The sheep was like a magnet, slowly absorbing unknown energy in the air.

The sheep itself emits a faint green light, which is dim and difficult to detect.

As the light radiates, the surrounding energy begins to surge towards the sheep.

The general's perspective is much more than that of Jiang Nanhe.

As long as he wants, he can clearly see the distribution of blood vessels in the sheep's body, the pulse, and the blood flow.

Just now, he had a conversation with Jiang Nanhe, and Jiang Nanhe told him about the world in his eyes.

This surprised him. The green light emitting from the lamb's body that Jiang Nanhe saw was actually the demon pill of the mountain ghost.

The demon pill began to be gradually absorbed by the lamb, emitting the power inside.

However, a large part of the power in it was not absorbed by the lamb.

So it turned into pure energy and flowed to the lamb's limbs and bones, and some of it dissipated in the air.

The unknown energy that Jiang Nanhe said he saw was absorbed into the lamb's body. In the general's opinion, that transparent energy should be spiritual energy.

The so-called spiritual energy is the essence of heaven and earth. Spiritual energy is a necessary existence for all living beings who practice in this world.

It is precisely because of spiritual energy that living beings have the ability to embark on the road of practice.

Spiritual energy is also divided into attributes. Most of the world is filled with a relatively thin kind of attributeless spiritual energy.

This kind of spiritual energy can be absorbed by any living being, even those who cannot practice.

As long as living beings are alive and moving, they will absorb some spiritual energy.

But most living beings have no immortal fate and no spiritual roots, so they cannot retain this spiritual energy, so they absorb the spiritual energy into their bodies and emit it again.

Some martial arts that mortal warriors study use Qi.

They cannot observe and absorb spiritual energy, but they use another characteristic of spiritual energy to strengthen their own strength.

When the general was still an ordinary human, he was a top master among humans. It can be seen from the fact that his temple was called the General Temple that he should have been a strong man among humans.

In fact, this is exactly the case.

With years of training and his own talents, he can easily fight against a hundred people. Years of military life have made it easy for him to fight against a hundred people when facing ordinary people.

Although I don’t know if he can kill the strong ones among those cultivators when facing them, after all, he has never seen them.

But when they were alive, ordinary cultivators could not last long against him and his army.

Few cultivators came from the mortal realm, but some people got the opportunity to enter the path of cultivation.

These cultivators were basically vulnerable when facing his long sword and army when he was alive.

Even those mountain spirits, some special existences, were just so-so in the eyes of the general.

He was not afraid of that thing, it was nothing more than a existence that could be cut with one sword. If one sword could not cut it, he would cut it a few more times.

He clearly knew how weak the ordinary or low-level cultivators without inheritance and opportunity were.

The reason why cultivators are special and powerful is that they can use energy that ordinary people cannot use.

But not all cultivators are powerful, and the general is very clear about the twists and turns.

But the glory of the past has long become a thing of the past, and now he is just Jiang Nanhe's patron saint.

As history passed, the world had long forgotten him. His glory, his deeds, and all traces of his existence seemed to be forgotten and commemorated by no one.

The general didn't feel much in his heart. His emotions and will disappeared at the moment of his death.

Souls have no self-awareness. They will only follow the rules of this world, enter the reincarnation in a daze, and pass away again.

The general was different. He was canonized in the world and became a god of incense.

Later, the incense withered, and when it dissipated, he met Jiang Nanhe, got some special opportunities, and became Jiang Nanhe's patron saint.

Compared with those innate sacred gods, his special god is not strong, but for Jiang Nanhe, he is always strong.

The changes in the lamb began to become gradually obvious, and even some cyclones appeared around his body.


Some illusory, invisible spiritual energy was sucked into the lamb's stomach, and the more it sucked, the more it gradually condensed into a white mist.

The general had killed many monsters before, and those monsters were not powerful, just some small monsters.

They relied on their own racial talents and some means. Some of them were harming the human world, while others were hiding in the human world, coveting the prosperity of the human world and enjoying the offerings of the human world.

When he was alive, basically no one cared about monsters that did not harm the human world, did not eat people, did not hurt people, and did not make trouble.

Those monsters that were malicious to humans must be killed. After killing more monsters, he also had some understanding of monsters.

So when he saw the lamb's situation, he knew that he was going to transform into a monster.

Ordinary animals, wild animals in the mountains, through some opportunities, or absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, the light of the sun and the moon, or other spiritual things, stepped into the path of cultivation and became monsters.

The monsters at this stage are equivalent to human cultivators in the Qi Refining stage, and they are both in the stage of expanding their own spiritual energy and power.

Such monsters are also very weak, basically stronger than wild animals, with a much longer lifespan and greatly increased wisdom, but no other changes.

If you want to learn magic, it all depends on whether you have inherited memories in your mind.

Some animals have special bloodlines and will inherit some magic when they enter the cultivation environment, but most of them don’t have this opportunity.

The deceased sheep was only one step away from joining the ranks of monsters.

According to the general’s estimation, after the accumulation of time, the sheep will probably succeed if they eat some herbs.

But it didn’t expect that it had bad luck and died at the hands of the mountain ghost. However, its child, the lamb in front of it, got some opportunities and swallowed the demon pill of the mountain ghost. It became a little bit of a climate, but I don’t know if it can survive this disaster.

The lamb that absorbed the scattered spiritual energy in the air and the power of the demon pill has undergone some changes in its body.

Compared with the original, his body was a little bigger, and his hair was also oozing with layers of black oil.

The small space in the temple, with the changes in his body, instantly churned out a disgusting fishy smell.

Jiang Nanhe frowned, he wanted to throw the lamb out, but he didn't know whether moving him now would affect the lamb's transformation.

So he could only leave the lamb here, but his change caused the whole temple to suffer, which made Jiang Nanhe very helpless.

But it is always good to have changes, which is better than no changes at all and losing the breath directly. Jiang Nanhe comforted himself in his heart.

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