The general held Jiang Nanhe's lifeless body in his arms for a long time.

His figure was much more illusory than before. Just now, he killed the mountain ghost in a rage, wasting a lot of his stored strength.

But he didn't think it was a pity. At least he could avenge the dead sheep, lambs and Jiang Nanhe, which was worth it.

The so-called mountain ghost is actually called a mandrill. It is a mountain monster in the mountains.

When you look at it during the day, it looks like a tall monkey or a baboon, but it is more oppressive than a monkey.

At night, its hair will become more lush and it will start to walk upright.

This kind of monster will deceive pedestrians walking in the mountains at night and eat their hearts. Many mountain monsters like to eat people, and this mountain ghost is no exception.

In fact, this mountain ghost is very powerful. The green hair and hard skin on its body cannot be cut by ordinary swords.

Yang'er spent his life to injure one of its eyes and left only a few scars on it. It didn't even take long for the mountain ghost to kill the sheep.

You know, Yang'er is only one step away from the monster, but it is this one step away that lays the gap.

The general can split the mountain ghost in half with one knife, which shows how strong he was in his heyday, but this is normal.

He is not a mountain god, not a land god, and even his temple is called the General Temple, which shows his specialness.

But even so, there are still some things he can't do now.

For example, he could not save Jiang Nanhe, nor could he revive the dead and broken sheep.

The general looked at the broken body of Jiang Nanhe in his arms and the blood on his forehead, and he was surprisingly angry.

He also knew at this time that the mountain ghost's target was the eye on Jiang Nanhe's forehead.

Jiang Nanhe was born with three eyes. Even if there were special places on his body, the most special one was the extra eye. So the general was not surprised at all that the mountain ghost's target was that eye.

If the general had not returned in time, Jiang Nanhe might not even be able to save his body. How could the mountain ghost, who likes to eat people, leave Jiang Nanhe's body?

The more the general thought about it, the more angry he was.

But the monster had been cut in half by him, and even if he was angry, he had nowhere to vent.

He raised his hand and stroked Jiang Nanhe's body. Jiang Nanhe had a lot of injuries on his body. The general didn't dare to think about what he had experienced.

Carefully placing Jiang Nanhe's body on the ground, the general's figure floated to the place where the mountain ghost was, whose body had been broken into two.

He had to take back Jiang Nanhe's third eye. The mountain ghost's body was not far away. This mountain spirit had its own talents.

When it escaped just now, the mountain ghost had controlled the trees to block the general's attack, but it was still useless.

The mountain ghost was close to trees and could use some wood-related spells, but in the general's view, it was just a little trick.

This trick couldn't even block his knife, but what's the use? Jiang Nanhe had already died in the hands of this mountain ghost.

The general had sensed the changes on the mountain when he was at the foot of the mountain before.

At that time, he took off his things and rushed towards the mountain quickly, but even if he rushed there at his fastest speed, he was still a step slower.

When he arrived here, Yang'er had already died, and even Jiang Nanhe's eyes had been dug out.

The long knife appeared in the hands of the general's illusory figure again. He looked at the body of the mountain ghost in front of him and snorted coldly.

If the mountain ghost was still alive, he would definitely kill him with a knife, but now, even if the terrified expression on the mountain ghost's face was still so real, the general could clearly sense that the soul of the mountain ghost had been cut in half by him, and there was no possibility of reincarnation. It was impossible for it to live.

The general held the long knife and slashed at the mountain ghost's tightly clenched palm.

The mountain ghost's palm was directly split into two halves, and Jiang Nanhe's eyeballs rolled to the ground in his palm, stained with a little dust.

The general took back the long knife in his hand, picked up the eye from the ground, and released his divine power, and the blood and dust on it all left the eyeball.

Holding the eye, the general felt absurd, but as if he had thought of something, he looked at the mountain ghost that had been broken into two halves.

He slowly fell to the ground,

He stretched out his hands towards the mountain ghost's heart, and the armor on his arms collided lightly, as if making a crisp sound.

He exerted force with both hands and directly tore open the mountain ghost's body. He looked at the mountain ghost's still beating heart, and the face behind the mask showed an expression that was as expected.

Mountain ghosts like to eat human hearts the most, and their hearts are also special enough.

The general stretched out his hand and dug out the still beating heart with a faint green glow. The heart beat gently in his palm.

He held Jiang Nanhe's eyes with his left hand, and held the beating heart with his right hand, and returned to Jiang Nanhe.

The tall figure slowly sat on the ground, picked up Jiang Nanhe's broken body, and then gently exerted force with his right hand.

The accumulated power began to be consumed, and the beating heart slowly turned into a green liquid and flowed into Jiang Nanhe's mouth.

The general hoped that the mountain ghost's heart would save Jiang Nanhe, who was not sure whether he was dead or alive.

He knew that it was all extravagant hope, but he didn't want Jiang Nanhe to die. He wanted these extravagant hopes to become reality.

Jiang Nanhe's wounds began to heal, and his heart, which had stopped beating, slowly began to beat again.

Feeling the slight changes in his body, the general breathed a sigh of relief.

But he was too early to be happy. Jiang Nanhe's changes had stopped, just like the heart of the mountain ghost, which only gave Jiang Nanhe a breath.

Looking at the motionless little man in his arms, the general stretched out his hand and passed some divine power to him.

Perhaps it was because of the heart of the mountain ghost, or perhaps it was because of the general's divine power, Jiang Nanhe opened his heavy eyelids.

The pain from his body was so clear, and it also clearly told him that he was not far from death.

He looked at the general who was holding him, and was happy that he could see him at the end of his life.

He had no regrets, because he saw the body of the mountain ghost that was cut in half.

The God holding him, one hand holding him, the other hand holding up his own eye, which he thought was particularly terrifying.

It was because of this eye that attracted the mountain ghost and caused the sheep to die.

Jiang Nanhe slowly stretched out his hand. He couldn't lift his own arm, but the general saw him raise his hand and held his small hand with his other hand. Jiang Nanhe took the eyeball from his hand.

He hated this eye, but since this thing could attract the mountain ghost, there must be something strange about it.

At the end of his life, he wanted to give this eyeball to the general, and he hoped that the general would not forget him.

He raised his hand slightly, and the eyeball in his hand was lifted up by him. As if sensing his intention, the eyeball actually floated up slowly, and then fell into the general's forehead.

Behind the armor, an open eye suddenly appeared on the general's forehead.

The aura around him changed, and the originally illusory body underwent a wonderful change because of the influence of this eye that existed in reality.

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