The sheep and his companions walked leisurely on the road. Jiang Nanhe held the spell book in his hand and read it carefully. He looked at him and chattered to the sheep.

"This spell is very simple, sheep, listen carefully!

I have taught you for three days, and you don't even know how to use it?

Oh, why can't you learn it? You need to move the spiritual energy in your body around your body, and use your body as the origin to attract the surrounding spiritual energy.

Then quickly distinguish the surrounding spiritual energy, attach the spiritual energy you want to your body, urge them to condense, and finally form mist. This is very simple."

Jiang Nanhe had a tone of disappointment, and the spell book in his hand was thrown by him.

Hearing his words, the lamb cried out to him a few times with a guilty conscience.

"Mee mee mee."

Hearing the guilty conscience in the lamb's cry, Jiang Nanhe sighed heavily.

The general, who had been watching the fun in the air for a while, floated beside Jiang Nanhe and raised his hand to poke Jiang Nanhe's cheek.

"Don't be too eager for quick success. You've been getting more and more angry recently, Ah He.

You've made it difficult for a sheep to learn human magic.

Although you simplified the magic, it's not suitable for the sheep.

But the sheep's talent for learning magic is indeed a bit stupid, but he has good talent in other aspects.

He didn't learn the trick you taught him, but he learned to absorb the surrounding spiritual energy and diffuse it into his body. Besides, this method can be further studied to increase his physical strength and protective ability. This is a very good research direction."

Listening to the general's ridicule, Jiang Nanhe scratched his hair helplessly. His hair was a little messy because he was too excited just now and didn't pay much attention to the loose hairpin on his head.

Seeing this, the general floated behind Jiang Nanhe and discussed with him how to let the sheep learn magic, or other directions of magic, while helping him to straighten his hair.

At this time, Jiang Nanhe was wearing a green robe. The robe was not thick, with some special and exquisite patterns on it, and the whole robe exuded a faint medicinal fragrance.

Jiang Nanhe's robe was made by the general according to the method of refining medicine clothes given by Taoist Songhe.

The general can be said to be very skillful, and recently, the general has learned the things in the refining book in the hands of the evil cultivator.

After the recent experiments, he successfully made a storage bag for Jiang Nanhe with wool brocade made of lamb wool. Although he failed hundreds of times, it was a big progress to succeed once.

In addition to the storage bag, there are several other methods of refining magic tools in the refining book.

But those things are not as precious as the storage bag, and they don't seem to be very useful. The general didn't have the intention to refine them. He just learned them all, summarized and organized the knowledge that could be used into his own, and then refined this medicine clothes for Jiang Nanhe.

How to say it? Compared with the ability to refine magic tools, the general has surpassed Taoist Songhe by a lot, and he has the best raw materials.

The general and his men have a lot of cloth made of lamb wool, so they don't feel bad about experimenting, and the success rate is naturally much higher.

However, even so, the general wasted more than half of their cloth reserves in the past few years at the beginning.

After the general refined the medicine clothes, Jiang Nanhe couldn't wait to wear them.

This special magic tool is really comfortable, just as Taoist Songhe said.

When refining the medicine clothes as a whole, a lot of herbs need to be added, and special methods are used to gather the medicinal properties of the herbs into the cloth.

Then add special patterns, runes, etc. to the cloth to make the runes and cloth blend into one.

After the fusion is completed, the cloth must be rendered with spiritual energy and magic power, and finally it is sewn into clothes with special silk threads and needles.

The whole piece of clothing uses a lot of techniques. Wearing the made medicine clothes on the body is warm in winter and cool in summer. The clothes are not dragging, convenient to move, and exudes the special fragrance of herbs.

The fragrance is not strong, but it cannot be ignored. Wearing it can not only dispel the possible diseases in the body, but also keep people's spirit in the best state at all times.

In short, the medicine coat is a very good magic weapon of the clothing type. If you sell it, it is easy to sell hundreds of spirit stones.

Jiang Nanhe has seven sets of different colors. These colors are not dyed by them later, but the general uses different herbs to extract their medicinal properties and

It is automatically attached when the spirit energy comes.

Different colors also have different effects. When Jiang Nanhe saw these clothes, his admiration for the general was simply beyond words. According to the general's words, Jiang Nanhe's eyes almost turned into the shape of stars.

The general was actually a little embarrassed about Jiang Nanhe's admiration for him. After all, Jiang Nanhe had so many words of praise at that time. He had never heard so many words of praise since he was a child. He didn't know where Jiang Nanhe heard them from, but he had to say that the general was very happy.

He raised Jiang Nanhe from childhood to adulthood, and he unknowingly learned things that he had never touched before, which he himself found incredible.

The general raised his hand, took out a peach branch with peach blossoms in full bloom, and fixed Jiang Nanhe's hair with the peach branch. He looked at the young man in front of him, and the feeling of his own child growing up became stronger and stronger in his heart.

Jiang Nanhe, dressed in green, with a peach branch with light pink peach blossoms on his head, gave people the temperament of a fairy boy who didn't care about the mundane world. The general couldn't help but raise his hand to pinch Jiang Nanhe's cheek, and was glared at by Jiang Nanhe with dissatisfaction.

Jiang Nanhe shook the spell book at the general, signaling the general to come and read with him and stop making trouble.

The general moved towards Jiang Nanhe, took the book from Jiang Nanhe, and then flipped through it, discussing with Jiang Nanhe how to change this spell? Can other spells be obtained from it? Or, research other spells? This is what he and Jiang Nanhe have done recently.

Jiang Nanhe felt that he knew too few spells, so he extracted their common points from several other spells, and then tried to research spells suitable for himself, but unfortunately there was no progress.

However, he broke down these spells into smaller parts and gained some interesting knowledge.

For example, if Xiaoyang attaches all his spiritual energy to his body and distributes it throughout his body, he can stimulate his body and make his body instantly 1 to 2 times stronger.

However, after removing the spiritual energy from his body, this stimulation to the body will double the fatigue.

Jiang Nanhe split this spell before just to let Xiaoyang absorb the spiritual energy around him and let him learn the spell he exchanged from Taoist Master Songhe.

But unfortunately, Xiaoyang turned it into a spell to enhance his physical fitness and strength in a short period of time.

But it's okay, but Jiang Nanhe regrets that he can't use this method.

Maybe the human body is too weak compared to Xiaoyang. For monsters, this method is very useful. For Jiang Nanhe, if he doesn't operate it properly, the spiritual energy may directly burst his body.

Seeing the general take the book from his hand, Jiang Nanhe sat back and sat on the general's lap, and then worried about Xiaoyang's future training with the general.

The lamb's sensitivity to spiritual energy is not very high. Although the spiritual energy in his body is stronger than that of many small monsters, it is not as good as that of Jiang Nanhe.

Jiang Nanhe is worrying about how to increase the spiritual energy in his body, but the general does not think so.

In his opinion, the spiritual energy in the lamb is already a lot.

After all, the main feature of monster cultivation is slowness, and Jiang Nanhe is really anxious.

But the general will not criticize Jiang Nanhe or anything, he will only think of a solution with Jiang Nanhe.

Researching these things is very beneficial to Jiang Nanhe's learning and development in magic, and the general is naturally happy to achieve it.

It's just that they can't calm down on the road, so they can't achieve any results.

Since leaving the broken temple, they have been walking on the road for three days. The temperature around them is getting higher and higher. They are walking in the wilderness and encounter active creatures more and more frequently.

There are more birds and more insects, and more and more plants are awakening. Countless flowers and herbs along the way are hidden in the plants.

The general has collected a lot of useful and useless things these days, and he feels very satisfied. It doesn't matter whether these things are useful or not, it's good to collect them anyway.

The stone statue on the back of the lamb has not been filled up yet. There are many empty spaces in it that are useless. It would be a waste to use them to grow food. It seems to be just right to use them to grow these strange and incomprehensible plants.

The general was a little distracted thinking about this, and Jiang Nanhe, who used him as a bookshelf, turned around dissatisfiedly.

He stretched out his hand and gently pulled a strand of hair that leaked out from under the general's armor, raised his hand and tied the strand of hair into a bow. The general sighed helplessly. Jiang Nanhe, this little guy, is still a child.

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