After the leading escort discussed with the hired owner, he first let several escorts lead the owner's family into the ruined temple.

The bearded man was among them. The escorts were hired by a family of four from a merchant, and six escorts escorted them in.

Ten people came in at once, and the ruined temple, which was originally empty, seemed to have become a little smaller.

Eleven people were busy outside, shielding the carriage from the rain.

There were goods on the carriage, which had to be shielded from the rain, and there were also horses pulling the carriage and riding horses. They couldn't enter the ruined temple, so they had to make a simple awning to keep them out of the rain tonight.

If the shed is not built, these horses will get wet overnight and may get sick tomorrow, or even freeze to death. Horses are very expensive now, so they have to be carefully raised.

The people outside were busy building a simple shed. Everyone who goes out has a set of tools. Building a shed is quite simple, as long as there is a fixed place.

The ten people who came in did not stop. Except for the four people who were out of tune with the surrounding escorts, the six escorts cleaned the house, repaired the tiles on the roof, and some lit a fire and put up a shelf, apparently preparing to cook some food.

They borrowed the fire from Jiang Nanhe. The bearded man took a lit match from Jiang Nanhe, which was considered borrowing fire.

Seeing them busy, Jiang Nanhe was not in the mood to sleep.

Seeing them like this, it is estimated that they will not calm down for a long time. If he sleeps now, he will be woken up. He yawned, rummaged through the package beside him, took out a book, put it on the quilt and started reading.

The lamb was not disturbed. Seeing that those people were not threatening and could not even cut the fur on his body with swords and weapons, he fell asleep with peace of mind.

The general went outside to observe the jade stone closely to see what it was.

His divine dog incarnation protected Jiang Nanhe closely, and his eyes were quietly watching the group of busy people to prevent them from suddenly attacking or something.

Jiang Nanhe, who was reading a book, was naturally very eye-catching. After all, whether it was the huge lamb he was leaning on as a pillow, or the child who he knew was not very old at a glance, staying alone in this wilderness, how weird it looked?

The family of four who looked like the employer cast their eyes on Jiang Nanhe from time to time, their eyes full of curiosity and scrutiny.

Jiang Nanhe was used to their gazes. He turned a page of the Chinese medicine book in his hand, looked at the new content, and looked thoughtful.

The owner of the entire escort agency was a merchant.

He was a little fat, with a neatly trimmed beard on his face and exquisite robes.

He touched his beard and looked at his wife. At this time, they were sitting on the clean hay that the escort had found. His wife was holding his five-year-old son and coaxing him to stop making trouble.

His eldest son was sitting next to his wife at this time, holding a sword that looked very exquisite in his arms. He held a handkerchief and wiped the rain that had been stained on the sword before, ignoring the crying of his younger brother.

The young man holding the sword seemed to be about 21 or 2 years old. He had a handsome face. He was dressed in white and holding a sword in his hand. It seemed that he had practiced martial arts.

The ruined temple, which was originally quite large, was now filled with various sounds, which made people feel irritated.

Especially the crying of the child, which was very obvious in the night. His mother tried to coax him for a while, but she was still not coaxed enough, and she became a little annoyed.

"You kid, if you cry again, be careful that the big wolf dog over there will take you away. Wild dogs eat people, and they will eat you up in a while. Hurry up and shut up."

After the middle-aged woman said this, the big bearded man who was cooking changed his face and spoke hurriedly.

"Madam, don't talk nonsense!"

Hearing the big bearded man's anxious words, the people around were a little stunned.

The slightly fat man looked up in the direction of Jiang Nanhe, but found that Jiang Nanhe was frowning.

At this time, Jiang Nanhe suddenly closed the book in his hand, he sat up straight, and the blanket that was originally covering him fell on his legs.

Seeing the change in Jiang Nanhe's expression, the big bearded man naturally knew that the employer's wife had said something wrong, and hurriedly stood up and bowed to Jiang Nanhe.

Jiang Nanhe was traveling alone, with only a sheep and a dog by his side. This was enough to show that he

They are a little special to Jiang Nanhe, and the sheep and dog are well-fed.

Just looking at their fur, you can tell that they have been carefully combed and maintained. You know, it's raining outside. Not only is there no mud on the sheep and dog, but even the fur is not in the state of being wet and dry, which is enough to show that Jiang Nanhe loves them very much.

"Don't be angry, young man. The employer's wife doesn't understand the rules of the world and has crossed the line. I apologize to you here."

Jiang Nanhe's originally frowned brows relaxed a little. He took the book in his hand out of the quilt that had just slipped off, and his tone was a little cold.

"My dog ​​and I are family. I hope this lady won't say anything nonsense. Let it go this time, and it won't happen again."

After Jiang Nanhe said this, he lay down again, but this time, he let the general's divine dog incarnation get into the quilt. He held him with one hand and flipped through the book with the other hand.

His expression still didn't ease, and he looked a little angry.

The employer's wife looked at Jiang Nanhe with an awkward expression, not understanding why Jiang Nanhe was so angry when he just said something.

The bearded man bowed to Jiang Nanhe again, said a few nice words, then turned around and approached the official and his wife, speaking in a low voice.

"Madam, please don't talk nonsense. When you are out, it is taboo to talk about other people's affairs casually. If you want to coax the young master, you can talk about us, but don't talk about others casually."

The slightly fat official nodded awkwardly after hearing what the bearded man said.

"It's my wife who doesn't know the rules. But Master Wang, why do you seem so afraid of that young man over there? He obviously doesn't look very old, and he is alone."

Listening to what the fat official said, the bearded man, whom he called Master Wang, sighed helplessly again.

"Mr. Wang, the rules of the martial arts world are that when you go out, if you meet an old man, woman or child traveling alone, do not look down on or disturb them.

They are not easy to mess with. The young man over there is traveling alone. Not to mention the other things, the huge sheep following him is obviously not an ordinary creature.

What's more, the dog that the lady just offended has a majestic body, and its claws and fangs look particularly sharp. You can tell at a glance that it has a strong killing power.

You didn't look at the dog just now, right? Anyone who has looked at him can notice that his eyes are very sharp. .

So it is better not to provoke them. The character and temper of the young man should be good. Mrs. Wang was just a little annoyed when she offended him just now, and she didn't do it directly.

I hope you will be more careful in what you say in the future. It's okay for us escorts to say something on weekdays, but the same old saying applies. Don't talk about other people's business when you are out. "

Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang nodded awkwardly, indicating that they understood. After a while, more than a dozen people came in from the outside. It seemed that the sheds outside had been set up.

When these people came in, they found that the atmosphere in the dilapidated temple was a little quiet and weird, but no one thought much about it. They gathered around the campfire where the bearded man was cooking, tidying up their wet clothes, roasting the fire and eating hot food.

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