The general was busy, but he didn't understand.

Jiang Nanhe didn't say much about the general's method of boiling medicine, because he didn't understand.

In fact, he was still very curious, but he chased the general before, and no matter how he asked, the general didn't explain too much to him.

Well, in fact, the general had to concentrate on controlling the flames in the stone pot, and he couldn't be distracted at all.

Jiang Nanhe held a small fan in his hand and slowly fanned the fire under the stone pot.

In addition to the golden flame of the general burning in the pot, the general also set up a fire under the stone pot.

The flames of the fire were blazing, and Jiang Nanhe even saw that the stone pot was burned red, and he didn't know if it would be burned.

The general ignored Jiang Nanhe. He took the prepared herbs in his hands, calculated the time, and opened the stone pot lid when he felt it was about time.

There was a hole on the pot lid. The general quickly threw the processed herbs, insects, and other minerals into the pot, and then closed the pot again.

Jiang Nanhe looked at the general's skillful movements and was a little curious. What would this pot of precious medicine look like after it was boiled?

The general breathed a sigh of relief after putting the herbs in. The flame in the pot had completely extinguished, and only the flame burning under the stone pot was heating it up.

At this time, the general opened his mouth to answer the question raised by Jiang Nanhe before.

"You, little guy, have too many questions. As for why I can boil precious medicine so skillfully, it's because I saw it a lot when I was a child.

Although the precious medicine I ate when I was a child was not boiled with the flesh and blood of monsters, it was also boiled with ordinary tigers.

And the medicinal materials were more complete than yours, but the doctor who helped me boil the precious medicine at that time used special utensils to boil it. There were some mechanisms in their small stoves.

Our conditions are simple and we can't do that, so we can only use my flame to boil it.

Fortunately, I was curious at that time and asked about the structure and use principle of the stove needed to boil precious medicine, so I can boil medicine for you now."

Listening to the general's explanation, Jiang Nanhe nodded in sudden enlightenment. He said that, seeing the general's actions, no one would not be curious and ask. It seems that the general was the same as him when he was a child.

"Then General, how long will it take to boil this precious medicine? And I see you didn't add spring water or other water to it, will the pot boil dry?"

The general sat on the ground, his illusory body emitting a faint golden light under the sunlight.

He waved to Jiang Nanhe, signaling Jiang Nanhe to sit over. Jiang Nanhe walked to the general with his short legs and sat on his lap, swinging the small fan in his hand while looking up at the general.

"The precious medicine does not need water. I just put my own flame into it to boil the bones and meat into liquid.

This step is a great test of the doctor's control of the flame. Although I am not a doctor and have not received professional training, the flame is burning in my heart, and I can control its temperature at will.

By controlling the temperature, I experimented a little bit and found the best temperature for burning bones.

So the bones inside have now turned into liquid, and the liquid medicine just put in is also slowly melting the medicinal power under the burning of the campfire below."

Jiang Nanhe nodded in sudden enlightenment. The general had just put in a lot of medicinal materials, not only those they planted, but also those found in the mountains, as well as some insects and unknown stones. I don't know if there are any side effects when these are gathered together.

But it should be okay. Jiang Nanhe is still quite confident in the general and the general's golden flame.

The general is different from the gods that Jiang Nanhe knows. He is Jiang Nanhe's patron saint and has super high combat power. The long sword in his hand is invincible in Jiang Nanhe's eyes.

But the general does not have the magic spells that Jiang Nanhe knows.

The most peculiar thing in the general's hand is this golden flame. It can be large or small according to the general's wishes. It can be transformed into a golden flame to drive away evil spirits, or it can be transformed into an illusory flame.

The other peculiarities of the general are gone, or in other words, if he wants to use it, he needs Jiang Nanhe to provide him with power.

As the most special flame on the general, Jiang Nanhe knows it very thoroughly.

It can not only be used as an ordinary flame

Warmth can also dispel ghosts and evil spirits. Of course, as long as the general controls it well, he can even enter the body and dispel some toxins.

So in Jiang Nanhe's opinion, there should be no problem with this pot of precious medicine. He is looking forward to the successful refining of the precious medicine.

The general looked at Jiang Nanhe who was fanning the fire in front of him with a small fan, and reached out to rub his head.

Jiang Nanhe's hair is getting longer and longer, and it is getting harder and harder to take care of. Now for convenience, the general directly tied a rope on Jiang Nanhe's head and made him a sky-high braid.

Jiang Nanhe was quite disgusted at first. He thought it was a bit ugly, but there was no way. He had no say in this regard. He could only listen to the general honestly. Besides, this hairstyle, although it is a bit ugly, is convenient.

But the general didn't think so. Jiang Nanhe is a good-looking little guy. Even with a sky-high bun on his head, the general still thinks it is cute.

It was when Xiaoyang first tied his hair that Xiaoyang laughed at Jiang Nanhe, so in the general's opinion, the reason why Jiang Nanhe reacted so strongly was purely because of Xiaoyang.

Afterwards, the wool on Xiaoyang's body turned into small tufts, and he never laughed at Jiang Nanhe again. Now Jiang Nanhe was not accepting it well.

Thinking of this, the general reached out and poked the small tufts on Jiang Nanhe's head.

The fan in Jiang Nanhe's hand paused for a moment, and he patted the general's hand with the fan in silence.

The general looked at Jiang Nanhe who had run away, retracted his sight, and silently observed the burning of the flame in front of him.

When he felt that the temperature was a little low, he added some firewood, and when the temperature was high, he took out some firewood.

Among the living creatures living on Qinshan, he was the only one who could do this job.

Jiang Nanhe, the brat, couldn't even lift the important wood, and the lamb couldn't tell the temperature. The remaining ones were almost the same, and even a pet general disliked their ugliness.

Jiang Nanhe squatted on the ground, teasing the coyotes in front of him with bones. They were the uglier guys the general said.

After they finished eating the bones Jiang Nanhe threw to them, they continued to patrol the mountains under the leadership of the general's puppy incarnation.

The general can now do two things at the same time, controlling the campfire and controlling his incarnation to patrol the mountains.

Watching them walk away, Jiang Nanhe took a deep breath, stood up straight and stretched his muscles. He also had to practice martial arts. He had been out for two days before, which had delayed him a lot.

After exhaling, Jiang Nanhe silently took a horse stance and adjusted his breathing. He recalled the various knowledge taught by the general in his mind. His breathing became smoother and smoother, and the fatigue and soreness in his body became lighter and lighter.

The general, who was controlling the temperature of the flame, was extremely satisfied when he saw the diligent Jiang Nanhe.

In the general's opinion, Jiang Nanhe was very self-disciplined. He had rebelled when he was a child, but Jiang Nanhe had never rebelled once in these days.

Not bad, not bad, the general praised in his heart. The flames burned more and more vigorously, and the firewood prepared by the general became less and less.

The sun quietly sank to the west, the moon came to the middle of the sky, the stars in the sky twinkled, and finally gradually dimmed, and the night passed.

Jiang Nanhe woke up from his sleep, he yawned, and looked up at the morning glow not far away.

He slept outside last night. He didn't want to be too far away from the general, so he slept outside to help the general replenish his energy. The precious medicine was refined for an afternoon and a night, but it was not successful.

Jiang Nanhe pushed the lamb sleeping beside him. The lamb got up with sleepy eyes, took the tiger skin on the ground in his mouth and shook it, then put it on the wooden rack to dry it. The dew was heavy at night, and the tiger skin was already a little damp.

Jiang Nanhe took care of himself, washed his face, and continued this morning's exercise. He was working hard on his side, and the flames on the general's side were getting smaller and smaller. In his observation, the precious medicine should be ready.

There was no sky-high and strange fragrance in the air as Jiang Nanhe thought, but there was only the smoky smell of the rising flames.

The general extinguished the flame, but the temperature of the rock pot did not subside. It was red as a whole, and it was unknown when the temperature would go down. It seemed that the precious medicine would have to be kept for some time.

Jiang Nanhe thought so, but the medicine was finally refined successfully. According to the general, if it was not successful, the pot would explode directly.

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