The old man and the young man exchanged good things, and both were very satisfied.

Taoist Master Songhe tied up the big bag that Jiang Nanhe brought, and then took out a piece of yellow paper from his arms.

Seeing his action, Jiang Nanhe narrowed his eyes slightly.

He didn't say anything, but just watched Taoist Master Songhe's operation quietly.

Taoist Master Songhe took the yellow paper, pinched the spell with his hands, chanted the spell, and stuck it towards the big bag and cloth on the ground, and those things disappeared.

After doing this, Taoist Master Songhe carefully put away the talisman paper.

He saw Jiang Nanhe looking at his talisman paper curiously, so he explained it to him.

"Little Daoist Jiang, what do you think of my storage talisman? I see you've been staring at it. Is there something wrong with my talisman paper?"

Jiang Nanhe listened to Taoist Songhe's words and shook his head.

"No problem, I'm just curious about how long this thing can be used and how much it can store?"

Taoist Songhe listened to Jiang Nanhe's words and waved his hand with a gloomy look on his face.

"Leader Jiang, don't mention it. This talisman paper is really not easy to use.

Not only is the space inside small, but it also needs to be changed every seven days. If it is not changed, the talisman paper will directly combust.

The things inside are not only likely to be burned, but also fall out directly.

It is not as useful as a storage bag at all. This thing cannot be exposed to water or fire. It is really not easy to use at all.

It is also unlucky. Originally, there was an old Taoist priest in our Great Xia Kingdom who was good at refining magic tools.

But later, the King of Xia recruited an evil cultivator from nowhere and promoted him to a higher position. The evil cultivator was not satisfied? He killed the old cultivator, and the method of refining the storage bag was lost.

Alas, it was useless for me to stop him at that time. The king of Xia Kingdom would not listen to advice.

After the person died, the King of Xia realized the importance of him. He punished the evil cultivator several times, reduced his official title, and then threw him out to avoid disaster."

Speaking of this, Taoist Songhe sighed helplessly, but then he seemed to think of something and continued to speak.

"Speaking of which, that evil cultivator is also on the list of those who disappeared, and I don't know whether he is dead or alive.

But it's better to be dead, because he is a nuisance if he is alive."

Jiang Nanhe shrugged at Taoist Songhe and said nothing more.

He was ready to leave. When Taoist Songhe saw that he had packed up, he also bowed to him and prepared to go back.

Looking at Taoist Songhe's back, Jiang Nanhe and the general silently withdrew their sight.

Just now, they saw Taoist Songhe take out a yellow talisman and thought it was for attack.

If Taoist Songhe had taken action at that time, Jiang Nanhe and the general would have killed him with thunder.

But fortunately, Taoist Songhe looked like a decent cultivator and didn't do sneak attacks.

From Taoist Songhe, Jiang Nanhe and his men learned a lot of information.

They also had a general understanding of the affairs of Xiaguo and Xiuxianfang City, and they also had a new goal, which was to go to Xiuxianfang City in Guzhou for a stroll.

That place is Jiang Nanhe's favorite place, because it connects different terrains, you can see different scenery, and there are many practitioners there.

But the terrain is a bit far, if Jiang Nanhe and his team want to go, they can't go straight, they have to go around from other states.

Because they don't have a pass, they can't enter Jingzhou. If they don't have a pass, there is also a risk of being arrested in several states adjacent to Jingzhou.

So Jiang Nanhe and his team have to take a detour from other places, but the route is quite easy to plan, just walk in the mountains and take a boat for a while.

Jiang Nanhe thinks this is a very good experience, he can accept it.

After packing up, Jiang Nanhe sat on the back of the lamb and walked towards the county town.

In two days, it will be New Year's Eve, and it will be the New Year.

Jiang Nanhe and the general thought about it and decided to leave after the New Year, and take this opportunity to learn something from Doctor Mu.

After entering the county town, Jiang Nanhe returned to the clinic and lived a peaceful life again.

The county town was bustling with activity, as if the weird atmosphere of the past few days had never happened.

Everyone was preparing things for the New Year, as if they wanted to use the excitement to wash away all the suffering and sadness before.

I heard that the inspector had issued an order that someone would come to take over the position of the county magistrate in a while, and some people would be promoted to manage Anping County.

Everyone hoped that the person who came would be an honest official who could make their lives better.

If that didn't work, a corrupt official who didn't care much about people would be fine, and a corrupt official who only wanted money and didn't care about people's lives would also be acceptable.

The atmosphere of the New Year is getting more and more lively. The whole county is bustling with people. People from several nearby villages and towns come to the county to buy things and do business. It is a rare lively scene.

Jiang Nanhe has also spent a different New Year these days.

He had never celebrated it before in Qinshan. This is his first time celebrating the New Year, and it is in human society. The lively atmosphere makes him a little uncomfortable.

After a few days of excitement, it was New Year's Eve, which was the most lively day of the New Year.

There were soldiers patrolling the streets to maintain public order. Large and small vendors were selling along the streets. People were wearing new clothes and walking on the streets with a completely different spirit from before, looking at the novel scene.

Some wealthy families invited special dragon and lion dance teams, gongs and drums performed on the streets, and there were also acrobatics. All kinds of lively scenes were dazzling.

Jiang Nanhe was walking in the crowd, and the general was floating beside him.

He had a smile on his face and was eating a candied haws in his hand. He was still young, so it was normal for him to eat a candied haws, mainly because the candied haws tasted quite good.

The various lanterns on the street illuminated the entire street. This lively night was destined to make it difficult for people to fall asleep.

Later in the evening, several gorgeous fireworks were released in the sky.

There were not many fireworks, but basically everyone could see this scene.

This scene can only be seen once a year. Children cheered and laughed, and adults were also excited.

They pointed at the fireworks in the sky, outlined its shape with their fingers, and praised its beauty.

Jiang Nanhe looked at the fireworks that he had not seen in the past ten years, and felt that it was so familiar and so strange.

The general was with him, and the lamb slowly walked behind Jiang Nanhe and them.

Jiang Nanhe held the general's divine dog incarnation in his arms, and freed his hand to feed the candied haws to the lamb.

After watching the fireworks, they decided to go back and rest.

Fireworks are fleeting, but human feelings are forever.

The gorgeous fireworks were fleeting, but the scenery remained in the hearts of several people.

Jiang Nanhe and his friends returned to the clinic, where a lot of sumptuous food had been prepared on the table.

Doctor Mu hadn't come back yet, so he must be walking outside.

Jiang Nanhe took a look and found that the food was still hot, so there was no need to heat it up, so he sat down here and waited for Doctor Mu to come back.

After waiting for a while, Doctor Mu came back from outside excitedly, holding some snacks and food he bought that he thought was delicious. He put them on the table and asked Jiang Nanhe to eat together.

This was the first year in human society, and Jiang Nanhe thought it was pretty good.

He took a bite of the food and squinted his eyes. It didn't taste the same as the general's, but how to say it? He didn't hate it.

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