The young man was so tired that he had to wait for the next few days.

Jiang Nanhe's guess was not unreasonable, but the strangest part of his body was his eyes. What else could be special about him?

The little Jiang Nanhe got up from the general and walked around in the white space.

His figure was still a little illusory, but at this time, he could no longer feel the pain.

The pain of the soul being torn apart before had been completely repaired at this time. Except for the weak feeling coming from the soul body, there was no major damage to the other parts.

Jiang Nanhe walked around some places, but didn't find anything unusual.

He looked up at the eye-shaped crack in the space, and the crack could clearly see the scenery outside.

And this clarity means 360 degrees without blind spots, which is outrageous.

Jiang Nanhe's eyes can't see 360 ​​degrees, but the eye-shaped crack can be seen completely.

If there is anything weird in this space, it is the crack.

Jiang Nanhe stepped on his short legs and walked towards the crack.

He walked around the crack and didn't find anything unusual.

Seeing Jiang Nanhe observing the surrounding environment, the general didn't say anything, just sat cross-legged on the ground, and then closed his eyes to rest.

Jiang Nanhe turned around and raised his hand to touch the crack.

His fingers emitted a burst of illusory light, and then a somewhat broken page fell out of the crack.

Looking at the page flying in his hand, Jiang Nanhe was a little dazed, and he subconsciously turned his head to look at the general.

He found that the general was lowering his head and closing his eyes to rest, recovering his own strength, as if he didn't notice his abnormality.

Jiang Nanhe scratched his head and looked at the broken pages in his hand.

The pages were very worn out. The whole page seemed to be made of fine silk cloth, but it didn't look like it if you looked closely. To be precise, it looked like it was made of a special fiber.

The pages were yellowed as a whole, with some gaps on them, and even some holes in the middle of the pages.

If there was anything special about the whole page, there were two very obvious and strange lines.

Jiang Nanhe put his hand on the lines on the page, and then a burst of information came into his soul, and he instantly understood some of the situation on the page.

The two strange lines on the page were written with the words "invite the gods".

What is invite the gods? This page gave some introduction.

It is a combination of invite the gods and drive away the gods in the 72 earthly evil arts. This spell is very strange.

There are two lines on the page, each line represents a spell, but now they are combined together to become a strange spell of "inviting gods".

It is precisely the strangeness of these lines that has caused the strange way of getting along with the general now.

Jiang Nanhe offered one of his eyes to the general, and the general was invited by Jiang Nanhe to be his guardian god, just to protect himself and become his own guardian god.

This strange ceremony is simple, but also very difficult.

It is extremely difficult to meet this condition, but Jiang Nanhe and his friends met it strangely.

As for some other knowledge, what makes Jiang Nanhe feel tricky is that there is no introduction on this page.

As for the origin of this page, and what else? There is nothing at all.

When Jiang Nanhe touched the page, the two special characters only passed on some basic knowledge to Jiang Nanhe, as well as the reasons for their current way of getting along, and nothing else.

Jiang Nanhe thought for a moment, took his own small steps, walked to the general, and shook the paper in his hand.

The general opened his eyes and rubbed Jiang Nanhe's head. He was waiting for Jiang Nanhe to speak.

"General, I think I know the culprit who caused our current situation.

Can you see the paper in my hand? It records a strange spell called summoning gods.

We just met the conditions for the activation of this spell, and then it was activated."

The general listened to Jiang Nanhe's words and looked at his finger, but found nothing. He shook his head and signaled Jiang Nanhe not to say anything.

"I have no chance to see that wonderful thing, so Nanhe, don't vent it.

Since you have such an opportunity, you should cherish it and use it as a stepping stone on your way forward.

You are still young, and you have no idea of ​​the dangers of the world.

Don't be wary. Remember not to express your own strangeness in your mouth in the future. Keep it in your heart. "

Jiang Nanhe listened to the general's words, touched his nose, and then smiled at him.

He was too excited just now, but he thought it shouldn't be a big deal to tell the general about this matter, right?

The general looked at Jiang Nanhe's indifferent look and shook his head. He felt that Jiang Nanhe was still not aware of the dangers of the world.

But then he suddenly realized that Jiang Nanhe was only a few months old? Not even a year old. If he knew the dangers of the world, it would be terrible. It seems that the responsibility of teaching Jiang Nanhe in the future will fall on him.

As if he thought of something? The general stood up slowly, then lifted Jiang Nanhe up and held him in his arms.

"We should go out. There is a mess outside waiting for us to clean up.

This time, because of me, you and Yang'er suffered this unprovoked disaster. Fortunately, you have some opportunities and luck, so you can turn the danger into a blessing.

But the sheep died at the hands of the mountain ghost. We should go out and collect its body.

The situation of the little sheep is not optimistic. I don't know if I can go out now, but you can definitely go out.

After you go out, remember to take out the green pill in the mountain ghost's stomach and feed it to the little sheep.

The pill is the gathering of the mountain ghost's power. Originally, I only gave you the heart of the mountain ghost, which is the essence and innate blood of its body.

If you are lucky enough, you may also be able to obtain some of the mountain ghost's innate magical powers.

You can't use the pill because your body is too fragile, but the little sheep can.

He is the offspring of the sheep, and he has the special blood of the sheep. If he eats the pill and is lucky enough not to explode and die, he may be able to turn danger into safety. If he can't bear it, it's his fate. "

Jiang Nanhe sat in the general's arms, listening to his arrangements and words, his expression was much gloomier.

The death of the sheep flashed before his eyes, and he hated the mountain ghost more and more, but the mountain ghost had already died, and he had nowhere to vent his anger.

But now is not the time to vent these, they have to go out quickly to take care of the surrounding scene, so as to avoid any accidents? And the situation of the sheep is not optimistic, they have to go out quickly.

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