The old man was sitting on the ground, and the old man was sitting on the ground.

Walking on the sparsely populated path, Jiang Nanhe and Xiaoyang felt that their ears were suddenly quiet.

There were indeed a lot of people on the main road just now, and I don’t know what happened in the city that attracted so many people.

Jiang Nanhe and Xiaoyang whispered about the gossip they heard on the road.

It’s hard for girls outside the countryside in the city to get married, so they held a throwing ball to find a husband, but it ended up in the hands of a beggar, and then they regretted it and beat the beggar to death and threw his body in the wilderness. The beggar’s soul was still there, and he took revenge on Tian Yuanwai’s family, causing their family to be destroyed.

There was also a story about a woman selling tofu in the city who was kidnapped on the street and disappeared, and the suspect was still at large.

There was also some gossip about the inner house of the officials, saying that a certain concubine had beaten several maids to death and dealt with several servants, and which concubine was favored and which concubine was thrown into the wilderness, and it sounded like a real story.

What's more outrageous is that Jiang Nanhe also heard a lot of strange gossip versions in it, including demons, ghosts, and wild monsters. How to say it? It sounds really exciting.

But unfortunately, he and Xiaoyang listened to the same stories all the way, and they were a little tired of listening to them, and their ears were also worn out.

If there were new stories to stimulate them, Jiang Nanhe and Xiaoyang might have to follow the flow of people and walk forward for a while, but unfortunately there were no new stories, so they had to take a small road.

In the small temple behind Jiang Nanhe, the general listened to Jiang Nanhe and the lamb muttering, and felt helpless. He simply turned around, disappeared, and returned to Futian, and then processed the lamb's wool.

The lamb's wool has grown a lot recently. In order to make better cloth, the general has put a lot of thought into it.

Every day, he even modified the lamb's diet, letting the lamb eat more spiritual grass and herbs, and fruits.

After a while, he would even let the lamb enter Futian and take a medicinal bath in a large stone bath.

So the quality of the lamb's wool is getting better and better. He also followed Jiang Nanhe's advice and occasionally supplemented the lamb with calcium, ground the bones into powder, and made grass buns for the lamb.

In short, the lamb has grown taller recently, but compared with the lamb, Jiang Nanhe's height has not changed.

This made the general sigh. After all, Jiang Nanhe was picky about food, and it was really difficult for him to grow taller. He was worried! Jiang Nanhe and Xiaoyang, these two guys, just want to listen to gossip all day long, and don't want to share his worries.

Jiang Nanhe, who was outside Futian, had no idea what the general was thinking.

He discussed with Xiaoyang how much truth and falsehood there were in the stories he had heard before, and then he closed his mouth contentedly.

After walking for a while, he looked up at the not too hot sun, and judged the sky. It was almost noon again.

It seemed that they had to stop in the small village in front. Jiang Nanhe and his friends were actually willing to stop and rest in human villages and towns.

Because he had to find some books or other items that he could use. After all, people have needs, daily life, and all kinds of living supplies need to be bought.

"Little Sheep, speed up. It's almost noon. When we get to the town ahead, let's stop and stay for a few days.

It just so happens that I have finished reading all the medical books. It's boring to have no books to read. Let's go to that village and ask if there are any good books there."

The little sheep listened to Jiang Nanhe's words, called out to him, and then ran a little faster, but not too much.

There are many ordinary people living in the place where they are now, so they are naturally not as reckless as running at full speed in the wilderness.

Jiang Nanhe was satisfied to see that the little sheep had slightly accelerated. He seemed to have thought of something and glanced at the temple behind him.

"I remember the general said before that there was an oversupply of herbs in Futian. After some of the herbs were collected and processed, there was no place to put them?

Then go to that village and be a free doctor for a while. It would be good to use up the herbs. The herbal production capacity in Futian is still quite fast."

Jiang Nanhe said in a low voice, and he had already decided on the next itinerary and arrangements.

The Futian held by the general is very special. The energy maintained by the Futian is actually Jiang Nanhe's own belief.

As long as he and the general are connected for one day, the Futian will exist intact.

And the Futian will automatically

Absorb the surrounding spiritual energy, strengthen the blessed field, and integrate the spiritual energy into the land and all things in the blessed field.

This caused the plants in the blessed field to grow vigorously without the influence of the seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Jiang Nanhe would consume his spiritual energy when he had nothing to do, condense mist, and let the general take it to the blessed field to sprinkle it out, hoping that the mist could gather some spiritual energy in these plants.

Although Jiang Nanhe didn't know whether this method was effective, some plants did undergo some changes over time, such as the birth of some spiritual energy in their bodies.

The spiritual energy born in these herbs was quite good in Jiang Nanhe's opinion. It could not only be used as food for the lambs, but also had a better effect in curing diseases and saving people.

Even other green grasses that did not have spiritual energy in their bodies grew faster.

Jiang Nanhe kept the spiritual energy in his body, and when he had time, he would condense most of it into mist, or perform the summoning technique, and let the general sprinkle it into the blessed field.

They didn't move the plants with spiritual energy, but the general harvested the other lush plants, processed them, and stored them in the blessed fields.

Now they have stored a small pile of herbs, and it would be a waste of medicinal power to leave them there, so Jiang Nanhe felt that using them up would be a respect for their fate.

That's why he planned to stay in the next village, or the next few villages.

He planned to provide free medical services in those villages, give free medical treatments to the villagers, and give them medicine, which could be considered as doing some good things and accumulating some merits.

Even though the lamb controlled its speed and didn't walk too fast, it still didn't take long to reach their goal, a small village.

The village was called Liujia Village. From the name, you can tell that there are many families with the surname Liu in the village. The village is not big, with only 80 households living in it. As far as Jiang Nanhe knows, there should be more than 200 people in the whole village.

This village is a small village, and people usually make a living by farming. Jiang Nanhe thought it would be nice to rest here for a few days.

He looked at the house with white smoke coming out, thinking about who to go to, but before he could ask, an old man surrounded by several children came towards Jiang Nanhe.

The old man bowed to Jiang Nanhe. His face was very old, his hair was gray, and his face was covered with frost. He looked like an old man with a story.

"This little fairy boy, I am the village chief of this village. My surname is Liu. I wonder what important matter has the little fairy boy visited our village for?"

Jiang Nanhe looked at the village chief Liu who was bowing to him in front of him, and rolled over and landed on the ground behind Xiaoyang.

He was wearing a light green robe, his movements were clean and neat, and a peach blossom hairpin on his head made him look young.

He bowed to the village chief with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Village Chief Liu. My surname is Jiang, my name is Huan Nanhe, and my Taoist name is Jin Lingzi.

I am young and have been traveling around. I happened to come to our village, so I thought about resting for a few days in the village.

I am going to take advantage of this time to provide free medical services to our villagers.

I know some medical skills, and I usually try to improve my medical skills, so I will stop and provide free medical services to people around me when I think it is appropriate.

Although I can't cure some difficult and complicated diseases or serious illnesses, I still have confidence in common diseases.

And I also have herbs, so you don't need to buy them separately, but I do have a request, that is, if there are any good books in our village, can I copy them?

I like reading books, and I usually collect some wild books. If there are none, forget it,"

When Jiang Nanhe goes out, he always feels that he has an identity. Coincidentally, he feels that he is a cultivator.

There is a saying that immortals and Taoism are inseparable, after all, cultivating immortals and Taoism, right?

So when he went out, he called himself a Taoist priest. In this dynasty, or in the last few hundred years, being a Taoist priest still requires a lot of knowledge, whether it is medical skills or other things, some Taoist priests have to learn them.

Although Jiang Nanhe is not a regular Taoist priest, he feels that he can pretend to be a Taoist priest.

It's not that he doesn't want to treat others as a bell doctor, but mainly in this dynasty, most people don't believe in bell doctors, so Jiang Nanhe can only call himself a Taoist priest. After all, he is young, and this introduction still sounds quite bluffing.

The village chief Liu in front of him listened to Jiang Nanhe's words, looked at Jiang Nanhe with some surprise, and then his expression became more friendly.

He bowed to Jiang Nanhe again, then raised his arm and motioned the children around to disperse.

Then he pointed in the direction of his village and took Jiang Nanhe back to the village.

The village chief believed Jiang Nanhe's words, although it was incredible,

But Jiang Nanhe just had this kind of magic that made people believe, or he looked very convincing.

In this dynasty where people couldn't even get enough food and wars were frequent, Jiang Nanhe was like a fairy boy from heaven. From a distance, he seemed to be glowing. His appearance and temperament alone were enough to convince people.

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