After Jiang Nanhe cleaned the snow around the clinic, he put the broom away.

He glanced at the busy alley, turned around and took out a long bamboo pole from the clinic. There was a hook on the pole, which was used to hang and take lanterns.

Lanterns are now burning lamp oil, so they are used up very quickly. Every household around has one of these poles.

Jiang Nanhe took down the lantern at the door, took it in his hand and looked at it, and found that it was a little old.

According to the neighbors around, these lanterns will not be thrown away, after all, they are all bought with money.

Besides, they have only been used for a year, but they just look a little old. If you carefully brush a layer of red paint on the surface with a brush, they can also be regarded as new.

It's just that the people around here won't use them again. I heard that there will be peddlers coming to collect them in a while.

After they collect them, they will process them again and sell them to those poor families.

It's not expensive, just a fee for running errands. After all, this old lantern is too easy to recognize. The frame inside has been blackened by the smoke and fire of this year.

Moreover, it has become not very strong after a year of wind and sun, and it basically won't last too long before it breaks.

But for poor families, this lantern is a sustenance for the New Year.

Just like New Year pictures and Spring Festival couplets, these lanterns are still very popular every year.

These are the information that Jiang Nanhe got when people around him were chatting. He thought it was not bad. At least these lanterns can be reused, which is better than destroying them directly.

Doctor Mu came back soon. He was holding a pile of red paper and walking hurriedly, but his expression was indeed very happy. He also had a food box in his hand. The food box looked very heavy, and there must be a lot of food in it. It seems that he has spent money again.

Jiang Nanhe put down the lantern in his hand, walked a few steps outside the clinic, and took the food box from Doctor Mu. Doctor Mu smiled at Jiang Nanhe and said something, his tone full of urging.

"Nanhe, help me put the food in the food box on the table, I will go to unfold these red papers, after breakfast, we can write couplets."

Jiang Nanhe nodded and opened the food box, and found that today's breakfast was still very rich.

Doctor Mu is a person who can't control his mouth. This guy likes to eat delicious food. For food, he doesn't care much about spending more money. Maybe this is also the reason why he is stingy. After all, the clinic is not easy to make money.

After breakfast, Jiang Nanhe cleaned the table.

Doctor Mu couldn't wait to put a cut and empty couplet on the table. The brush, inkstone and ink were all ready, waiting for Jiang Nanhe to write on it.

Jiang Nanhe took the brush and dipped it in ink. After thinking for a while, he wrote down the couplets that he was satisfied with on the couplet paper.

When Jiang Nanhe finished writing one, Doctor Mu couldn't wait to pick it up and blow it. He looked at the content and handwriting on it and was very satisfied.

"Nanhe, you write really beautifully. If you sell this couplet, you must sell it for ten cents.

It's really good, really good, and the handwriting is really beautiful. The couplets in previous years are not as good as this. Come on, Nanhe, write me a few more couplets."

Jiang Nanhe listened to Doctor Mu's urging, smiled and nodded, he moved his wrist, and his hands did not stop moving. In a short time, several couplets came out.

Doctor Mu was curious and praised them repeatedly. It was obvious that he liked these couplets very much.

The incense burning in the clinic permeated the surroundings with a strong medicinal fragrance.

Jiang Nanhe slowly put down his brush and looked at his work in front of him, feeling a strange sense of accomplishment.

Although these are couplets, not calligraphy, they are still written by himself, carefully crafted by himself, and completely express the style of learning calligraphy over the years.

Doctor Mu was delighted to see Jiang Nanhe put down his brush, and gave him a thumbs up, expressing his high praise for his calligraphy.

When these couplets were a little dry, Doctor Mu carefully put them away and took out a few square red papers, which were used to write blessing.

Jiang Nanhe picked up the brush and continued to write, while Doctor Mu watched from the side, praising and sighing.

"Nanhe, I think you can really write couplets, and you will definitely make a lot of money during the New Year.

Do you know the scholar in the north of the city? He writes couplets every year and says that his handwriting is beautiful, but I think it's really not as good as yours.

Today I saw

He set up a stall to write couplets and letters. There were many people on the stall. You will definitely be better than him. "

Jiang Nanhe listened to Doctor Mu's praise and just shook his head without saying anything. He knew his own strengths and weaknesses.

Seeing that he didn't speak and just concentrated on writing, Doctor Mu waited on the side. When Jiang Nanhe finished writing, he carefully put the words on the counter to dry.

While drying, he admired them. After admiring them for a while, he seemed to suddenly think of something and then spoke.

"By the way, it's a bit strange.

Do you remember what I told you before, a group of excellent cavalrymen in armor suddenly came to our county a few months ago? "

Listening to what Doctor Mu said, Jiang Nanhe, who was writing, paused, but then continued writing as if nothing had happened. He nodded to show that he still remembered.

Seeing him nod, Doctor Mu continued.

"A few months ago, a fire suddenly broke out in the soldier's camp, burning the entire camp to ashes.

The young general who came to their camp, and more than half of the people disappeared directly!

When the other soldiers came back, they were furious when they saw this scene.

But the soldiers who stayed behind had been buried in the sea of ​​fire, and no one survived.

No one knew what the specific situation was.

Later, those soldiers rushed to the county town and asked the county magistrate for an explanation. The county magistrate was so scared that he quickly told the whereabouts of the young general. "

After Jiang Nanhe finished writing the last picture, he looked at Doctor Mu with some curiosity and asked what Doctor Mu wanted to hear most.

"Then Teacher Mu, what is the story behind it? And where did the truth of the camp fire and the missing soldiers go? "

Hearing that Jiang Nanhe could not help but ask out of curiosity, Doctor Mu laughed out loud, he touched his beard, and told him the news he saw in the morning market today.

"I don't know when a notice was put up in the morning market, I took a few glances when I went to buy things.

I found that the county magistrate told those soldiers that General Zhang heard that there was an ancient tomb in a mountain dozens of miles away, so he led a team to dig.

Who knew that he would never come back after this trip? The ancient tomb seemed to be called the tomb of Weiwu Hou? Or whose tomb was it?

Anyway, it was a great man. When the soldiers rushed to the direction pointed by the county magistrate, they saw that the whole mountain had collapsed. Those people were shocked beyond words and immediately sent half of their men back to Beijing to report. "

Doctor Mu laughed out loud as if he had thought of some interesting scene.

"The county magistrate was not having a good time either. He was dragged to the horse by those officers and soldiers and was frightened all the way.

Later, when he saw the mountain with the tomb of Marquis Weiwu collapsed, he was so scared that he fainted. He was not pretending, he really fainted. Several famous doctors went to see him and said that he was dying. "

Doctor Mu said gloatingly. He had no good feelings for the county magistrate. When he heard that he was going to die, he was only happy.

Jiang Nanhe nodded thoughtfully. Doctor Mu continued to talk about his guess. The door of the room had been closed by him, and he was not afraid of the walls having ears.

"If you ask me, the young general Zhang probably went to dig for treasure but buried himself in it.

It is said that the tomb he went to was the tomb of a high-ranking official or someone else? There must be a lot of traps inside. It is estimated that he and his men were accidentally trapped by the trap, and then the whole mountain collapsed, burying them directly. "

As if he had thought of something, Doctor Mu whispered:

"There is another possibility, those missing guys found the treasure and defected to other places!"

Listening to Doctor Mu's confident guess, Jiang Nanhe smiled and didn't say much. He just picked up a pair of scissors and a folded red paper and started cutting in a good mood.

This guess made by Doctor Mu is the most widely circulated version. Jiang Nanhe thinks this rumor is very good, just like the red paper in his hand, according to his idea, it appears as good as the pattern he wants.

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