The general carefully placed Jiang Nanhe, who was sitting in his arms, on the ground.

Then he floated to the body of the tiger, slid the long knife in his hand a few times, and the skin, meat, bones, tendons, organs, etc. of the tiger were separated one by one.

Jiang Nanhe looked at the general's unique skills like butchering a cow, and was slightly amazed.

The lamb took small steps slowly and walked to Jiang Nanhe's side. The horns on its head had grown a lot, shining in the sunlight, and it could be seen that it was well maintained.

He lowered his head slightly and touched Jiang Nanhe's back with his horns.

Jiang Nanhe pushed the lamb's horn with one hand, staring intently at the general's method of decomposing the tiger's body.

His eyes were shining, like the stars in the sky. The general was watched by Jiang Nanhe, and his movements were faster.

The lamb tilted his head, looked at the head of the tiger in front of him, walked forward, and smashed the head with a hoof.

The lamb was originally a little afraid of the power of the tiger, but now, he saw that the tiger was easily cut into two by the general, and the fear in his heart disappeared.

This guy didn't have much experience. From birth to now, the only crisis he encountered was the mountain ghost.

But he was still young at that time. Now he has grown up a lot and turned into a monster. He is much braver and has not encountered other dangers.

With the general to back him up, he has developed a fearless character.

Jiang Nanhe was very dissatisfied with the lamb's behavior. He felt that the lamb should maintain the necessary vigilance at this time.

Who knows what tricks this dead tiger will have? The general can easily kill it, but it doesn't mean that he and the lamb don't need to be afraid of this tiger.

What if this tiger has any tricks left? Jiang Nanhe and the lamb can't stop it, so Jiang Nanhe stepped forward and tiptoed slightly, stretched out his hand and grabbed the lamb's ear to warn the lamb to be careful.

Yes, the lamb is much taller than Jiang Nanhe now. If Jiang Nanhe wants to reach the lamb's head, he has to tiptoe and pull the lamb's hair to reach it.

The lamb was pulled by Jiang Nanhe's ear, and his expression was puzzled. He didn't understand what Jiang Nanhe was doing?

He sat down slightly and tilted his head to look at Jiang Nanhe. He thought Jiang Nanhe wanted to sit on him, maybe he was a little tired of standing.

Jiang Nanhe was physically weak and couldn't do anything. He was not like him at all. He grew up so big in just a few months, and Jiang Nanhe grew up a little bit.

So Xiaoyang thought that it was normal for Jiang Nanhe to be weak.

When he and Jiang Nanhe went out, he never let Jiang Nanhe walk a few steps, but always let Jiang Nanhe sit on him.

Jiang Nanhe looked at the lamb sitting on the ground, a little speechless, but the lamb sitting on the ground also made it easier for him to move.

He pulled the lamb's ears and pulled him away from the tiger's head.

Just now, the general split the tiger's head and body with a knife, and the head was almost as tall as Jiang Nanhe.

Jiang Nanhe looked at it with fear, Jiang Nanhe was not Xiaoyang's fearless brat.

He was still very mature in his heart, and maturity also meant that he had many fears and knew a lot of truths.

Although he knew that the tiger was dead, he still felt a little scared when he saw the tiger's head that was still bleeding and steaming.

This was quite normal. After all, even in his memory, he was just an ordinary person, and he had never seen such a wild beast.

Moreover, the tiger's bald head was as tall as Jiang Nanhe, and its eyes were wide open, staring straight ahead, which was still very scary. The general was not afraid. He quickly cleaned up all the useful things on the tiger.

The tiger's body was full of good things, and there was nothing that could not be used.

The tiger had originally become a monster, and it had some weather, so the materials and essence on its body were even more numerous.

The general did not even waste the tiger's blood. He carved a wooden barrel with wood and put the blood in it. As for other parts, he also sealed them with wooden barrels.

Even the tiger's skin, the general burned it with his own flame, only burning the inside, and he did not burn the tiger's outer fur.

He planned to keep this skin to make winter clothes for Jiang Nanhe. This tiger skin is very warm. If Jiang Nanhe doesn't want to wear it, it can also be made into a blanket and spread on the bed to keep warm.

The general knew that Jiang Nanhe was afraid of the cold, and with this tiger skin, he could resist the cold.


Of course, if Jiang Nanhe doesn't like it, he can also remove the hair from the tiger skin, and then boil the skin into ointment and apply it to Jiang Nanhe.

Doing so can also increase Jiang Nanhe's skin toughness, body softness, and body strength. Anyway, it won't be wasted.

As for the materials he made the precious medicine that Jiang Nanhe needed, it was the bones and tendons of the tiger.

The bones of the tiger are the best materials. After boiling with herbs for a few days, a special paste will be formed.

This kind of ointment, when applied to Jiang Nanhe during training, will make Jiang Nanhe warm all over and open up the potential of Jiang Nanhe's body.

Combined with special skills and techniques, Jiang Nanhe can better exercise the qi in martial arts. These qi are also called internal strength. The more qi, the stronger the internal strength, and the stronger Jiang Nanhe's strength.

When the general was alive, the first-class masters in the world could easily split the big stone with their own internal strength.

They can smash the internal organs of ordinary people with a light clap of their hands. When the general was alive, his strength was even more extraordinary.

When he was fighting, he could kill the enemy with a chop of his long sword even if he was wearing heavy armor.

In the general's opinion, it was worth it for Jiang Nanhe to use this tiger to boil precious medicine and improve his martial arts attainments.

Because Jiang Nanhe will have a long period of time in the future, his cultivation will be slow. If he wants to protect himself, he has to rely on martial arts.

After all, low-level practitioners are actually picky. The general didn't know how many he had chopped when he was alive. Who made the country where they lived have poor spiritual energy?

It's not obvious here. There are a few practitioners, and they are already rare.

As for why Jiang Nanhe and his friends encounter monsters so frequently, it's because the area where the general and his friends are located is close to the Ten Thousand Mountains, so there are so many monsters.

In fact, in ordinary human cities, it may not be possible for an ordinary creature to transform into a monster in hundreds of years.

According to the general, or according to the general's previous knowledge, if you want to go to the areas where the immortal civilization is strong, you have to cross the endless ocean and the Hundred Thousand Mountains, or the territory of the Hundred Kingdoms.

Where they are is the junction of the Hundred Thousand Mountains and the area where ordinary humans live.

As for the endless ocean, it is at the easternmost part of their area.

The easternmost part of their area is connected to an endless ocean. There are rumors that crossing this ocean will lead to a new area where there are real immortals, gods and other extraordinary beings.

As for the Hundred Kingdoms, the general actually doesn't know where the coverage is.

He only knows that the Hundred Kingdoms are composed of countless kingdoms.

When he was alive, their country was a relatively powerful kingdom in the Hundred Kingdoms.

He also had some reputation in the Hundred Kingdoms, but later the kingdom was destroyed and the world was in chaos. The specific situation of the Hundred Kingdoms became a complete mystery. It is estimated that only the royal family knows it.

The general floated to the tiger's head, reached out and took it in his hand, looking at the tall and ferocious tiger head, a trace of reminiscence flashed in his eyes.

This tiger head is a rare thing, but seeing the resistance of Jiang Nanhe, the little brat, he knew that he was not going to eat it. The general planned to go back and make it himself, and then let Jiang Nanhe offer it to him.

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