The general was very happy.

Jiang Nanhe took off the mask made by the general on his face, and took off the mask and tiger skin on the lamb, and put them back into the wooden barrel that the general opened.

The general saw Jiang Nanhe take care of himself and slowly floated into the cave of the tiger.

He looked at the layout of the cave, thought for a while, and then came to the big stone where the tiger slept in the cave.

He looked at the big stone with a thoughtful expression, and Jiang Nanhe and the lamb also walked in.

The cave was still filled with a strange smell, but the general's golden flame was burning on the outermost layer of the cave, illuminating the cave and burning the air in the cave.

Jiang Nanhe felt that the situation inside the cave after the fire was much better than outside.

However, there was nothing special about this cave.

Jiang Nanhe, who had observed it for a while, did not see the treasures guarded by the monsters in the stories he knew before, nor did he see the precious herbs or other opportunities that grew naturally.

This disappointed him a little. He thought that the tiger could find some treasures, but the fact was that he thought too much. What rare treasures could there be in this wilderness?

The general circled around the big stone where the tiger slept again, and then lifted the big stone. Jiang Nanhe watched the general carry the big stone away, and his eyes widened.

He looked at the general in disbelief, not understanding why he took the big stone away.

The general did not explain much. The big stone looked very big, and it was covered with scratches from the tiger's claws when he was free.

Jiang Nanhe tilted his head and watched the general move the big stone away, and then put the wooden barrels he prepared on it.

He sat on the stone with his whole spirit, and his body emitted a faint golden light, which enveloped the entire stone, and the stone began to float up.

The general was spending his own strength to move the stone. Jiang Nanhe didn't understand why the general did this? But since the general thought the stone was useful, it didn't matter if he took it back.

Anyway, the general was doing the work himself. With his small body, he couldn't even lift a small stone the size of a human head. Now the stone bracelets on his wrists and ankles were heavy enough in his opinion, so people who didn't work had no right to speak.

The lamb swayed in the pile of rocks around, and then picked a few stones that he liked and put them on the general's stone. Jiang Nanhe was speechless for a while, but he didn't say anything.

Jiang Nanhe didn't plan to go shopping. He thought that place was too stinky. He sat on the lamb, and the general floated in the air to lead the way. They were ready to go back.

But they went back a little slowly, because the general was carrying so many things and consumed more energy.

In order to ensure Jiang Nanhe's safety, when the general's strength is mostly consumed, they will stop to rest, and the general will return to Jiang Nanhe's body to recover his strength. When he returns to his prime again, they will continue on their way.

Jiang Nanhe and his men walked and stopped, and stopped by a clear stream.

Listening to the sound of flowing water, Jiang Nanhe felt that his heart became particularly peaceful.

They planned to rest here for a night. The general's remaining strength was not too abundant, so he had to recover for a while. When the general's strength was fully recovered, he would set off to Qinshan.

Before the general restored his strength, he had to tidy up the place where Jiang Nanhe and his men slept.

But it was easy to tidy up, because the stone that the tiger slept on was very flat.

He used the water by the stream to clean the stone, and then found some dry straw to spread on it.

The tiger skin was spread out as a blanket, and a simple frame was built on the stone with branches to prevent Jiang Nanhe and his men from getting wet in the night rain.

The frame was covered with tall leaves of trees, and a simple camp was set up.

Jiang Nanhe was standing by the river at this time, holding a simple chopstick made of two small wooden sticks in one hand and a relatively large bamboo tube in the other hand.

The general and the lamb were setting up the camp, and the other was in a daze.

Jiang Nanhe was now collecting leeches in the stream. Although this special little thing looked a little disgusting and scary, it was actually a very good medicinal material.

And according to what the general said, they also needed these leeches when they boiled the precious medicine, so Jiang Nanhe volunteered to come to the stream to collect them.

The weather is hot and humid now, and at night

The forest will be much cooler when the weather is cool.

Jiang Nanhe stood in the cool stream and felt comfortable all over.

He was also a human-shaped attractor. The leeches had a special liking for Jiang Nanhe, who was delicate and tender. After a while, Jiang Nanhe caught a bamboo tube with at least 100 leeches.

The general asked Jiang Nanhe to come up quickly. He had already set up the camp and it was time for Jiang Nanhe to go to bed.

Jiang Nanhe was at the age of growing up, so the general would not let him stay up too late. As for the food they ate at night, it was relatively simple.

When Jiang Nanhe caught leeches before, he also caught some snails and a few small fish in the river.

These things were Jiang Nanhe's food at night. The lamb just found some fresh and tender grass and ate it. There were also some water plants by the water. The lamb was curious about the taste. This was his dinner.

Jiang Nanhe brought the fruits of his labor to the lamb, and the lamb understood.

He nodded gently, signaling Jiang Nanhe to put the food in his hand on the stone.

Jiang Nanhe did as he was told, and a flash of lightning flashed on the lamb's horns, and a flash of lightning cooked the still lively fish and some snails.

Jiang Nanhe picked up the roasted fish, tore off the fish skin and scales, and threw it into the stream, just as a feed for some small fish and shrimps in the stream.

After eating something simple, Jiang Nanhe lay in the soft and comfortable nest built by the general, sleepy. He was used to going to bed early these days, so he was very sleepy now.

The general returned to Jiang Nanhe's body, and the surroundings became dim again. For safety, the general did not let Jiang Nanhe and others light a fire.

The lamb lay outside Jiang Nanhe, paying attention to the surrounding environment while protecting Jiang Nanhe.

Jiang Nanhe hugged the lamb's soft body and fell asleep soon. The tiger skin that the general had prepared was particularly large. Jiang Nanhe and the lamb lay on it, and there was still a lot of leftovers.

It was just right for Jiang Nanhe and the lamb to use as a blanket.

The lamb looked at Jiang Nanhe who was already asleep, moved his body, and turned his eyes to the surroundings. He observed the surrounding environment, and after confirming that there was no danger, he closed his eyes and dozed off.

The forest at night was actually very dangerous, but the lamb had become a monster after all, and the unique aura of the monster around his body could still make some wild beasts afraid, so there were no predators coming to drink water by the stream.

Although it was a bit difficult to fall asleep listening to the sound of the stream, Jiang Nanhe was used to it. He could fall asleep in various noisy environments in his previous life, not to mention this.

The wind blew the entire forest, the leaves collided with each other and rustled, and the moonlight vented down, coating all the creatures in the world with a layer of silver.

The lamb felt the power of the moon and silently got closer to Jiang Nanhe.

The moon moved slowly, time quietly came to midnight, and some noises appeared in the surrounding woods.

The sleeping lamb opened his eyes, sniffed the familiar and strange smell in the air, and squinted his eyes.

He moved his body and woke Jiang Nanhe up. Jiang Nanhe rubbed his eyes with hazy eyes, raised his hands and hugged the lamb's body. His body flashed with golden light, and the figure of the general appeared around them.

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