The weather was a little gloomy today. Jiang Nanhe looked at the sky outside and decided not to go out. The sheep was also a little lazy. It was lying on the straw and taking a nap, its tail flicking from time to time. In the sheep's opinion, life should be good after spring. After all, it is a herbivore. In spring, Qinshan will basically grow a lot of herbs it likes. Moreover, it successfully raised the lamb it gave birth to and the sheep Jiang Nanhe picked up. In the spring when food is not scarce, they should be able to grow up safely, right? The sheep thought leisurely. The lamb was at the corner of the temple, rubbing its head against the corner of the temple. It is growing horns recently, and its head may be a little itchy, so the little sheep likes to rub its horns against the wall recently.

Jiang Nanhe occasionally scratches it, but the effect is not great. After all, Jiang Nanhe is weak, and it is better for it to rub against the wall by itself.

Jiang Nanhe sat next to the sheep, holding some dry wild grass in his hand, which he had collected before.

He felt that he could not eat these things anymore. He had to eat fresh food today, so he gave the dry ones to the sheep.

The sheep looked at the wild grass handed over by Jiang Nanhe, and did not dislike lying on the ground. He opened his mouth and swallowed some of the wild grass in his hand.

But it kept chewing back and forth in its mouth, as if it was eating the bitter taste of the wild grass.

Jiang Nanhe and the other three were thinking about what to eat for lunch in the temple? The general went down the mountain again early.

Today is the day when the villagers migrated with their entire families and left the land where they had lived for a long time. The general thought about it and decided to see them off.

So the general went down the mountain early today, but for some reason, he was worried when he went down the mountain this time.

Although he didn't have a human body, he always felt that something was going to happen today as a soul.

But there was no danger around, and Jiang Nanhe and the others would not be in any danger if they stayed in their own temple.

So he felt that he was just overthinking, or because when the villagers at the foot of the mountain left, he recalled some feelings in the past.

Jiang Nanhe also had this feeling today, how to say it? It was more like a whim, or he felt weird today.

This is why he didn't want to go out today, not just because of the weather.

Jiang Nanhe sat next to the sheep, and his little hands rubbed the sheep's wool back and forth a few times. In just a few times, some wool fell off the sheep.

When spring comes, the sheep's fluffy wool will be returned and exchanged.

Jiang Nanhe just remembered it, so he planned to collect the wool. When he was older, he could wash it and make some clothes or other uses.

The sheep enjoyed Jiang Nanhe's combing service. There were some things that wild animals really couldn't do, but humans were different.

Humans with a pair of dexterous hands could do many things that animals couldn't do.

The lamb rubbed its horns on the wall for a while, then came behind Jiang Nanhe and prepared to hit him on the back.

The sheep lying on the ground opened its eyes slightly and glanced at the lamb, and the lamb sat down next to Jiang Nanhe in dismay.

The lamb grew very fast, which should be based on the characteristics of animals growing and reproducing quickly.

In just a few months, it has grown much taller than Jiang Nanhe.

Well, when the lamb was just born, it was almost as tall as Jiang Nanhe, and it was not surprising that it grew a little taller these days.

Seeing it staying by his side, Jiang Nanhe was very satisfied. He did not stop his hands. In a short while, he accumulated a small pile of fluffy wool.

The villagers at the foot of the mountain also organized the population and began to organize the people of the whole village to migrate.

Originally, some old people did not plan to leave, but most of the villagers persuaded them to leave together, so now there are basically no living people left in the village.

Every household in the village packed their own food and luggage. Some of the luggage with more luggage was put together with others. The luggage was piled on a wooden cart and pulled away by several families in turn. Those with less luggage took some with their own family.

The village was relatively poor, and there were not many families with livestock. There were only two families in the village with ox carts, one was the village chief's family, and the other was Wang Tie's family.

Wang Tie and his family were naturally in the migration, and they were in the middle of the team.

At this time, their family

On the ox cart, the little girl named Baoer was pulling the quilt obediently and letting her mother sit in the quilt. Her mother was holding a sleeping baby in her arms.

Baoer came to her mother and looked at the sleeping baby. She couldn't help but sigh that the little guy was chubby.

She reached out and poked the baby's cheek. The dozing baby waved his little hand, as if he was driving something away?

Baoer laughed straight at her. Seeing this, her mother raised her hand and rubbed Baoer's head gently, then brought her to her side and wrapped Baoer with the quilt.

Entering the warm quilt, Baoer looked up at the others, her tone a little confused.

"Mom, where are we going? Aren't we going home?"

Her mother rubbed her head, glanced at the others, and sighed.

"We can't survive if we stay here any longer.

Because of the bandits, the government asked us to pay taxes at the end of the year.

Not only did they increase the taxes, but we have to pay twice a year.

We don't have that much food at home. Even if we sell our rhubarb, it's barely enough for this year.

So your village chief, uncle, take us to a farther place to make a living. It's better than waiting to die here."

Listening to what her mother said, Bao'er shook her head. She didn't want to sell rhubarb. Rhubarb was their family's cow. She grew up with rhubarb.

Of course, in addition to rhubarb, there is also Xiaobai. Xiaobai is a very old dog in their family. It usually guards the house.

"Then mother, can we not abandon the puppy born by Xiaobai? Can we take him with us?" Baoer said pitifully. Xiaobai had given birth to a little yellow dog before, and she liked it very much. But now they are leaving and don't plan to take this puppy that is not even a month old. Her mother rubbed Baoer's head and sighed again. "If we don't abandon it, we can't take it with us. We don't know how our life will be in the future. Taking it with us will only increase the burden. "

The child didn't understand what her mother meant by burden. She only knew that her playmate was going to be abandoned, so she felt a little sad.

There was a rope tied under the ox cart, and the rope was tied to a black and white spotted dog that looked older. At this time, it was lying on the ground with a listless look.

But it seemed to sense something, stood up suddenly, and barked a few words in the distance.

The harsh dog barking attracted several other dogs in the team. They barked in the same direction, as if they were driving something?

Bao'er and her mother also found something unusual. The woman sitting on the ox cart whispered a few words to Xiaobai, asking it to stop barking, but Xiaobai kept barking. Didn't stop.

Baoer broke away from her mother's arms, opened the quilt, jumped off the ox cart, walked to Xiaobai who was barking non-stop, and rubbed her head. She felt that Xiaobai must be reluctant to leave her child.

However, Baoer didn't notice the solemn faces of several old people in the team. They saw that the dogs were barking in one direction and knew that there must be something unusual.

So the old people looked at each other and asked several young people to lead the dogs with them to check in the direction where they were barking non-stop.

The general standing under the tree was a little surprised that the dogs could see his existence.

He thought about it, raised his body a little, and hid in the tree.

Several young people and old people with dogs walked around the tree for a few times, but found nothing. The dogs barked a few times in the direction of the tree trunk, then left.

The general watched them leave, and realized that the guy probably didn't see him, but sensed that there was something there? So he barked a few times, and he couldn't help but feel that he was a little too sensitive.

However, when he heard the abandoned puppy that the little girl just said, he thought of Jiang Nanhe for some reason.

If he took the puppy back, would Jiang Nanhe be happier? After all, the puppy was still some meat, and it would be good to take it back as a reserve food.

The villagers' team Led by a bullock cart, the team began to move slowly.

The general looked at them as if they formed a small river, moving towards an unknown direction in the distance, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

He saw the middle-aged man who put Jiang Nanhe in his temple. He was commanding some young people to patrol in the team or help some villagers solve some problems. He seemed to have a lot of prestige in the team.

There were few poultry in the team, which showed that the village was really not rich.

Watching the team go farther and farther, the general came to his senses. The end of the team had disappeared in front of him. He could no longer see anyone, but he felt a little sad.

Feeling, not for himself, but for Jiang Nanhe.

Before, he thought that when Jiang Nanhe grew up, he could see his relatives, but now these people have left this land, and he doesn't know if he will have the chance to see them again.

In the general's opinion, humans are social animals after all, and Jiang Nanhe will return to human society sooner or later.

But now is not the time to think about these things. He can go to the village now to see if these villagers have left anything.

He can take it back for Jiang Nanhe. There is really nothing in the temple, and a piece of cloth has to be used repeatedly.

Now that these villagers have left, there will always be some things left in the village that they can't take away, and he can take it back for Jiang Nanhe to use.

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