarnation, covered with a thick quilt, and in front of him, there were a few books floating.

There was an invisible and intangible aura around those books, which was a new discovery of Jiang Nanhe after he learned the spirit-attaching technique, a way to control objects.

The spirit-attaching technique, as the name suggests, is to attach the aura to any object, which can be yourself, or other objects or creatures.

This spell has many directions for development and is also very versatile.

According to Jiang Nanhe's understanding, this spell is to pull out a part of the aura in his body, rely on some mysterious connection, control the aura, attach it to the object, and then use it to control the object.

How to say it? This spell is really useful. After Jiang Nanhe learned it, both hands can be freed.

However, there are also disadvantages, that is, it cannot be used in front of people, and it consumes more spiritual energy. If Jiang Nanhe did not have sufficient spiritual energy in his body, he would not use this spell.

Attaching this spell to a weapon can also increase the power of the weapon. Attaching it to yourself can not only be used as a means of protection, but also increase the quality and lethality of your body.

This spell is simply a panacea amplification spell. Jiang Nanhe only realized after learning it that this seemingly simple spell has such a great effect.

Compared with this spirit attachment spell, the other spiritual energy bomb spell seems ordinary.

In addition to learning medical knowledge during this period, Jiang Nanhe also learned these spells.

Before, the general did not let Jiang Nanhe learn directly, but studied it himself. After thoroughly studying these two spells and finding no problems, he let Jiang Nanhe start learning.

He and Jiang Nanhe looked at these two spells back and forth.

50 times, and only after Jiang Nanhe could recite the two spells by heart did the general ask him to start learning.

The learning speed progressed very well, and Jiang Nanhe got started easily. The spirit attachment technique gave him a surprise. It had many functions and was easy to use. Although it consumed a lot of spiritual energy, it was within Jiang Nanhe's acceptable range, and it could also free his hands.

But the spiritual energy bomb spell was very useless.

Jiang Nanhe used the spiritual energy in his body to condense a sphere. The lethality of the sphere was different according to the different properties of the released spiritual energy.

For example, if the earth element was stuffed into the sphere, such a spiritual energy bomb would explode when it was hit, causing great power, similar to a small bomb, but the spiritual energy in the body was almost consumed.

The general and Jiang Nanhe were quite disappointed with this spell, which was different from what they expected.

Because the spiritual energy consumed is not proportional to the lethality gained, Jiang Nanhe can use his martial arts to cause greater lethality by holding the copper whip without wasting the spiritual energy.

However, this spell has a special effect, which is that it can attack spirits, that is, ghosts.

When Jiang Nanhe was practicing before, those little ghosts came to make trouble, and a few of them were accidentally blown up by the spiritual energy bomb. Fortunately, at that time, Jiang Nanhe used a relatively small amount of power for the convenience of practice.

Those little ghosts were not injured, but they were also frightened by the spiritual energy bomb. It was only then that Jiang Nanhe knew that this thing could still hurt ghosts.

This can also be regarded as an advantage. These two spells are quite good in Jiang Nan's opinion. He prefers the spirit attachment spell, and the spiritual energy bomb is also okay. After all, it is the most lethal among the simple spells he has learned.

Moreover, the lamb can also learn this spirit bomb. After Jiang Nanhe and the general's oral instructions over the past few days, the lamb can actually release a small electric ball with some bumps and bumps, which surprised the general and Jiang Nanhe. However, the lamb cannot learn the spirit attachment technique. Maybe he lacks a bit of stubbornness.

Jiang Nanhe held the divine dog incarnation and turned the last page of the book in front of him. He finished reading another medical case. This is the number of books he has read, but he still finds it very interesting.

Doctor Mu has encountered all kinds of strange diseases in recent years. Some can be cured, some cannot be cured. He also recorded the incurable ones. Jiang Nanhe just found it interesting.

He yawned. It's time to go to bed today.

The divine dog incarnation stretched out a paw and pressed it on Jiang Nanhe's head, pressing him down, signaling him to close his eyes and go to sleep quickly.

Jiang Nanhe reached out his hand, grabbed the little paw of the incarnation of the divine dog, kneaded it in his hand, and then buried his head in the neck of the incarnation of the divine dog, rubbed it, and then fell asleep contentedly holding him.

The general sighed helplessly not far away, stepped forward to tuck the quilt for Jiang Nanhe, rubbed his hair, and blew out the lights in the room.

Jiang Nanhe had to get up early tomorrow, it was snowing outside again, he had to go sweep the snow, and after sweeping the snow, he had to come back to practice for a while, then sit for a while, and circulate the spiritual energy in his body. After doing all this, he had to buy breakfast, and then wait for Doctor Mu to get up and continue to learn medical skills with him.

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