The treasure map that showed the real route was folded up and stuffed into the package behind the lamb.

Jiang Nanhe didn't plan to put this thing in Futian, lest there were any strange things in it, which would affect his Futian?

Futian was still very fragile. After all, Jiang Nanhe's faith was a little weak. It was good enough to provide incense to maintain the stability of Futian.

When Jiang Nanhe was stronger, the energy he provided was greater, and Futian was more stable, maybe Jiang Nanhe himself could enter Futian.

Forget it now. Jiang Nanhe rarely threw strange things into Futian for fear of affecting Futian.

So he put this map in the package behind the lamb.

The little monsters played until late at night and came back happily.

They chattered about the excitement of today's market. The market was held once a year, and it was a rare and lively event for these little monsters.

They actively discussed every detail of the gathering. This was a rare and lively embellishment in their boring and dull lives, and they were naturally very happy to discuss it.

Jiang Nanhe saw them coming back, greeted them, and went to bed.

He had to leave tomorrow. Although these little monsters were a little reluctant, they still sent blessings to Jiang Nanhe, wishing him a safe journey and a breakthrough as soon as possible.

When he came, Jiang Nanhe said that his strength had reached a bottleneck and he was looking for a breakthrough opportunity.

These little monsters also remembered it, so when they left, they sent Jiang Nanhe blessings for a breakthrough as soon as possible.

The next morning, under the reluctant eyes of the little monsters and Qinglang, Jiang Nanhe waved to them.

After saying goodbye to them, he sat on the lamb's back and set off, heading for the route and direction recorded on the map.

The route recorded on the map looked very clear, but it was a little blurry after a careful reading.

With the general's guess, they figured out a fairly regular route.

According to the route planned by Jiang Nanhe and his team, they had to take a boat and go by water, passing through the big river where the Koi Fat Fish Monster was.

Go to the big river, and then walk on the river for a few days. In about five days, they can leave the state and county where they are.

After walking on the water for more than five days, leaving the current state and county, you can go ashore.

After going ashore and walking west for a while, you will enter a plain, find a forest in the plain, and then take the forest as the starting point and go north all the way to the location of the treasure recorded on the map.

Although the whole route looks simple, it will take at least one and a half months to walk it. This is the fastest way. If there is any delay in the middle, it will take at least two months.

Jiang Nanhe complained to Xiaoyang about how bad the route was, and he was a little worried. Where can they find a boat to take them to the river?

However, Jiang Nanhe always believed that there must be a way when the car reaches the mountain, and the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge, so he and Xiaoyang decided to go to the river ruled by the fat fish monster where they traded yesterday.

If there is really no good way and there is no boat, they can only walk along the river bank. At most, they will waste more than one month, but they can always get there.

Jiang Nanhe and Xiaoyang walked for a while, climbed over the low hill where the market was located, which was lively yesterday but has become deserted today, and saw the river ruled by the fat fish monster.

The river is at least eight meters wide, and it is not easy to measure the depth.

However, from the shore, the river bottom can be seen in the shallow part, and the deep part is dark. The river looks quite dangerous.

Jiang Nanhe and the lamb looked at the big river and were a little surprised. This river is already considered big.

They walked to the river, and Jiang Nanhe squatted down by the river and washed his face with some river water.

The river water is clear, but not very dirty.

The lamb leaned forward and looked at his own figure through the reflection of the river. He cried out and seemed to be in a good mood.

Some cold river water was held by Jiang Nanhe and sprinkled on his cheek, making him more awake.

He said hello to the lamb, and the man and the lamb walked along the river bank.

There are abundant water plants by the river. Some aquatic plants grow tenaciously beside the river with a gentle flow. The aquatic plants are dense, and there is a paradise for some fish and shrimps below.

Jiang Nanhe looked and felt that the scenery of the river was really good.

He and the lamb walked for most of the day, and the river gradually became more turbulent.

Some, and then Jiang Nanhe and his companions came to a small village.

Looking at the small village, Jiang Nanhe remembered that the Green Wolf Demon seemed to have told him that the river where the Koi Fat Fish Demon was located seemed to pass through the human village.

It seems that this village should be that village.

Jiang Nanhe and the lamb looked at each other and walked towards the village together. The village was not big, and there were at most more than 50 families living there.

This was already a very small village, with a population of no more than 200.

As soon as Jiang Nanhe, a stranger, arrived, he attracted the attention of the villagers.

The village lived by the river and usually relied on fishing and farming to make a living. Life was still acceptable. Although it was not rich, it could also solve the problem of food and clothing.

When they saw Jiang Nanhe leading the lamb over, their eyes were a little puzzled.

Soon, the village chief of their village came over. The village chief of this small village was a young and strong man who looked only in his 30s and was still very young.

He was tall and strong, wearing a coarse cloth. He smiled at Jiang Nanhe and asked Jiang Nanhe about his purpose.

Jiang Nanhe glanced at the village chief's knees, then smiled and said that he wanted to pass through this river, enter the big river, and then go north all the way to pass this county.

He just saw on the shore that there were several small boats tied at the simple dock on the river bank, and those small boats should be able to carry him away.

Hearing Jiang Nanhe's purpose, the man in front of him frowned and was a little entangled.

Jiang Nanhe waved his hand, then gave free medical treatment to the surrounding villagers and gave them some medicine.

The villagers were happy to receive Jiang Nanhe's benefits, and he treated their illnesses and gave them medicine. However, they really couldn't take the risk of taking Jiang Nanhe and others on a boat to the direction of the river.

The risk was too great, and they were not willing to bear it.

Jiang Nanhe naturally saw their hesitation, but he didn't say anything, after all, it was normal.

You can't let ordinary villagers risk their lives and take him on a small boat to the river for several days and nights.

How can they support their families? If something unexpected happens, who can bear the risk?

Just when Jiang Nanhe was about to leave, he encountered an unexpected situation.

A child, or a teenager, who was not very old, stopped Jiang Nanhe.

The teenager was taller than Jiang Nanhe, with dark skin, and didn't look very old.

His clothes were a bit simple, and his face was very honest. When he saw Jiang Nanhe staring at him, he scratched his head embarrassedly.

But then he proposed that he was willing to take Jiang Nanhe to the river together, but he only had a small bamboo raft, and hoped that Jiang Nanhe would not despise it.

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