The wind was blowing, and the wind was blowing.

Facing the fierce wind, Jiang Nanhe and the lamb had a harder and harder time walking on the plain.

The originally weak wind suddenly seemed to become an enemy that was struggling with them.

They were pushing Jiang Nanhe and the lamb hard, hindering their progress, and this feeling became more and more obvious.

The lamb's wool was blown a little messy, and the whole sheep was also a little messy at this time. He had never seen such a strong wind since he was a child.

Anyone who saw his current appearance would probably laugh. The wool on a sheep was blown in all directions by the wind. The originally fluffy and soft wool was actually blown smooth by the wind, which made the lamb speechless.

Jiang Nanhe's hair was also blown a little messy by the wind. Originally, his hair was tied together, but it was blown apart by the wind.

The strong wind made his hair seem to be pulled by something, which was a bit painful.

Jiang Nanhe had no choice but to circulate the spiritual energy in his body and attach a light spiritual shield to the outside of his body.

He had encountered similar strong winds before, but in his memory, the violent wind overturned the crystallization of human wisdom. Whether it was tools, buildings or everything, they were all turned into tiny existences in the wind and flew away with a light pull.

Jiang Nanhe still remembers the scene very clearly. Compared with the violent tornado, the wind in front of him seemed not so strong, and even had some gentle meaning.

Jiang Nanhe and Xiaoyang went forward in the direction of the surroundings against the wind for a while, and then the wind around them suddenly stopped.

Seeing this, Jiang Nanhe and Xiaoyang sighed.

Here it comes again. The wind in this area is intermittent. Sometimes it is a gentle spring breeze, sometimes it is a strong wind, and it stops after a while.

Jiang Nanhe guessed that it was because there were no tall trees in this area to block the wind.

There are no mountains, no trees, just a vast plain, so the wind blowing from afar will get stronger and stronger when it reaches here.

But because the wind is uncertain, it will cause this characteristic of being sometimes big, sometimes small, sometimes strong, and sometimes fierce.

Now the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Jiang Nanhe didn't wear too thick clothes. Because he entered this grassland, he also changed into a pair of straw sandals. He only wore a robe and shorts, and he didn't wear any lining inside the robe.

He shook his hair that was stuck to his face. He thought that he must look like a water ghost now, with his hair sticking to his face in a messy way, and some of it was messy and curled up.

The lamb was the same. He was full of resentment. For the first time, he felt that the wind that could drag the kite into the sky was not so good.

The general appeared, looking at the two of them in a mess, how could he suppress the corners of his mouth behind the mask?

Xiaoyang and Jiang Nanhe looked up at the general floating in the air with resentment, their eyes were dim, revealing an inexplicable meaning.

The general restrained the corners of his mouth that were raised behind the mask. Although he knew that Xiaoyang and Jiang Nanhe could not see it, he still coughed and stepped forward to help Jiang Nanhe straighten the hair that was stuck to his face.

He raised his hand and took out a colorful cloth strip, tied Jiang Nanhe's hair, and tied a neat ponytail. Jiang Nanhe raised his hand and touched his cheeks that were a little dry from the wind, and his heart was even more resentful.

Xiaoyang was even worse than Jiang Nanhe. His hair was originally very fluffy, and it was fluffy and soft against his body, like a plush toy.

But at this time, the fluffy and curled wool became smooth when the wind blew. It seemed that the wool would not curl back in a short time. The longest ones dragged on the ground, making the lamb look like a giant long-haired dog instead of a lamb.

He must not want to see his appearance at this time, and Jiang Nanhe did not want to see him like this.

To be honest, it was still a bit ugly. Perhaps noticing Jiang Nanhe's mumbling in his heart, the lamb turned around with resentment, and looked at Jiang Nanhe with resentment in his black eyes.

Jiang Nanhe touched his nose, fixed the general's temple carried by the lamb on his back with a rope, and then jumped off the lamb's back.

He waved to the general and the lamb, indicating that he would walk the next road alone.

The lamb wanted it very much. He did not want to be tortured by the wind and sun, so he said hello to the general and was sent to Futian by the general.

Without mentioning the lambs back in Futian, how could he command those little ghosts to clean their hair?

The general did not leave here. He was worried that Jiang Nanhe would be in danger outside alone.

It was dangerous, so he prepared to go with him for the rest of the journey.

Jiang Nanhe carried the general's temple on his back and rushed in the predetermined direction without slowing down.

His feet stepped on the plants and rushed forward a long way.

He relied on this method to sprint back and forth. Although it consumed the spiritual energy in his body, it was not much for Jiang Nanhe. If he rushed at full speed, the spiritual energy in his body could make him consume three hours.

The general floated beside Jiang Nanhe, his movements were leisurely, but after floating for a while, he couldn't help but hold his forehead and called Jiang Nanhe to stop.

Jiang Nanhe rushed in the wrong direction, but fortunately, it was only the last few times that he rushed wrong, and he didn't go far.

Jiang Nanhe, who was pointed out by the general, touched his nose embarrassedly, then turned his body to the right direction and continued to sprint.

The general's figure no longer floated beside Jiang Nanhe, but sat on his own temple behind Jiang Nanhe, on the one hand to help Jiang Nanhe resist the strong wind, and on the other hand to stabilize the stability of the statue in the temple.

The inside of the statue is a blessed land. If something unexpected happens, it will be a big deal.

So even though Jiang Nanhe used his spiritual energy to fix the temple and the statue inside, the general still decided to add a layer of protection himself.

Jiang Nanhe rushed for a while, and the wind blew around again.

It was just a gentle wind at first, but then it became stronger and stronger. The wind whistled again and again, blowing on Jiang Nanhe, hitting his face and body. It didn't hurt, but it would cause a very strong push back.

Jiang Nanhe sprinted forward against the wind, but it was obvious that his figure was still affected.

Originally, he could sprint ten meters in one breath, but now he could only sprint eight meters. From this point, it can be seen that the wind still had some effect on him.

But Jiang Nanhe was not sad, but very happy.

Sprinting was blocked by the wind. After the wind ended, his sprint distance would be slightly greater. Although it was not obvious, it was still a little improved.

For Jiang Nanhe at this stage, a little improvement is enough to surprise him.

The general also understood this, thinking in his heart, should he find a monster that can fan the wind in the future? Make Jiang Nanhe's training more difficult.

But this is a story for later. At this time, Jiang Nanhe walked for more than ten days in this windy weather before he approached the end of his journey, which is the place where the treasure is hidden in the treasure map.

He looked at a small mound rising from the plain with some fatigue, and felt that his eyes were black.

In the past few days, Jiang Nanhe was completely out of temper by the wind, and even his face was a little pale. It was not because he was tired, but simply because he was blown by the wind. Not only was it pale, but it was also a little dry, and his lips were a little chapped.

But he finally arrived at his destination, and he could breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

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