The old man was very angry, but the old man was very angry.

The Taoist priest Song He walked into the room and walked towards Aunt Bai who was lying on the ground. As he walked, he explained to Jiang Nanhe.

"So that's it. If I'm not mistaken, it might be just like what you said.

The Bai Yi Niang in front of me is the old mother of Mr. Li.

The reason why she can return to her youthful appearance may be because of the evil magic of painting skin!

I have people surround the entire Li Mansion, and no one in the entire Li Mansion can escape.

Next, we just need to interrogate Bai Yi Niang to find out where her evil magic came from and how many people she has harmed over the years.

I am familiar with this job, Taoist Jiang Xiao, why don't you hand her over to me."

After listening to the old Taoist's words, Jiang Nanhe nodded indifferently.

He picked up the handkerchief and wiped his dragon-headed copper whip. He had just waved the whip several times, and it was stained on the bodies of Bai Yi Niang and Mr. Li, which made Jiang Nanhe feel that the whip was a little dirty.

Taoist Master Songhe saw that Jiang Nanhe didn't care, so he quickly stepped forward and walked to the side of Bai Yi Niang.

He raised his hand and offered a yellow talisman. The talisman paper was as big as a palm, and there were special patterns written on it with red cinnabar.

He held the talisman paper between his fingers, muttered something, and threw it towards the struggling Aunt Bai on the ground, and the talisman paper stuck to Aunt Bai.

Aunt Bai, who was still struggling to move, suddenly stopped moving. Taoist Master Songhe nodded with satisfaction and prepared to start asking questions.

Jiang Nanhe raised his head and waved to the doctors and Doctor Mu at the door.

"Wait a minute, Taoist Master Songhe, there are some innocent doctors in the room, why not let them leave first, as well as the soldiers at the door."

Hearing his words, Taoist Master Songhe seemed to react and patted his head in annoyance.

He nodded to Jiang Nanhe and waved to the others present, signaling them to leave quickly.

The others present were relieved after receiving Taoist Master Songhe's instructions.

They stood up, took steps, and left quickly.

The whole room fell into silence after a while.

Seeing that everyone had left, Taoist Master Song He raised his hand and made a gesture, asking about what happened to Aunt Bai.

"You evildoer, quickly tell me what you know.

If you cooperate, I will punish you lightly and let you go in a more graceful way."

As the old Taoist priest finished speaking, the talisman paper behind Aunt Bai emitted a ray of light. Aunt Bai, who was lying on the ground, struggled to sit up and told what she knew with lifeless eyes.

"I was originally Li Changchun's mother. Later, I got older and weaker.

My son Changchun found a magic recipe and caught some children born with strange appearances to prolong my life.

Later, the effect was not good, so my son Changchun found another good recipe.

The recipe recorded the method of changing skin. My son spent two years to find a snake demon, pulled out its tendons and peeled its skin.

He also used the method of changing skin to change my skin.

Snakes are lustful by nature. After changing their skin, they need to have sex every day. My son Changchun and I have never been separated.

Later, Changchun's body became weaker and weaker, so we found another way to strengthen his physique.

It only needs to suck human blood from time to time to make my son strong."

Listening to what Aunt Bai said, Taoist Songhe angrily threw the whisk in his hand, pointed the whisk at Aunt Bai in front of him, and shouted "monster".

"It's a sin, it's a sin! The behavior of you and your son is simply intolerable!

Tell me! How many people have you harmed in these years?"

The old Taoist priest Songhe looked very angry, and his beard trembled several times.

Jiang Nanhe also frowned when he heard it, but he still had a few doubts.

For example, who gave the method that Aunt Bai said? He didn't believe that Master Li could find it alone.

Did they? Make a deal with some people? Collectively practice evil methods? Or give some benefits to some people? And how many people know about that method?

According to Aunt Bai, his son, County Magistrate Li, would find some children with special features on their bodies to eat in order to prolong her life.

Later, it was found that there was no effect, and the method of changing skin was found again. From this point, it can be seen that there should be other people behind County Magistrate Li.

Otherwise, this method is not so easy to find. In addition to the skin-changing method, there is also the snake skin that County Magistrate Li's mother, that is, Aunt Bai, is wearing.

Who killed it?

According to him, this snake was transformed into a monster, although it may not be a very powerful snake monster.

But the scales of the snake monster that has transformed into a monster are also very tough. Ordinary weapons will not cause much damage to it, but will only make it feel pain.

Then who killed this snake monster? Who made this skin? Who changed it? Who peeled it?

Later, County Magistrate Li sucked human blood every day, practiced evil methods, and turned himself into a zombie.

The so-called zombies are low-level zombies.

This method is also rare enough, and there are probably not many people who know it. There is a condition for practicing this evil method, which must be a dead person, so who practiced this County Magistrate Li?

Jiang Nanhe reasonably suspected that Aunt Bai did not tell all she knew.

Taoist Master Songhe was still asking other questions, and the more he asked, the angrier he became. Seeing this, Jiang Nanhe interrupted Taoist Master Songhe's questioning.

"Fellow Daoist Songhe, can I ask? Are there other people behind Aunt Bai?

I don't believe that they can kill the snake demon directly and change its skin to themselves by relying on ordinary people. Are there other interests involved behind them? Or are there other evil people?"

After listening to his words, Taoist Master Songhe also reacted and asked hurriedly. Aunt Bai told everything she knew intermittently.

"There is a secret room behind the bookshelf in my son's study. The secret room is connected to somewhere outside the mansion. Usually some people enter it and trade with my son." Aunt Bai spoke intermittently. When she finished speaking, she suddenly screamed, and her eyes suddenly burst open, and blood flowed from the corners of her eyes and covered her hideous face.

She fell directly on the ground and was silent.

She was dead. Taoist Master Songhe saw this, his eyes widened, and his expression instantly became angry.

Jiang Nanhe glanced at Taoist Master Songhe with an ambiguous look, and then looked at Aunt Bai, who had revealed her original appearance because she was dead.

Aunt Bai looked like a person from head to toe. Her clothes were torn, revealing a large number of white scales on her body.

Her whole body looked like a person transformed from a white snake, but this person was incomplete, with only a human form, nothing else. The white snake scales were in a state of exploding scales, and it was barely possible to see that it was a human form.

Jiang Nanhe looked at Aunt Bai, who had lost her voice on the floor, and Master Li, who was dead as hell on the wall, and gently waved the copper whip in his hand.

"Alas, Aunt Bai died just like this, what a pity.

Originally, I could have asked for some more clues, but I also know that there is a secret passage in this study. Why don't we go and take a look together, Taoist Master Songhe?"

Jiang Nanhe said this, and Taoist Master Songhe nodded in agreement. The two looked at each other, then raised their steps and walked towards the study.

As for the bodies of Aunt Bai and Mr. Li on the ground, neither of them cared.

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