After Jiang Nanhe's bath, he would pester the general to give him a bath every once in a while. Now the general and he have their own communication system.

Jiang Nanhe would use his little arms and legs to gesture to the general, and by the way, he would use his unclear babbling to express his requirements.

Most of the time, the general could not meet Jiang Nanhe's somewhat difficult needs. After all, he did not have enough incense, and giving Jiang Nanhe a bath would waste some of his stored incense.

When the incense was consumed, he might disappear, so he was very strict in planning the incense. After all, he felt that he could not disappear before raising Jiang Nanhe.

However, the main consumption of incense is when he makes flames. Jiang Nanhe thought about it and asked Yang'er to dig a pit in the temple and then fill it with some firewood.

Under the surprised eyes of the general and Yang'er, Jiang Nanhe kept part of the fire, but he needed to fill the pit with firewood regularly.

Looking at Jiang Nanhe's behavior, the general had to sigh that he could actually forget such a simple thing, or he had been dead for too long.

Many of his memories are not very clear, and he can only remember some knowledge or behaviors that are engraved in his bones.

The passing of incense also took away his memory. Now it is not easy for his body to be stable.

So it is normal that he didn't even think of such a simple thing as preserving fire.

Jiang Nanhe proposed to keep the fire, one for heating, and the other for heating. Since there was this small fire, he and Yang'er have had a much better life, at least they don't have to use their bodies to withstand the cold wind and cold air outside.

If possible, Jiang Nanhe wanted to block the door of the temple, leaving only a crack, but unfortunately there were no wooden boards on the mountain.

However, preserving the fire was also a bit troublesome, that is, the sheep became much busier, which was really hard for it.

After all, its belly was getting bigger and bigger. According to the general's speculation, it should be giving birth to a lamb soon.

It had to go back and forth on the mountain to collect dry firewood every day, and Jiang Nanhe was really worried about it.

However, its physical fitness was quite good. After all, it was a sheep that was about to become a monster, and there were still some special things about it.

Time passed slowly for another half a month. On this day, Jiang Nanhe sat on the altar of the temple with some nervousness.

The sheep was lying weakly in the corner of the temple. It looked listless and a little uncomfortable.

Jiang Nanhe speculated that it should be giving birth to a lamb soon.

But he really had no experience in delivering babies for animals, and neither did the general. Besides, the general couldn't touch the sheep now.

It was not easy for him to bring Jiang Nanhe to touch a dead object, and he couldn't touch a living thing.

So the general and Jiang Nanhe could only watch the sheep give birth to lambs by themselves, and could only hope that everything would be safe.

Beside the sheep were some peach leaves from the peach tree planted by the general, and two red peaches that looked very sweet and tempting.

These were picked by the general specifically to supplement its nutrition. After eating these, the general's peach tree was completely bald, and it was unknown when it would grow again.

The sheep tilted its head slightly and ate some peach leaves, and then stopped moving.

It knew that the general had no peaches in his hand, and it was going to give the remaining two to Jiang Nanhe.

Jiang Nanhe had begun to grow some small milk teeth, and as his milk teeth grew, it also meant that his appetite increased.

The sheep was worried that after it gave birth to the lamb, its milk would not be able to feed the lamb and Jiang Nanhe.

In the eyes of the sheep, Jiang Nanhe is a very healthy cub. If the cub it gave birth to is weaker, it may abandon the cub.

This is the gene and habit engraved in the bones of wild animals. In the winter season when food is scarce, wild animals basically do this. They will abandon the weaker cubs and raise the larger cubs.

In the eyes of the sheep, Jiang Nanhe is the larger cub. Jiang Nanhe, who can already move, is obviously easier to raise and survive than the smaller cubs.

Jiang Nanhe, who is worried about the sheep giving birth to a lamb, has no idea of ​​the sheep's thoughts. After all, although the sheep is smart, it is not a monster after all, and it can't speak. It is still following the original instinct of the beast.

Jiang Nanhe was held in the arms of the general. He stretched out his little arm, pointed to the fire, and then pointed to the stone vat outside the temple.

He wanted to boil some hot water for the sheep to let it drink some hot water slowly. The general looked at

Jiang Nanhe nodded, indicating that he understood.

There were also two relatively large stones next to the fire in the temple, which were kicked in by the sheep before. A relatively small basin could be accommodated on top of the stone.

The general held Jiang Nanhe and added some water to the basin. Seeing that the temperature gradually rose, he felt that it was suitable, so he motioned the sheep to come over and drink some.

The sheep, who looked bored, listened to the general's words, slowly got up, went to the hot water and drank some, and then lay on the haystack again and closed his eyes to rest.

It didn't give birth to a lamb until midnight. Jiang Nanhe and the general watched it for half the night. When it was slightly bright the next day, the lamb moved, and then it cried a little weakly.

Before Jiang Nanhe and the general could react, a lamb fell on the haystack under the wrapping of the afterbirth. The lamb cried weakly a few times and looked very weak lying on the haystack.

Jiang Nanhe was a little stunned when he saw the sheep's deflated belly and the lamb struggling to stand on the haystack.

He never thought that the sheep's belly was so big, but there was only one lamb. He thought there were at least two.

But the lamb was born normally, which was a blessing. After lying down for a while, the sheep, which had calmed down a little, put its head next to the lamb who was still trying to stand up, and licked the wet wool on the lamb.

The lamb kept making continuous calls, as if responding to the world.

Jiang Nanhe looked at the lamb that could stand up not long after it was born and had wool on its body, and he had to sigh at the magic of creatures.

But he also mourned for his future life. He didn't know if the sheep's milk was enough for him and the lamb. If not, he might have to starve.

As for why the lamb was not hungry, Jiang Nanhe felt that he had been drinking goat milk for such a long time. If he continued to drink goat milk and let the lamb grow poorly, he would feel very sorry for the little guy. After all, newborn lambs are really cute.

Jiang Nanhe looked at the lamb drinking milk and bleating in the general's arms, his eyes curved, this little guy is so cute.

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