The birthday party was held in a lively atmosphere, and everyone was happy.

A birthday party was naturally held in a lively atmosphere, and everyone was happy.

The whole village was bustling with people, and the laughter did not stop until the evening.

This was the first time that Jiang Nanhe had a birthday party with someone else. In his opinion, this lively atmosphere was as lively as the Chinese New Year, so he was naturally very happy.

However, the general floating behind him was a little dissatisfied. The general thought that Jiang Nanhe would eat more food today, but Jiang Nanhe only ate a few bites today. Even if he kept talking and persuading Jiang Nanhe in his ear, Jiang Nanhe didn't eat much.

This made the general want to pick up Jiang Nanhe and beat him up, but if he had to do it himself, he was reluctant.

His incarnation and the lamb ate enough. To be honest, the incarnation of the divine dog is an extension of him, so the general can feel what the incarnation of the divine dog does.

This is different from the feeling of Jiang Nanhe's spiritual body eating when he offered sacrifices.

This feeling is the feeling of the food completely entering the stomach, which surprised him a little.

He hasn't experienced it for a long time, so he ate a lot today, not to mention the lamb.

Although he was originally a vegetarian, he would eat a bite or two when he encountered some more fragrant meat.

Fortunately, Jiang Nanhe had told people in advance that if they encountered mutton, they should not go to them, otherwise the general was really worried that the lamb would have a psychological trauma.

After eating and drinking, Jiang Nanhe and his friends strolled around the village leisurely, greeted some familiar people, and Jiang Nanhe found something to do for himself, which was to make digestive soup.

He came to the yard of Village Chief Liu, borrowed a pot from a chef, and then set up a clay stove and started to make digestive soup.

Today, Jiang Nanhe saw that some children were so full that they could hardly walk. Some of them were quite greasy after eating so much food all at once, which might cause a burden on their stomach and intestines, so he prepared to make some digestive soup to help digestion and nourish the stomach.

When the people around heard what Jiang Nanhe said and saw that the method of making digestive soup was simple, they asked if they could write it down.

Jiang Nanhe naturally didn't care much. After the soup was boiled, Jiang Nanhe served a bowl and drank it. It tasted okay, sour and sweet.

After tasting it, he asked the people around him to quickly serve the soup in the pot, and he was going to start boiling the next pot.

After boiling more than a dozen pots, Jiang Nanhe stopped. At this time, it was already a little dark, and the village, which had been bustling all day, also ushered in the silence after the hustle and bustle.

Although there were still many people who had not left, and they stayed here voluntarily to help the host clean up, it was naturally incomparable to the coming and going and noisy situation during the day.

In addition to eating banquets and cooking digestive soup, Jiang Nanhe also treated several people for minor illnesses. In summary, today was quite fulfilling.

After this fulfilling day, Jiang Nanhe and his team were ready to leave in one or two days.

The purpose of their coming here to consume medicinal materials has been almost completed. There is only a small pile of medicinal materials left in Futian.

These medicinal materials will naturally not be completely consumed. On the way forward, they will also treat others from time to time. These medicinal materials are naturally useful.

Jiang Nanhe and his team returned to their temporary residence, prepared to wash up and rest.

The lively time always passes quickly. Compared with the previous future and busy day, he felt that he did nothing today and this day passed.

Jiang Nanhe and the general complained that time was passing quickly today, but the general turned a deaf ear to it. He urged Jiang Nanhe to put his feet in the basin quickly, soak his feet, and then go to bed quickly.

Jiang Nanhe sighed helplessly and put his feet into the copper basin. The water in the basin was still very hot. According to the general, you have to use water of this temperature for foot bathing.

After soaking for a while, Jiang Nanhe took his feet out to dry and prepared to continue soaking. The general scolded Jiang Nanhe beside him, but Jiang Nanhe turned a deaf ear to him, just like the general's state just now.

After the general finished speaking, before Jiang Nanhe could speak, there was a knock on the door outside. The sound was not urgent, but very slow, which showed that the person who came was not impatient.

Jiang Nanhe silently put his feet into the hot water. The general raised his hand and rubbed his head, then waved his sleeves and the door opened.

With the creaking sound of the two doors opening, the person who came came into the eyes of Jiang Nanhe and others.

The person who came was not tall? Only a little taller than Jiang Nanhe, a young man, which was very short for an adult, and he was also fat.

He had a round belly, a black gauze hat on his head, and a

His clothes were very exquisite and luxurious. His face was not ugly, but it was not good-looking either.

When the man saw the door open, he paused as he was about to knock on the door. Then, he looked up at the room and naturally saw Jiang Nanhe and the others.

Under Jiang Nanhe's gaze, the man swallowed his saliva, raised his hand and bowed to Jiang Nanhe and the others.

"This little immortal, I am the local county magistrate, my surname is Jin, and I guess my identity cannot escape the immortal's eyes.

Originally, I was a little scared when I heard about the immortal's arrival, but I felt relieved after hearing your compassionate heart these days.

I hope you will forgive me for disturbing you tonight."

Jiang Nanhe listened to what the man in front of him said, sighed, and then nodded to him.

"Master Jin, please come in and talk.

During the days since I came here, the people around here have all talked about your achievements.

For the people around here, you are a rare official.

No matter where you are, your existence is rare. As long as you keep your original intention unchanged, no one will disturb you."

Jiang Nanhe said this, and the county magistrate, who was called Master Jin by him outside, listened to his words, paused, then walked in and closed the room.

The meaning of Jiang Nanhe's words was very clear. As long as he could keep his original intention and be wholehearted for the people around him, he would not take action.

Seeing Jiang Nanhe say this, County Magistrate Jin was relieved.

To be honest, he had been anxious on the way here.

He is a monster, a golden toad, who accidentally got some opportunities and cultivated this half-human body. Compared with normal humans, he must be more weird, but this is already a great opportunity among monsters.

Before Jin Chan became a monster, he was saved by humans and began to think of the goodness of humans.

Later, due to some coincidences, he became the county magistrate here and began to improve the lives of the people around him.

He used his position to make the people in the surrounding villages live well, which was something to be proud of in the eyes of County Magistrate Jin.

This was also something worth affirming in the eyes of Jiang Nanhe. After all, let alone a monster, even ordinary officials, there were few who could serve the people as wholeheartedly as County Magistrate Jin.

Not long after Jiang Nanhe entered the county, the people told County Magistrate Jin that Jiang Nanhe was special.

He knew as soon as he heard it that Jiang Nanhe should not be an ordinary person.

Later, Jiang Nanhe gave free medical treatment and free medicine to several surrounding villages. County Magistrate Jin actually observed him secretly.

He saw that Jiang Nanhe was full of spiritual energy, and he knew at a glance that he was not his opponent. Moreover, Jiang Nanhe was accompanied by a sheep and a dog. In his opinion, the sheep's demonic energy was much more powerful than his own.

He couldn't even see through the dog. When he was observing Jiang Nanhe, he knew that he had probably been discovered by Jiang Nanhe and his friends.

For this reason, he spent several days in worry, but Jiang Nanhe still didn't bother them, so he relaxed.

Knowing that Jiang Nanhe and his friends were probably not cultivators who killed monsters without knowing right or wrong, he was relieved.

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